Profile GeneratorNorMaL everydAy TeeNaGe kiD, you likEs tah to what i Like.. liFe is prettY much thE saMe in reaL lifE as it is in the siMworLd... expt maybe, mah computEr gEnEratEd looKs, and aLien abduction is normaL not to mention anaL probing but besides all that.. it's all gooD frOm hEre.. haha!! LovE PlaYin VideO games oN mY spare timE! gotta have thesE man!! hangin out frienDs.. :no man can be, when one is alone: nobody wants to be loneLy right? haha!! well, i eat a lot and i do workout a lot.. is that healthy? anywaYs, yeah.. basically this is me.. and if yaH hate well, sorry to say yoUr BringiN yaHseLf dowN! biaTcH!! haha! oh yeah! loVe hiphop musiC...check ouT maH vidEO.. haha!! i lOve tah freestyLe... i grew up listenin tah eminem, tupac etc.. yeah! im GangsTah!! hmmm.. yuP2x! ^.^