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About Me

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I go by the stage name Amazing Johnathan because a long time ago when I was just a kid I couldn't come up with anything better. I am a Comedian-Magician and do an act that's extremely funny to most people, extremely irritating to a few people, and extremely profitable to one person...that's me.
I am currently playing full time in Las Vegas and up until January 25 I was headlining at The Sahara. Then a few odd things happened to end that two year run. One of the odd things was the President of the casino ordering secret cameras to be installed in my dressing room, especially where my girls get changed each night. It seems the upper management has a penchant for peeping.
They were busted after the security team who installed them came forward from the guilt they felt and after seeing these perverts watching the tapes each night. That's not what they thought they were putting them in for. Whatever the reasons... it's illegal and they are now being sued.
Recently the Sahara were caught stealing tickets from my box-office and selling them for their own profits. Another "no no" and so they now owe me hundreds of thousands of dollars which a judge will have to force them to pay up and explain to them why they can't do whatever they want. Like little kids.
So, after deciding these were not the kind of people you want to be working for, I quit and I'm taking the show somewhere more condusive to reality. I will be starting in two weeks at The Harmon Theater at Planet hollywood. The theater is awesome, it's right at the heart of the Strip, and there aren't perverted thieves running the place. not that I know of anyway.
I've come to the conclusion that all the casinos are run by crooked shady characters. Big news right? I'm pretty bright.
So, If your looking for tickets for the show while you are in Vegas, starting Feb 12 I will be at The Harmon Theater at Miracle Mile at Planet Hollywood.

My Interests

Amazing Johnathan: Copperfield
Check TV Schedule

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Myspace BackgroundsThoughts on Life... Here's one way to view life that, to me, seems like the most plausible way...FORGET RELIGION the way it's taught to you by man. Man cannot teach you religion because he doesn't know the truth any more then you do. Someone a long time ago made the stuff up. Some of it is great...some of it is bullshit, just like most books. NONE of it was written by GOD.
Here's the practical way to leading a good life...
Picture life as one giant party and try to have fun at this party because it's probably the only party you will be attending. You don't know who is throwing the party, you just end up there somehow.
So at this party there's a table right in the center of the main room that is beautiful and it's glowing and maybe it's for you or maybe it's not but you want to know what's inside. Everyone at the party does.
The problem is whenever someone tries to open the box their hands go right through it, or it vanishes and comes right back, or the lid just won't come off. You can try everything but it won't open. It drives you mad.
Now here's the difference between living life and not...Instead of making yourself nuts wondering about it's contents you forget it and just go have fun at the party. I mean, nobody knows for certain what the box contains so what's the point of even looking at it? None.
Some people don't enjoy the offerings at the party because they are to busy trying to figure out he boxes contents. Some even lie and go around the party saying he knows what's in the box and who is throwing this party. Some believe him and follow him around everywhere. Some will kill others because they don't believe the same thing about what's in the box.
Much to soon the party is over and you are asked to leave. Guess what? Some people never even noticed the party. They didn't have a blast. They listened to what other people had to say about the party and were told lie and made of stories that they believed about why you shouldn't do this or that because the host doesn't like it, even though they have never met the host.
The Host watched all of this and laughs at the idiots who aren't enjoying themselves. He has put the gift in the main room to lure the people who don't really know how to bash it up away from people who do. They are drags and silly to the Host.
Think about it...would you want to spend the rest of Eternity with these kind of people? The people who spend all their time talking about their "God" and try pushing it in your face and telling you it's their way or no way?
There's no Heaven and there's no Hell. If there is it's right here, right now. On Earth. This is heaven if you make it so. It's also Hell. Just don't be a demon while your here and hurt or ruin anyone's time on this planet. Life is short enough you don't need some asshole running around taking people's lives away or cheating and stealing from them.
The Mark David Chapmans of the world have had their punishment. They didn't get to live a great life. The only thing that's really precious they throw away. The potential to create things, make people laugh, and use their time to learn and do as much as you possibly can while your heart still beats.You want a God and want to give Praise? Make yourself your God. Someone you can see, touch, and hear. There's no invisible man in the sky watching over you, YOU watch over yourself and others and see how it all changes.
Come Join the Party...
Sex Drugs Rock n Roll! If it Feels Good...DO IT! Drive It Like You Stole It!
Amazing Johnathan


Rock: Nine Inch Nails, Oingo Boingo, Mellow: David Grey, Counting Crows The Crystal Method


Planes, Trains, Automobiles, Kill Bill 1 & 2 Anchorman Something About Mary Kingpin


Replay by Ken Grimwood


BUY THE AMAZING JOHNATHAN "LIVE & UNCENSORED" ON VIDEO OR DVD TODAY! The Amazing Johnathan performs his live show at The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, It's an unedited showand contains adult language. ,

To Order go to: Get the Practical Joke Book, the DVD, the Tour Shirt, or get The Magic Set for Adults. Visit Now!