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Friends on MySpace, Lisa Chappell, Olivia Newton-John,
Lauren Graham ,Rebecca Lavelle, Keith Urban, Natalie Howard, Caro Jordanow, Genevieve Little....*******xxxxxxxxxxxxxx***************xxxxxxx
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Olivia Newton-John, Lisa Chappell, Caro Jordanow, Elvis Presley, Keith Urban, Shania Twain, Roxette, Madonna, Celine Dion, Country, Natalie Howard, Rebecca Lavelle :o))and many more....
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Grease,Xanadu, Elvis, old movies, musicals,....Roxette One Wish
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Gilmore Girls, McLeod's Daughters, Bones, CSI, Law&Order NY Prison Break.... I'm a series junkie ;o))
Biographies, Nora Roberts, V.C.Andrews, Mary Higgins Clark....
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