!-START Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!
!-Create div with image. Replace my image with the URL of your own image-
OR replace img block with your own code block!!-END Block to Place Custom Banner at Top of Page-!
Hello there! We're Get Down!. We're from Omaha, Nebraska. We like it here, but we wouldn't mind going out and seeing the world sometime soon. We've got some songs that we think are pretty alright, if you like them then that's awesome and thank you for listening to us, it really means a lot. If you live in Omaha and ever want to drop by a practice or just kick it with us, drop us a message or give us a call. We're usually up for anything. But if you suggest Jimmy John's you are in like flynn, for sure. Much love bro's and ho's - err.. ladies! Lovely ladies. And gentlemen. You all are. Seriously. You're beautiful and we love you.-GD!