Music, old cars, movies, reading, tikis, mythology, bowling, weightlifting, wargames, and I have been known to drink a little PBR. I've been learning to play my new upright bass.
Other musicians so I can finally start up my Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies tribute band.
I'm a big LP collector, I love vinyl more than CDs, so I'm not going to bore you with a hundred or more bands. Here's the condensed version.
Oi! (yes, both kinds)
old country/bluegrass
I'm a big movie buff just like my mother was. So I ejoy all the classics, late 60's kung fu, blaxploitation, spaghetti westerns, Universal monsters, independent, b-rated, comedies, and porn. I like to watch just about anything really. I've always enjoyed those old Japanese Samurai movies; Zatoichi, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, and Three Outlaw Samurai. Just to name a few. I have to say my favorite movie of all time is Star Wars, It was one of the last movies I watched with my mother before she died. So I guess I love it so much because it reminds me of all the good times her and I had together.
Apparentaly, I'm the only person on myspace that still watch TV. The Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Family Guy, ATHF, Mail Call, Decisive Battles, WWII documentaries, Twilight Zone, Sliders, and Brimstone. IFC Samurai Saturday, is the only reason why television was invented!
love to read, but I can't list all my favorites. So heres a short list; Dracula, The prince and the pauper, Farewell to arms, Hamlet, Cadence, Scarlet letter, Romeo and Juliet, Catcher in the rye, Caesar, Tom Sawyer, Red badge of courage, Moby Dick, Frankenstein, anything William Shakespeare, Robert Lewis Stevenson, I am Legend, Mark Twain and the list goes on and on. I really love to read, but there's usually little time for it. I have just finished reading Fahrenheit 451, and now currently reading The hitch hikers guide to the universe.
Toshiro Minfune, Shintaro Katsu, Johnny Cash, and the founding fathers of the United States. Unfortunately all these men are dead.