Myspace Layouts at / Watermelon Squares
Myspace Layouts at / Watermelon Squares
id Like liStening to MusiC... it sooothes me... watchin tv.. heariNg NewS... i Like thiNgs that give Me mOre infos than i usually kNow... i Lyk thiNgs thats intRestiNg..coz i easiLy teNd to get borEd.. most especialy wheN iM not happy already bout it.. awww.. but iM patieNt i mean... yes... but sumtyms... haha... i got sick easiLy... yuck! its irritatiNg... ahaha... kiddiNg... but... iM happy.. aNd i am a very outgOiNg peRsOn... i Never cLose my miNd to thiNgs thats new to Me... hahaha... iM sO cHeerFuL that in everythiNg i do... haha... i cheer everybody up! yeah! thats the spirit!! but.... dOnt u thiNk iM soo taLkative aLready... yeah... bet u wOuLd... ahaha... cOoL...
reaL peopLe...
Ne-Y0 - because of...
rNb.. pop.. aLterNative.. mellow.. sLow jaM.. rOck..haha... naMe it...
i LiKe FaNtasies.. i Like shRek.. pRiNcesS diaries.. cLueLess i aLso like.. heartwaRmiNg movies.. true stories aNd faCts abOut life... duhh??? do i sOund so seriOus?? nah--uhhh...
funNy thing... i Love watching national geographic.. am i weird?.. of course not... just curious... haha!