Theodore profile picture


About Me

Theodore is a four piece band from St. Louis, Missouri. We have been playing music together since September 2006. We have driven around the United States and played music together. We have self-released two full length records, "Songs for the Weary" and "Defeated, Tennessee". "Defeated, Tennessee", our most recent record, is based upon some letters and family debris we found in an abandoned house in Tennessee. We are working on a new full length record. We will be touring a good piece this summer. Thank you kindly for your time and interest. We'll see you soon

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Local Events
Tour Updates

"Half Pint" live on The Space Parlour ..
"Evergreen" live on The Space Parlour

Good and Sweet Elise's Cut
We have been fortunate enough to share a stage with the following outstanding bands/people at one time or another:Lambchop, Damien Jurado, Southeast Engine, Phosphorescent, Deer Tick, The Gunshy, Band of Annuals, Richmond Fontaine, Dolorean, Peter and the Wolf, Glossary, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Two Cow Garage, Andrew Bryant, Liz Durrett, Southerly, Alina Simone, Amy Annelle, Ian Moore, Castanets
Management by Christine Sanley for Undertow Music
This profile was edited with ICUpics Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 3/21/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: JKS JPT JJH ACL
Influences: As John Fahey writes of American folk music: "Shakedowns, false hearts, the triumph of mechanization, cockeyed worlds, prostitution, TB, death, hunger, orphans, widows, tribulation, storm, fears, doom of millions, depression, fucked up highways, strangers, inflation, poverty, phony preachers, storms of life, failure, persecution, battle, old and feeble, murder, wrong-headed love..."american music abandoned buildings H. Williams/J.R. Cash/B. Dylan the Carter Family The Pixies George Jones Jug Bands Jubilee Singers Good Seeds Sown Wrong Sparklehorse Dolorean Townes Van Zandt Damien Jurado Otis Redding Richmond Fontaine Magnolia Electric Co./Songs: Ohia The Band Raymond Carver Breece Pancake Chekhov Calexico Bukowski Leonard Cohen Creedence Clearwater Revival Phosphorescent Sam Peckinpah Ingrid Bergman Peter Sellers Heinrich Boll Velvet Underground Richard Buckner Tom Waits Big Star David Berman The Mummies hurting someone that loves you and still being able to look at yourself in the mirror and then drink another beer
Sounds Like: Dirt trying ever so humbly to be clean.
Record Label: none
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

I'm gonna eat at the welcome table some of these days

Hi. Thank you for your interest in the going concern that is called Theodore. As reward for said interest, here are some facts about Theodore. We are a band that is going on a long tour this summer, b...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 18:19:00 GMT

That Old Lonesome Sound

Greetings--we are excited to announce the online release of a mixtape curated by Baltimore's Splice Today.  It is called The Old Lonesome Sound, and it is a compilation of traditional folk song covers...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 20:12:00 GMT

This is Jeopardy!

Hello, quiz show lovers! Thank you for your interest in the going concern that is Theodore. This is to say that there are several things developing in our vicinity that we are excited about.  We will ...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 20:27:00 GMT

New Video Up

In case you haven't had a chance to pick up a copy of "Live in St. Louis 2008" from the KDHX show Space Parlour, we now have both of our videos from the DVD up online.  Scroll down the main page&...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 15:54:00 GMT

Want some free songs?

We recorded a show Justin played solo recently at Off Broadway. A number of the songs he played are now available as mp3s free for download on a secluded page of our website. Go here and get whateve...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 22:14:00 GMT

Theodore joins the Undertow Music Collective

Two days ago we officially announced our partnership with the Undertow Music Collective.  They are a management group who work with artists like David Bazan, Centro-matic, Someone Still Loves You...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 14:38:00 GMT

RFT names Theodore "Best Country Band (Alternative)" of 2008

"Theodore makes music, from a hush to a helter-skelter, that feels country but can't be. The sound is too eccentric, too impulsive, too illusory. That steel guitar you hear? That's the cry of a ghost....
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:38:00 GMT

New Interview on Baltimore’s, Shows, and Plans

Greetings friends, new and old! A few bits of information to report, chief among them being a new interview with me, Justin, with a popular music/culture e-zine out of Baltimore called
Posted by on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:56:00 GMT

Tour Part I

Gentle reader:Greetings from Athens, OH! we're preparing to play at Donkey Coffee, a sweet little place that is reputed to be the best in ohio. We're playing with jesse remnant of athens' southeast en...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 17:34:00 GMT

prove it all night

dearest gentle reader--   here is where things stand just about now: we have a brand new record out. It is called "Defeated, TN". It is based upon a stack of letters we found in an abandoned hous...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 17:45:00 GMT