Marina! profile picture


be gentle with me.

About Me

I smile alot, oh I love music and art..... I like other people more than my self because to be honest I do not know much about my self, but I'm not too interested, m I can be random,but I can chill out if it bothers people. Well,it may not seem like it but I really want people to get to know me, and learn about me,it is the same as I would want to do for other people. I also want to know you as well. I'm a pretty simple girl. I'm not too wild, allthouh, Im kinda a nerd,and I think I love seeing smiles...I like facial ecpressions. When I get the chance I like being a bit spontanious...but I do not all the time, I like being relaxed and oh I do have my shy moments, maybe I will warm up to you though, Im a complicated situation. Music moves me, this was probably previously mentioned I like seeing van goe in shadows in the park, and ranom shadows on the wall and colours fading in the evening sun.
Currently Playing: :: Two Stones in My Pocket - Neil Halstead ::
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My Interests

I LIKE: music, up state ny, I love music,Im in Jazz band,(how cool is that, pretty damn cool!), art, horror shows, stand up bass, pianno, "so what" by miles davis, I like hugs that mean something, complimenting, making people feel good about them selves,even if I dont lke em too much, solid emotion, small town motels, independent record companies, discovering a new band, learning about new people, making the first move( if I feel brave) getting nervous, fast beating heart, holding hads, striped shirts, trying to rap:) dr pepper, that feeling right before a first kiss, demos and siingles, discovering a crush, summer nights, trying to make music out of random objects, really orginal sounding music, random noise, lisening to instructors teach, never wanting to stop learning, avoiding slacking off, the color green, having an unexpeted person like me, long conversations, looking at art, hanging out at people's houses, running, dreamning, shly meeting new people, facial expressions, smiling,people smilling back, thecolor yellow, the sun, warm air, summer, the sky, clouds, the beach, the woods, radio, nature, the outdoors, classical music, a good inde band, swimming, the snow, interesting trees, I really really like listening to music,if you could not tell argyle, hot choclate, inde movies, ifc., sundance, drawing, going to concerts, spending time with the fam.. the color pink, hugging, hoodies, marching band, nice eyes, interesting facial hair, guys with glasses, people in general, good sounding instruments:trombone, bass, a nice voice from from an indie, an opera star, just watching em sing, rocking chairs on portches, celling fans, spoons, tinned fruit, patotes from ears, ambition to be old and rock upon a portch, ocean veiw, being land locked, twideling thumb, spiderman, static electricity, ray guns, starring, soft fur on the cat, the feel of facial hair to smooth skin, waving at baloons, eating chocolate off chubby fingers, friends from school, Mingus, Glasgow, random cartoons, nashvile, country disco band, when musicans go.. 1, 2, 3..KICK IT! spine tingle, nothing to panic about, panice about nothing, lfts in shoes, country sides, the colour seen when eyes are shut, 16th note 18th combinations, some odd time sigunature, minor chords, silent films, montain tops, coco leaves, discovering a beautful dream, flash of a camera, beautiful things, trumpet player in neutral milk, rasberies, accoustic guitar, different precussion drums, lemoniade, oranges, the smell of the grass, vanilla, chocoalate, japanese animation, tennis, guitar, rock music, chocolate, flowers, dancing, taking picures of things stayin up late, making smoothies, trying to cook, cup cakes, pop rocks, candian inde bands, sub pop records, making mix cd's, making tapes, reading mags some times, showes, sight reading for music, improve jazz, learing to play guitar, messing around on the drums, singing ha, meeting nice guys, flriting( wait do Iflirt, if I knew how IbetI would like flirting) guitar, bass, sax, bassoon, photgraphy, sculputure,paintings, art strawberry ice cream, autum, vanilla ice-cream, king kong burgers, a nice salad, opah, fruit, looking at year books, playing volley ball, attempting to be athletic eating ice, yogurt, crackers, bread, traveling to places, trying to finda job, peaches, driving, yogurt, going to movies, thunderstroms, documentries, sunshine, the out doors, spendin time with people I admire, being happy, trying to keep warm, playing with clay, watching music videos, making my own idependent shorts, acting bizaire,and a lil random,trying to be my self, not following the crowd, thinking about things, philosphy, blankets, reading cuddleing trying on outfits, eating nachos, practing my trombone, complimenting people, ims, calling people on the tele, eating watermelons, trying to geta tan the natural way.without gettingburnt, hanging out at random places with friends, soccer, the sub dudes, playing connect four, seeing other people happy, attempting, plaid, the color black, died hair, observing, band camp, reading biographies, quoting, tag, checkers, saltine crackers, seven up, coke, water, trying to playguitar, degrassi, shows, being home, the old market, summer, swimming, running, charlie, dogs, laughing, my walkman, Pop tarts, eating, head phones blazers, old records, used music biology,world history, getting lost in a book, learning, eating carbs, interesting hiar, school sometimes, skittles,twizlers, watching other peoples home movies, starbusrts, green eyes, college music taking a walk, lemonade, lemons, vintage cothing hats, lake, sunglasses, eye contact, sleeping to music, flowers, showers, science and math, making people smile and happy, milk, kiwi, sweaters, vintage jewlry, shopping for cd's, bob dilan, amazing friends, warm showers fresh baked cookies the rain, glitter, mycat, lip gloss, original people, that fresh taste after brushing teeth, being open minded respecting people an afternoon nap relaxing out side fresh baked cookies, the sky, puppies, target, homers, ted and walleys, summer dresses, chicago, matador records, foreign music, foreign music videos, seeing interesting people downtown, walks in the park, traveling at weird small towns, hot tubs, deep thinking, being chipper, taking care of people, playing pool, upstream, laughing at movies, wendys, frosties, quoting from movies, archetecture, feeling pretty (rare...but it happens) feeling confident, getting goosbumps, blushing, polo shirts, people complimenting me, veggie burger, wearing my hair in ineresting ways. ddr(when I get good at it ha), not being lonely, admiring people, being romantic, energy drinks, anyone who is really talented, people with passion, brilliant music, discovering a new favorite song, used record stores, heart felt folk singers, on guitars, with tunes making me smile, the stars,(when I see them), cross words, the news paper, left of center, physics, dead leaves on a dirt road, laughing a lot with no intentions, giggleging, randomly ryming, sweet phone converstations, old friends remebering you, tingleing ears, fingers lacing through the bones on your spine, feeling the blush heat up the checks, smilling and looking down at the same time, sun shinning in eyes while drving, swallowing jellow, takina a survey and realizing you have a bunch of things in common with someone I have never met, meeitng a new friend and feeling like they have been known for years, typos! sweaty plams, getting a rush of eneregy hoping someone would like the personality, while still remaning your self, feet across carpet, cold shower floor, the coolness of the woods, shade from a tree, protch swings, cherry trees, meddows, flower patches, grainy smith apples, awaiting fall, the first snow, frost, meeting a shy person and having the guts to speak the frist words, getting nervous and exciting to speak to someone, first date nerves, the sound of other peoples laughs, stars of track and feild, the sound of an orchestra, runing in felids,' scrapping feet on pavement while rddding fast on a bike before it hurts, marching to the press box with trombone in hand, with a lot of sound, fiddles, china pattern, sleeping with the lights on, and not knowing why, scared in movie theaters, coulours in my eye lids when my eyes are closed, seeing red when you close eyes and look towards the sun, watching the moon on a lake, being happy and excited for simple things, sun shinning on my face, gleam in peoples eyes, staying up all night talking, intersting bass lines, juming around and being happy, lonely fridays not seeming so lonely, cheek bones, eye brows, peoples studdering when they talk, impefections, freakles, dimples, sunshingheating hair, blister in the sun! guitar players, the humming of an amp, the sound a flip flop makes while grinding against a lown mower, high fives, pecks on cheks, the warmth of a hand, the thoery of magic.. driving music, ranodm converstations, laughing loudly, watnign to wish on a star and feeling dorky about it, legos, waffles, waffles cones, palm trees, wooden light switches, tall cellings, the crisp of bunt toast, banna nut crunk, the smell of fall, leaves falling in hair, late night phone calls, sweet phone messages, dogs isn sweaters, slipping on ice, a down pillow, wool coats, hand made quilts, loyalty, soundtracks, cabins, train rides in the country, wind in my hair, falling asleep with someone, sparrows, crows, birds, Alfred hitchock, people not "sane", mid morning sun, the evening light, standing under a street light, glow of the winters night, alley ways, back roads, straw hats, radio in the country, act a fool! english toffes, british phone booths, wathicng peopel get excited over huskers, laughing at trends, scottish bands, baf pipes, folkers, nice truckers, smirtks, radnom army recruiters, messed up improve solos, ice water, quacker oat meal cold, ranomly speaking in spanish, people tripping over words, the crunch of leaves, making songs up, werido hip hop music and laughing, feeling fur of a wire haired terrior, watching people squirm over a buzz of a bee, cold mouth peice against warm lips, trying to play reed instruments, the humming of a claranet, poofing up hair, icy hands, soft skin, body warmth, gnetly holding hands and not soeaking, speaking with the eyes, going to bed with fresh breath, the moon shinging in the woods, a trourtise and cat in an aquarium, slide oil, jazz trombone, a fella names Eric, cheak bones, over comming emotional problems, laughing at my self, breifly fgalling up stairs, ignoring ignorance, slepeing with my cat, comfy shoes, long socks, dinkles! dr beat, antique muted trumpets, "two headed boy" floating, listen for echos, excellent phrasing, sunday shoes, dance around to records, needle in your heart and hearing it, lacing fingers through the notches in your spine, loving something (that little kid excitment for something) ramen,..I like people, so maybe you could be my interest.

I'd like to meet:

I do not choose to meet people really, but I am fascinated by kinda create intriguing talented people, such as a musician, ir an artist, someone cooler than me.


like I said,I love music, is my world.. I listen to a variety: indie,progressive,folk,a,soul,mo town,alternitice rock, metal,weird experenmenta/jungle,jazz,some country rock,rockibly,some pop,regae, hip hop,punk,old stuff,a lil emo,dance music, classical, a lil techno,not too much,physchadelic,college, grunge,foregin,ska, driving music,.....(good music in general...cant really describe, what good music is, but when its good its good and I like it)I dont want to list all the bands, but right now I like:,(these are all random,...I am in love with yo la tango and guided by voices thouh, they are on top) feathers,gov't mule,the spnito band,mount eerie,the glands,charlie parker,the benzos,andrew bird,the hands,throwing muses, , harvey danger,the little wings,lab partners, velvet crush,aerospace,silver sun pickups,scott walker,grizzley bear, kraftwrek,portastic, dean de bendictis,u,richie valents, Ray Lamontine, the shams, Buddy holly, spiritualized,mazarine,nouvelle vague,, something corpate,b.c camplight,ben folds five,rooney,the acedemy is, gokart mozart, ray la'montagne,the blow,'s,cizen cope, the giraffs,the sights,gilgongo,robbers on high street, with out gravity,a flock of sea gulls, the husky rescue,the red west,dar williams, the coco b;s.creepier lagoon,pony up, sound gardencrhis brubeck, peaches and iggie,pixes,long wave,the bigger lovers,the features,oh my god,radio 4,heat miser, the little ones, elkasobi seksu, enon,lansing dreiden,spain, black montain,white mud free way,her space holiday, falco,, birdmaster,mark leigon, the heelio sequence,the fire theift,altered images,boy kill boy, toto,the jealous sound,rock kills kid,the little ones, the great depression,cehmical brothers, guster,,andrew brid,the high dials, ladytron,m83, stars,the national,british sea power,brendan benson, steven roa,the watch children,john foggety,donovan,people in planes, waren zevon,stereo lab,margot & the nuclear so and so's,the castanets, taught me,holo paw,the sights,,milk hotel of mousy,six organs of admittance, the outfeild,the zombies,rock kills kid,greatlake swimmers, calla,the skygreen lepords, the hooters,gulliminots,mid west sound dilemma,led zep.campo bravo,cocrosie,alivno ray orechstra,komeda, early man,this heat,jeff buckley,paul dunca,rock kills kid, comets on fire,can,wire,elliot smtih,adam and the ants,criteria, tom petty and the heart breakers, the preists,paul jacobsin,the wilderness, the prests,the 6ths,televeion, broad cast,black mountain, art brut,the birthday parties,the madness, the runaways,the von bondies,matmus,nicolai dunger,fire in the kitchen,,the band,the kinks,,lou barley,the most serene republic,, free,zz top,mercury rev,daniel johson, 13 and god,broken spindels,bright black morning light,henry cow,strawbs,latter man,a willhelm scream,the rosebuds,slow runnders, akron/family,malcom middleton,xui xui, the foo fighters,apollo sunshine,gordan gano,devicks, brian eno,the oranger,the witnesses,gustar,radiohead, world leader pretened, kings of convience,emrson lake and plamer,sondre lerche,the purrs,the frank pop ensemble, the arms,paco,, mango spades,james william hindle, n.e.r.d, the fiest,the magnets,ed harcourt,tahiti 80,the troggs, grahm coxon, sam prekop,the fruit bats,couloursound,ivy,evan johanson,tom mcrae,joe 90,greg dulli,griffen house,the sea and cake, luda,the, the cardinals, volcano suns, flipper,tim buckly, mobus band,the harlem shakes,mssion of burma, i'm a kioot, the aquabats,the weakerthans,the ingadels, bedovan sound clash, clear lake, the american analog set,hedwig and the angry , koushik,silent alarm,willie nelson,audiable, chuck prophet,innaway,the mutts, supersystem,swayzacj,the spinners,eric b.& rakim, hail social, cyrstal skulls,p:ano cantakerous,the jiant drag,gabin, american music club,dolerean,the dungen,tender buttons,alpine stars,the ,the high dials, srichard harley,moldy peaches,the comas,adam,boards of canada,super furry animals,idiot pilot,evan olson,, oleander, rober plamer, stephen wolf, the speeds,the bronze experence,subtle, the blues experence,paul westerburg, the blur, radar bros,sun kill moon,the legendary shack shackers,richmond fontane, two gallants, men women and children,forgice durden, portugal the man,Stephen Makmus, poncho sanchez, the new stan getz quartet,,the elected,the lawrence arms,,the loving spponful,,the tea pattern,cobra killer& the kapajackos,the fugazi, halloween alaska,the long winters,youth brigade,7 seconds, calla, the warlocks,h alps,pavement,the smiths,the subway,mystery jets,the casual burn,punchline,the human flight comitee,cnat face the falling,shout out louds,,pulp,the prom,ok go,longwave,,travis morison, quasi,van morrison,them,girls in hawaii, a.c newman,Al Green, ,animal collective,sun volt,Aqua Lung,arcade fire, the bravery,beuna vista social club,belle and sebastian, the cloud room, clap your handsand say yeah, Clarence Carter,cocteu twins, Coldplay, Daboa,decemberists, eels,Elivs Costello, Elvis Presley,Duke Ellington, the animals, Fiona Apple, Gabby Pahnui, iron and wine,new pornogrpahers, iguans,jefferson airplane, the pogues,t,brmc, stryrophome,black tie dynasty, gullimentos, white stripes,interpool,the hives,yo la tango, the shins,et tu brute,the kooks,thom york, head of femur, ramones,eels,guided by voices,death cab, (mostly anyhting on matador records) Kings of Leon,film school, the films,the stills,the,surjan stevens,my morning jaket. doors,franz ferdiand, end of fashion,big sounds, david bowie, bob dillan,bob marley, dan hicks,the cure, Eric Burton,rosso,ride,Dave Brubeck,,Iggy Pop,portishead,the love makers, the colour,Dinnasaur Jr,walking concert, ohio players,beetovwn, ian brown, get the idea,big borhter and the holding company, ok I need a few more,elbow, Wilco,Spoon,the Coral,Neil Young,,mark gardener,rinocerose, the charlitans uk,dirty ol peaches a lil outkast,them, the lashes,...Oh a few years ago (at this band aide thing) I saw this band called knome slaughterhourse,foxy moron they were prety good.....I like Beck,the black keys,dead boy and the elephantmen, badly drawn boy,Jonnhy Cash, chille peppers,red walls,brandston,boy sets fire,hitthelights,,monenne,scratch track,the new amsterdams,limebeck,the dead string bothers,centro matic,the concerets,david byrne,silver jews, pavement,built to spill,frank black and the catholics,(ect if your interested in me more of what I like holla at me and ask)....oh wolf parade, b, the adores,modest mouse,clearstatic, , ,night mare on wax,,the pippets,the charlatans,zutons, motzart,sex pistols,,band of horses, band of bees,tapes'n'tapes,eagles of death metal, Patric wolf,transfer,moving units, green horns,the raptur, vhs orbetta,the stooges,television,pati smith,,siouxi and the banshees,the modern lovers,prime cut,the fall,johnny thunders, jawboxc,placebo,the arcs,buring airlines, ry cooder,afi,ryan admas, bryan adams,hot chip,mr ariplane man, cold play,adolesecents shame 69,jenny lewis,pedro the lion, the pernince brothers,jj, earlimart, the persihers,the beta band,billy bragg, jj johson,the cure,the death ray davies,new pornographers,nick cave and the bad seeds,,pete yorn,embrace,the thrills,cut copy,josh rouse,matt pond pa,band of horses,smokey robison, a band of bees,rinocerose,the presets, french kicks,the stills,electric president,theblood brothers, diefienbach, swayzak, o's,randy,lag wagon,over the rhine, against all authority, kean,the backyards,david gray,santana,bob Marley, siqor rios,d, chin up chin up,velvet undergoround,quicksand,kasiabian,mando diao,badly drawn boy,buffalow tom,air, oasis,neutral milk hotel,Apples in stereo, pretenders,ideal cleaners, q and not u,little willie john,simonand garfunkle,pink spiders,sagelcd sound system,my bloody valentine,the prodigy, olivia tremor controll,of monteral,inaway,supersytem,bear vs shark, ron secsmith,hail socail, circilitory system,led zepland,a lil of a system of a down,the sunshine fix,jeff magnum,the high water marks,the minders,postal service, miles davis, a lil linkin park,get so go, gary brothers,panic at the disco,we are scientists,the acedemy is, death and above 1979,atolux, rocco deluca & the burden, gomez, the black keys,get him eat him,wolf mother,,built like alaska, the subways,people in planes,the stills, the pones,the oranges band,pedro the lion,granddaddy, built to spill,the flamming lips, the liars,calexco,the islands,the pink mountain tops,I love you but I have chosen darkness,the rakes,white rose movement,irving,dios malos,athlete, dogs die in hot cars, star light mints,smashing pumpkins,centro music, the essex green, figurines,we the vechilcles, beirut, radio 5,the boy least likely to suceed,sunset rubdown,destoryer, test icicles,odd nosdam , every move a picture,tom vek,the international noise conspericy, rainer maria,the weepies, rocky voltatlato,richard jullian,matt nathanson,lake trout, alluas & ehrenamos lee,irving,the long winters, elephant eyelash, crosss tide,the every others,the wood brothers,cracker,roger clyne & the peacemakersthe jay hawks,the cars,josh rouse,earlyrolling stones,they byrds,rehett miller,old 97's,eels,the feels,gnarls barkley,,something with kites, cannary rose, pin back, broken boiy solders,nada surf, sam prekop,tortise & bonnie Prince billy, a okkervil riverf,eef barzelay,clem snide,, man man,.t, comunique,,tvox trot, of omnteral mataia taylor,criteria,the elected,may day,e,the spinto band,two galliants,gerling,superchunk, supergrass, archers of loaf, me first and the gimmie gimmies, jaw box scrawl, the afgan wigsm pj harvey, butterglory, love as laughter, flower, fugazi, the apex theory, tar, shudder to think, danielson, archeture in heleskni, swearing at motorists, horns of happieness, impossible shapes, john doe, alejandro escovedo, the knitters, the castaways, janis joplen, cat fish heaven, prince, alexander oh neli, luna, m. ward, mosiquitos,jens leakman, rufus rainright, richard thompson,, peaches nad iggy,the feast, the hidden cameras, the dears .the fierry furnances, aeffect, the double,the, now its over stars your head, the boats, reindeer section, caribouthe twillight singers,the drive by truckers, cory branan, sea change, pete townsstead, the golden republic, m ray daves, mathew sweet and susanna hoofs, richard buttler, turn'n brakes, milton mapes, lucerio,mrs john soda, the mooney suzuc, sorry about dreds, the aka's are everytwhere,hum of a summers night,the names, low, john parin, tom waits,hoodie, cow boy junkies,moving units,the crimera, limebeck,m swell maps,the enegineers, , the feild mice, whole wheat bread,small sins,apartment, ultravox,shipping news,erase erata, los halos,simple minds,the lucksmiths, my life with the thirll kill kult, end of fashion,brandson,damone, les savy fav,,openip,divine comedy,the radio dept.,feild music,the , the most secerene republic,club, wood bine, the stone,oooioo, jack jones,nobody the hush, the electic 6,howey glub,sound,8,tgulliements,orecestra manoevers in the dark,,mulatu Astatque,mark longan and entranced,delays, embrace, gary numan,richard hawley,,dropping daylight,asboi seksu,small sins,the shys,the bouncing souls, saturday looks good to me,kid galahad, ,brandston,the less claypool frgo birgade,, love is all, walking ahsland,under the influence of jiants, fun loving criminals,xaivor rudd, mekons,allen toussant, FOLK IMFUSION, john buttler trio,peace love metal,s, donacon halma, the osscillation, firehose,motorettes, ben kweller, bear country,( pretty much any orginal indie band,, and this not all that I like, but I need to stop listing bands, it could go on FOREVER EVER)


I like the big lebowsky,pulp fiction, boondock saintsgarden state, crawl space, bird cage, one flew over the cookoos nest,vie savior, donnie darko,super troopers, heart of gold,the note book...mid night movies at the dunde,elords of dog town and z boys,the quiet american, walk the line,the shinning ,beetle juice,(anything by tim burton) night mare before chirstmas, the corpes bride, bride and perdujuice, the gossip,mad hot ball room, love and basket ball, what eating gilbert grapes, a night at the roxburry, air plane offfice Sapce.Superstar,movies on comedy central,stupid funny almost everything on ifc, 8 legged freaks, fight club, the goonies,the breakfast cub, pretty in pink, dirty dancing,pretty woman,kung fu huste, crouthin tiget hidden dragon,groundhogs day, the interperter,kapote, old horror movies, movies with ben stiller, old skool,animal house, some of the star wars, lord of the rings, documentries....


t.v is garbage....I dont really watch at all, only if Im pretty bored Ill watch t,v. i like ifc, music videos and adult swim, imf


yup, I read: Counte of Monte Cristo,Life of Pi, the Giver, War in peace, Silas Marner, To Kill a Mockingbird, Little Prince, Mania or Miracles, Scarlet Pimpernell,Lolita, 1984, fake books (for jazz band) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time,One Flew Over the cuckoo's Nest,Fareinheight 451, lord of the flies, Lord of the Rings, Grapes of Wrath, (my world history book, ha seriously) of Mice and men, Gullivers Travels, the Great Gatsby,Outsiders,Pride and Prejudice,A Beautiful Mind, White Oleander,Catch 22, The Kite Runner, Ghandi's truth, Appex hides the hurt, the Bible, The Known World, Brave New World, Brick Lane, A Clock Work Orange, A Breakfeast of Champions, Catcher of the Rye,Slaughter House=Five, Welcome to the Monkey House, (books by Kurt Vonnegut) The Invisible Man, Native Son, The Illustrated Man, Dandlelion Wine, Martian Chornonicals, Something Wicked this way come, (Ray Bradbury books), Moby Dick, The Code book, Old Man in the Sea, I am Legend, Ghost Wars, See no Evil, Dune, Rhetoric, Phedurus, Spinoza, les Miserables, The hound of the Baskervilles, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Secret Lives of Bees, Bark of Dog Wood, A Norhern Light, Memoirs of a Geisha, Girl with a Pearl Earing,Monster, Quicksand,biographies, THe Time Travlers Wife,Prozac Nation, An Insstance at the Fingerpost, HOOKED ON PHONICS!!


.....people who influence me, one of these days Im going to be inspriational to someone, dont know who, but thats my goal right now....I can be your hero baby! Tony is allready, really talented people with heart, anyone with a beatutiful mind. oh and people who over come obstacles, suceeeding through the hardships of life, my parents of course. oh really unique people, most talented musicans would qualify as heros...van morrison for example...I always had admired Chuck...

My Blog


So check it, a lot people may think you know Marina, but do you really KNOW the real Marina ? maybe you do. Who ever gets the most correct answers gets a big sloppy kiss, and or a real life prop from ...
Posted by Marina! on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:57:00 PST

oh paragraphs!

The electric staticness of the rain oh I enjoy it, all this things I think about, I like knowing that something I say could be in part of someones memory, or maybe just floated on like a hummbingbir...
Posted by Marina! on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 04:02:00 PST

life is sometimes good.

Yay not a lonely blog. I guess Im happy right about now, because Im thinking of happiness, actually if you wanna get down to it, Im pretty happy about being unique I guess, and having all these though...
Posted by Marina! on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:09:00 PST

people may think im lazy, I think there crazy.

I wake up in the morning half in a dream and I kinda like it, Im only half sleeping, they run in such a speed there is no need, I like this chillness, yes. I like wathcing my window, watching the tre...
Posted by Marina! on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:05:00 PST

I want to be the house that you were raised in..

and make you feel safe, and the feelings of surronded by warm family, I want to mean something, but I just will not to people. have these ambitons where I want to really mean, I want to be bigger than...
Posted by Marina! on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 07:00:00 PST


Yes it is a horrible feeling, I have no friends in life really I spend most of my life alone, and I dont want pitty. In some odd way, musican comments are the smile I get for the day, and I do not h...
Posted by Marina! on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:01:00 PST

this is random!

soo this is a rant, garge band quit on me wih out saving, grrr, and I am too busy slash annoyed slash sleepy to do anything about it, but its makes me kinda sad. I feell like wrting ranting and maki...
Posted by Marina! on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 08:47:00 PST

SCOTTISH bands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo :)

there has been so many SCOTTISH bands that I have grown to LOVE. and you know what better than the states, and Im pretty much american, infact, if I could I would head there straight way to here all t...
Posted by Marina! on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:10:00 PST

I wish I wasnt so shy...

I have nothing to say, I wish I wasnt so shy.. I have no particalar reson to live, not that I am suicidal,just lost my fire for now, I would still fight to surivive. I shouldn't be so shy, if I said...
Posted by Marina! on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:51:00 PST