If you are looking for "Storyteller.net At Borders":
Visit www.storytellingatborders.com for more information.
I LOVE MY work. If you have seen me on one of my roadtrips, please say hello below
The Bio:
Sean has been presenting and storytelling "on the road" since 1985. He’s traveled to perform and present workshops in dozens of states and to hundreds of organizations in those states. His audiences have ranged from just a few people gathered in a living room to several thousand teens and adults. In 2008, he’s tentatively set to perform in Ireland and Singapore as well. He is the founder of Storyteller.net, the largest online resource for storytelling and storytellers.
Sean’s experience also involves training and design for the telecommunication and hospitality industry. He’s done customer service instruction/team development for companies ranging from government to faith based organizations to major corporations. He’s taught and told for companies such as Wells Fargo, AT&T,the Arizona Courts and more.
Most important of all- Sean is the father of four daughters and husband of one wife. He lives in the Phoenix, Arizona area. His wife says that when he is home from the road, he is a great cook.
Get my recent stuff at:
Storytelling at Borders .
My 2008Pics
[email protected]
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