You are listening to The Patchwork Players tell the story of Rory the Fox, a folktale from Scotland--hit the OFF button twice to stop it ;-)
People interested in storytelling, story theatre, and stories for educating, entertaining and motivating. We also want to know teachers, librarians, museum directors, actors, storytellers, artists, parents, hospital staff, therapists, social workers, authors, and other people who might want to have storytellers come to their special event, class, library, museum, park, or corporation. Take a look at our on-line calendar to see where Patti and James are performing next
As storytellers, we LOVE books and have stacks and piles and shelves and shelves of books around. Here are some of our favorites:
MySpace Book Lists at MySpace Toolbox !
Here are some quotes about storytelling form some of our favorite storytelling heroes and sheroes:People are hungry for stories. It's part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another. Studs TerkelA writer's brain is like a magician's hat. If you're going to get anything out of it, you have to put something in it first. Louis L'Amour