I love God.
I love theElement...all of you
I love theLoft
I love the idea of love
I love helping people smile
I love helping make lives better
I love exploring
I heart fun
I heart the arts
I heart reading
I heart college basketball
I heart college football
I heart the oregon ducks
I heart hangin at coffee shops
I heart listening
I heart talking
I heart texting
I heart stories
I heart urban
I heart rural
I heart spending time, even if doing nothing, with people I care about
I do and work at a lot
but what I do does not define me:)
I believe I will change the world
Well, I believe in God's ability to change the world using me
I believe it will probably be one person at a time:)
..I love that.
oh, and I'm a little awkward with girls.
would you like to see what I've been doing the last 2 years?
click these:)
Matthew 5:6 blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be filled:)
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