Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 profile picture

Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008

I am here for Networking

About Me

TURN OUT TO VOTE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7th!.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Dr. Robert M. Bowman is running for Congress! Please visit his web site at Bowman2008.com to learn more.

Do you oppose the war in Iraq? Would you like to see President George W. Bush held accountable for his actions? Do you think college should be free in America like it is in the rest of the industrial world? Would you like your student loan debt forgiven? Are you angry that our prisons are filled with nonviolent offenders? Do you think the war on drugs is misdirected? Do you believe everyone deserves health care and a decent hourly wage?

Then it's time to get involved with the campaign to elect Dr. Bob Bowman to Congress.

If you care at all about getting our current congressman, Dave Weldon, out of office, we need your help in mobilizing young voters. We need to get them registered to vote and then urge them to vote for Bowman. Weldon not only opposes abortion, but birth control as well. He has a disregard for the environment. He has rubber-stamped everything President Bush has thrown in his lap.

Dr. Bob doesn't buy the nonsense about everyone under 25 being apathetic. He realizes that younger generation voters and people in the so-called counterculture have been left dissatisfied with candidates who don't care about their issues; who fail to offer them a REAL choice. He wants to change that and give citizens a person they can actually believe in.

Sound interesting? All we're asking is that you 1) check out his stances on key issues below (or check out his website for ALL the issues at www.bowman2008.com) and see for yourself whether or not he's the real deal, a person running for office youd actually be proud to elect, 2) let us know if you're willing to help get the word out, and 3) if you have any talents or services you're willing to offer to help get others interested and involved, let us know.

And just to prove to you that Dr. Bob is serious about changing things, consider that he recently attended an anti-war rally where he said if he gets elected he'd immediately support articles of impeachment for President Bush. He also wants the troops home NOW, not later.

If elected, Bowman would work to pass legislation regarding the following issues:

EDUCATION Dr. Bob favors forgiving student loans and FREE education through college and graduate school, med school, etc., in return for community service. For example, doctors, instead of having hundreds of thousands in student loans to repay, would be asked to work in underserved communities (small towns, poor communities, farming areas, etc.) for a few years.

END THE WAR ON DRUGS Dr. Bowman says if you elect him to Congress he will work to end the disastrous war on drugs, which has turned out to be little more than an excuse to lock up thousands of nonviolent young Americans, while white-collar criminals responsible for destroying thousands of lives go free. He also says he would pardon all those imprisoned for possession or use of small amounts of marijuana. For users of cocaine, heroin, and other highly-addictive drugs, treatment should replace incarceration. Prison should be saved for the importers and distributors of illegal drugs -- including the CIA. I support industrial hemp and the medical use of marijuana.

REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING TO SPEND MORE ON EDUCATION AND HEALTH CARE As a career military officer having flown 101 combat missions in Vietnam, Dr. Bowman knows defense. But he opposes wasting money on unnecessary defense spending. If elected he says he'd support a military strong enough to protect the people of this country but would oppose using the military to protect the financial interests of multinational corporations and banks...the defense budget no longer bears any relationship to our national security. It has become little more than corporate welfare for the weapons manufacturers Eisenhower warned us about... and a subsidy for the transnational financial interests our military protects. I believe defense spending can be cut by more than 50% while increasing our national security.

GLOBAL WARMING Dr. Bob supports the development of electric, hydrogen-powered, fuel cell, or hybrid automobiles, nonpolluting mass transit and intercity transportation, and the development of renewable power sources like solar and wind to combat global warming. We cannot afford to rape our environment...While we seek new sources of energy, we must practice responsible conservation in order to give the scientists and engineers time to do their thing.

HEALTHCARE Dr. Bob wants to kick the blood-sucking insurance companies out of the healthcare business completely, and break the stranglehold of the HMOs and for-profit hospital conglomerates. We must finally join the rest of the civilized world with a doctor-run single-payor national health system. He believes that regardless of your income, YOU have a RIGHT to HEALTH CARE. If elected he would work to pass legislation making preventive and long-term care a RIGHT, not a privilege for those who can afford it.

JOBS AND PAYCHECKS Dr. Bob: One of my top priorities is to stop government subsidies for exporting American jobs. Every American should have the opportunity to work for a living wage. There are no jobs Americans won’t do – only jobs Americans won’t do for the paltry wages given to illegal immigrants. Every job should provide a living wage. One way to accomplish this is to have a minimum wage which starts at $15 per hour and is adjusted for inflation. The minimum wage could also be adjusted for regional variations in the cost of living. At the very least, we should adjust the minimum wage for inflation retroactively to its inception at a dollar an hour. That would raise the minimum wage to about $13.50 – not really a living wage in many parts of the country, but better than what we have now. I am proposing a bill to raise the minimum wage over a period of twelve years to what it would have been had it been adjusted for inflation ever since its creation, and then to continue semi-annual increases to keep up with inflation. But raising the minimum wage is not enough. We must deal with the imbalance in labor supply and demand. To restore wages to a decent level means recognizing that for too long the government has subsidized the exportation of jobs and the importation of cheap labor. Both must stop. Government should impose tariffs on goods imported by companies who export jobs from this country. We must remove the incentives for job exportation. Government must also stop importing cheap labor through its open borders policy. Jailing the employers who hire illegal aliens will be far more effective than walls and fences in solving the problem. Once jobs and workers are brought back into balance, an increased minimum wage will be effective, and a true “living wage” can be achieved. If the private sector can’t provide jobs for all, the government should take up the slack – not with welfare, but with productive work. FDR did it, and it worked. It also resulted in enormous improvements in the nation’s infrastructure. This is often criticized as a “make work” project which produces little. But these same critics often turn around and say that war is good for the economy. But an unnecessary war is a “make work” project of the worst kind, because it produces nothing and destroys much (including lives). Others say tax cuts for the rich are good for the economy because they enable these rich folks to create more jobs. What it really does is further increase the enormous gap between the rich and the poor. The truth is that what is really good for the economy is for every family to get a good paycheck. That should be the objective of government policy... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
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My Interests

Dr. Bob Bowman, while running for the House of Representatives as a Democrat, is pledged to serve the needs of his constituents and the American people, not the lobbyists or big money interests, nor even the party's leadership. Fiercely independent, Dr. Bob is part of a national campaign to Take Back America by electing a Citizens Congress pledged to serve the people. His main issues are (1) End the Iraq War. He supports the call of Congressman Jack Murtha and the U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops for a rapid, responsible withdrawal. (2) Provide Health Care for all. Dr. Bob wants to get the insurance companies out of health care and have a doctor-run Single-Payer National Health Program. (3) Assure financial security for American families. Quit exporting jobs and provide good jobs at a living wage for all Americans.

Dr. Col. Bowman spent 22 years in the Air Force were he flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. Hes the President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies and holds a PhD. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. Dr. Bowman has received awards such as the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President's Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, and has appeared on McNeil-Lehrer, ABC News, the Larry King Show, Donohue, CNN, and Firing Line.

Layout by Brian Christian
4th of July Parade4th of July Parade
Dr. Bob Bowman and Sadie

I'd like to meet:

Progressive people who want Take Back America.


***Please visit my home page at http://www.bowman2008.com/index.htm***


If you are interested in donating to my campaign or to other progressive candidates, please visit ActBlue today. We need your help!

My contribution: $

My Blog


A HUGE STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION! And NO mandate for Weldon! Yes, sadly, we did not win the election but we are still big winners. First, the phenomenal stats: our percentage of the votes was 9% hig...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 09:42:00 PST

The "Cut and Run" Congress

The "Cut and Run" Congress By Dr. Bob Bowman, Candidate for US Congress, FL-15   Dave Weldon and the incumbent Congress have been pounded into irrelevancy by the imperial presidency of George W. ...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:43:00 PST

Dr. Bob on Capitol Hill

Dr. Bob on Capitol Hill From September 11th to 14th, 2006, Congressional Candidate Dr. Bob Bowman (FL-15) visited Washington, DC. He conducted two press conferences, was interviewed at length by Gann...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST


We are very pleased to announce that we won the Democratic Primary election! The final tally from the Division of Elections is shown in the table below. Dr. Bowman is now the official Democratic candi...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:30:00 PST

Dr. Bowman's Vision for America

Dr. Bowman's Vision for America "I envision an America that leads the world, not with military force, but with its vision, its compassion, its democracy, its freedom, its standard of living, its care ...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:32:00 PST

LISTEN UP!!!!!! Bob on the Radio! WMEL AM-920

LISTEN UP!!!!!!Bob on the Radio! WMEL AM-920 Listen to Bob at 2:00 pm on the Ed Dean Show on WMEL AM-920. Every Friday in September!...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:41:00 PST

Dr. Bob Bowman T.V. Ads

Hi Everyone, Look for Dr. Bob's ad on TV, Brighthouse Channel 24, CNN.  See schedule below.  Please write Dave White and let us know what you think!!   Dave White, Campaign ManagerDR...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 05:55:00 PST

Your Invited to Dr. Bob's Official Kick-off Party!!

Hello, Friends! Please Join Usat the Official Campaign Kickoff Party forDr. Bob Bowman for Congress! Come and celebrate as Dr. Bowman starts his official run for Congressman for the United States ...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 05:50:00 PST


  Testimonials "I think you're the most courageous person working in this field today." -- Gerard C. Smith, Chief Negotiator SALT I and ABM Treaties "You never cease to amaze me... You ...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:10:00 PST

We are Number One

Written in January 2003 by Dr. Bob Bowman We're Number One: I'm here tonight to declare to you that the United States is number one in the industrialized world: number one in our use of the world's re...
Posted by Dr. Bob 4 Congress 2008 on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:58:00 PST