Desiree profile picture



About Me

My name is Desiree, and welcome to my page! I am a Business major at Lake-Sumter Community College. After I finish my sophomore year there, I will transfer to a university to complete my last two years of college. I may attend graduate school after that. Some of the things I like are good coversations, hanging out with friends, dancing, and learning new things. I'm easy to get along with, but I'm no pushover. I like people who are honest and loyal like me. Well enjoy my profile!

My Interests

I love helping other people, being productive, keeping up with the news (I believe it is important to know what is going on in the world), playing videogames, listening to music, shopping for clothes, and hanging out with friends. I love to laugh. I also like playing online games.

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I'd like to meet:

new friends and connect with the old ones.


I listen to all different kinds of music. I also like instrumentals that have a good beat.


I'm mostly into comedies. My favorite movie is "Head of State" with Chris Rock. I also like a good action flick every once in a while.


My favorite television show is My Two Cents on BETJ. On this show, a lot of educated people discuss and debate important topics. For the most part, I like to watch anything that will make me laugh. Yes, I still watch cartoons! I love Japanese anime. One of my favorite Japanese cartoons is "Shin Shan". I also like some dramas. I also really enjoy watching comedies like "The Parkers", and "Girlfriends". My favorite cartoon would have to be "The Boondocks" on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. I like how it touches on and makes fun of topics that other shows are afraid to discuss in a funny way. I like shows like "The Shop, MTV".On this show, the barbers discuss topics that interest me, and they always keep me laughing. I also like older shows like that show "My Brother and Me." This show used to be on Nickelodeon a very long time ago. I posted a little bit of the show below.


My favorite types of books are magazines like "Seventeen", "Vibe", and "Source". I like realistic fiction. I like books in a series like "The Boxcar Children" and "Nancy Drew". I liked those series when I was younger. I like action and adventure books. I also like cartoon books like "Spongebob Squarepants" and other animated books.


God because he'll never let me down!!