Unnatural profile picture


The circumstance of existence

About Me

Well....Lessee here.... I'd decided to name myself as the band "Unnatural" and i know a band usually consists of more than one person....but....i always get some friends to help me out in the performance dept. I've actually been working on this album for over five years now and these songs represent feelings, emotions, epiphanies, and events that have happened to me in that time. They are actually my life's work...and of course being my worst critic....i know they're not much, but as any musician would say, "It must be heard". The album "Reality" is expected to be finished sometime in 2007.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/30/2004
Band Members: Daniel Espinosa (DES)
Influences: The circumstance of existence, in and of itself, is disheartening. That is why it is necessary to do art. Art is an essential response to the conditions of existence, a means by which limitations are transcended, Reality is Realized, Truth is Realized, Light is found. Without that activity there is nothing but this intrusion of changes and death. Participation in an art form should be at least as great as that art form. Art should change you. That is the whole purpose of it. True art heals. True art restores equanimity. Art must regenerate the sense of well-being. That is its true purpose. When art is really useful, it serves this ultimate process of healing, well-being, higher sympathy, and Spiritual Awakening.Avatar Adi Da Samraj
Record Label: M.A.W.L. Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Special Thanks to Neil of Nightmare Era Seven For the Cover Art

The art featured on the main display was done by Neil of Nightmare Era Seven. His art captures the very essence of mood, metaphor, and tastefull excentric beauty.I hold his art in the highest regaurd...
Posted by Unnatural on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 05:40:00 PST

New EP CD Release Date!

Now Registered w/BMI The New Cd Release Date for Unnatural is now Aug. 15th 2007 In the studio now tracking, and remastering for this CD release! It's comming soon people and should be available on...
Posted by Unnatural on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 05:00:00 PST

Who I am?

Here is my URL for my personal profile on myspace.http://www.myspace.com/musicsymbiantif you have any problems getting there i'm also on the friends list as Des .Well, ...awright then....
Posted by Unnatural on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Isolated is very personal to me and very impacting from my heart and tainted soul. I say this because it is in memory of Jill Erica Smith. My loving friend, and a loving mother of her daughter Hera, ...
Posted by Unnatural on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Far Away

Far Away is a song is a union of politics and personal experiences with people and scenarios. It is about investing time for nothing. Much like we're doing with our own nation when it is being run b...
Posted by Unnatural on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

To Lost Souls

To Lost Souls is music that is like a letter to all of the Lost Souls in the world. I've currently decided to produce a rap artist by the name of "Hitler The Dictator" where this will be used in ...
Posted by Unnatural on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST