Cedarwell profile picture


Cedarwell is a band.

About Me

Cedarwell comes from Sheboygan, WI. they write record and perform music.


A NEW ALBUM FROM CEDARWELL: "Smoky Mountian Bear" watch the video to learn about it.

these are new videos. alone but aint lonely.

interview and live footagein kansas city from spring tour with JP05

Cedarwell and Jp05 at Skinless Productions Gallery from Zac Eubank on Vimeo .

on a german balcony

in Berlin, Germany. on tour with WTHL and Björn Kleinhenz.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 5/25/2005
Band Website: cedarwell.com
Band Members: Erik G. Neave

with or without:
Joel Philip Stokdyk
Zach Vinson
Jared Beckman
Jeff Patlingrao
Susanna Brandin
Kazuya Hisanaga
The Pharrs
The Oostburgers
The Nybergs

Influences: David Bazan (Pedro the Lion and Headphones), Winter Took His Life, Plankeye, JP05, Beach Boys, Wilco, Mason Jennings, Buddy Holly, Switchfoot, Over the Rhine, Weezer, The Guess Who, Apollo Sunshine, Silverchair.
Sounds Like: Sheboygan
Type of Label: None

My Blog

shows in germany, sheboygan, and the never netherlands, an update, and a gnarly virtual flyer.

Dearest BLOG viewers: hello.  how are you?  i write to you at dusk in Göteborg, sweden; it is cool and i feel peaceful after a day in the sun and chilly breeze walking through the streets an...
Posted by Cedarwell on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:38:00 PST

2 tours and a microphone!

brooklyn has its moments, like everwhere else. we are on the outskirts of brooklyn right now with our friend jeff from JP05 (www.myspace.com/JP05) who is helping us record some songs for a new Cedarw...
Posted by Cedarwell on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 12:35:00 PST

bulletins as BLOGS. an educational video on "Smoky Mountain Bear" health benefits. waduyatank!

hey dude!if you havent heard, Cedarwell has a new CD called "Smoky Mountain Bear."  its pretty cool and super secret so i (erik) thought i (Cedarwell)  would share all the secrets of its mak...
Posted by Cedarwell on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 07:11:00 PST

Back to EUROPE in september: HELP.

hello friends.  i have recently decided to join a very nice band called Rue Royale for a batch of shows in one of my new favorite continents: EUROPE. we will be playing most of our show...
Posted by Cedarwell on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 09:34:00 PST

europe 4: forbidden love

the last drops of snow from the first winter storm ive seen since arriving in europe are landing outside the window.  i am in alingsås, the hometown of susanna (from winter took his life), a...
Posted by Cedarwell on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 11:22:00 PST

europe 3: Outside Of A Car

driving into göteborg, susanna and björn deep asleep around me, björn cracking in and out of a half-snore, surrounded by the kind of bold blue and glaring sunlight and thick, white, clouds that make a...
Posted by Cedarwell on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 06:21:00 PST

europe 2:a stomach full of cheese

good eveningafternoonmorning from luxembourg, luxembourg. greetings are difficult from across an ocean and several time zones. i spent a long portion of last night* writing a long long BLOG only to ...
Posted by Cedarwell on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:52:00 PST

europe tour 1: theme from a cracked head

(the z and y are switched on these swiss german kezboards and i feel unwilling to tzpe so un-americanlz. i have high faith in zou all to translate.) hello from Zurich, CH friends. we just finished s...
Posted by Cedarwell on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:41:00 PST

new songs and your rope

hello friends. i recorded three new songs for a split cd called Sing Out! with winter took his life and bjorn kleinhenz.  the songs wont be available in the states till i get back in april but yo...
Posted by Cedarwell on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST

WEST COAST HELP. and plugs.

good morning from the kingodom of sweden Cedarwell allies.  i have been visiting my good friend from Winter Took His Life who lives here in gothenburg and am really enjoying the country.  if...
Posted by Cedarwell on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:19:00 PST