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Crosswind Testing
Aiplanes, Boats, Bicycles, Guitars...er...Bass Guitars, Travel, Food, Food, Food, Oh ya, and did I mention I like airplanes??? and Food!!
My inner Child
Bach to Beck, Motzart to Marley, If its got a groove and feeling its all good. I have about 500 records. Can you say: R E C O R D S.....very good. You know those old fasioned disk your grandparents had that dont fit in your hard drive.
TEAM AMERICAFUCK YEAH!!!Freedom costs a buck-o-five! Anything with a Stewardess, airplanes, airplane disaster, pilots or explosions. Camp is good too, or a really bizarre shocking twist.
Simpsons, King of the Hill, Iron Chef, Discovery Wings, History(Hitlery) Channel,Bicycle racing, Motocross, Sex in the City, Sopranos, School house rock Good Times, Welcome back Cotter, Fat Albert, Speed Racer, The Tick.
The Art of War, Monkey Wrench Gang, Slaughter House Five, any type of Technical Journal or Flight Manual(my book case is full of them) Clancey, Kerouak, Bukowski,
You know who you are!!