Chris profile picture


Train Hard Fight Easy

About Me

Owner- Legends MMA . Fighter . Trainer . OK. I guess it's time I finally personalized this page. For those of you who don't know, Roxy built it for me, I didn't write any of this until now. I am not very computer literate, but myspace has proven a great way to stay in touch with friends. OK, I just opened what I believe will be the premiere fight training location in the country, Legends MMA. My partners are, Randy Couture and Bas Rutten. Maybe some of you have heard of them. So I am really excited but competely overwhelmed. I am also a little bit sad to have closed down my baby, The Bombsquad Gym. I am totally in love and in an amazing relationship with the girl of my dreams and my coworkers are my best friends. Guess life could be worse!
My girl LA

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My Interests

Muay Thai, Boxing, MMA, Hip Hop, Bling, Good Food, Good Friends

check out this group of killers

the gym rats

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with similar interests. Fine girls, fine girls, fine girls, good guys, anyone really! oh, did I mention fine girls?


often. I love Hip-Hop, I was raised on it. I also love Reggae, dancehall and roots most. My crew and I go to shows more than once a week and it is my favorite pastime behind fighting.


At home, mostly. Thank god for Tivo! My faves are, Scarface, Pulpfiction, Rumblefish, The Outsiders and many more I will think of and add later.


The best mindless entertainment. Love to kick back in front of the tube after a long, hard day. The Ultimate Fighter, The Contender, Weeds, Sopranos, The Wire and almost all Reality shows, I'm embarrassed to admit.


Love to read, but find it hard with my schedule right now. Read tons as a kid but now i mostly just read on vacations. One of my favorite things is a good book and a chaise lounge on the beach.


Roxy just posted this pic of me with two of my heroes. My partner, Randy Couture and my fighter Jeremy Williams. Two of the hardest working men I have ever met. Others are my coaches, Rob Kaman and Frankie Liles and my best pupil Roxy Balboa. Finally my two oldest and best freinds, Mickey Rourke and Anthony Stein, the best actor and best jazz drummer on the planet, respectively. Who else can say they have met and are freinds with all of their heroes?