I was born in Warsaw, Poland but never could stay in one place so Ive been spending my life traveling and discovering amazing places and cultures around the world.
Im definitely a citizen of the world... (... wide web too ;))
What else... a lot actually:
GRAPHIC DESIGNER (check out PUNIAF.com ), owner of ArtNet company and pretty big music websites TEKSTY.pl and MUZYCY.pl (under reconstruction), photographer, sometimes the associate producer of a movie, business girl, always close to music industry in many ways (check also my IMDB ).
Natural born NetWorker (thats how they call me in Hollywood ;)), uncommon and energetic personality, always optymistic, smiling, extremely honest, loyal, creative, McGyver ;), always looking for fun, new experience and opportunities in life...
Mmm: fast cars, motorbikes, colors ;), tons of music, graphics, photographs, interior design, meeting/watching people, high IQ, electronic toys, dancing, clubs, VIP lists, vodka Zoladkowa Gorzka straight, Tequila, no cooking ;), ice cream, sushi, Italian, cheese quesadilla, barszcz czerwony, iceberg, leather, glass, steel, black, red, white, chrom...