Sitting down at gigs, watching epic post rock bands, drumming, typing (not at the same time). Lists, apparently. Stupid/offensive (but not racist) jokes, throwing/catching things, violins, cooking, putting paper bags on my head and setting fire to them, tequila (God knows why), the word 'parsimonious', flicking tiny balls of paper at people, tea, unnecessary metaphors, unnecessarily long words, wit, Sega, early 90's point n click Amiga games, my modest yet admirable collection of mugs and t-shirts, cheese, cider, the word 'murk', gigs where people go 'shhhhhhh!' whenever anyone talks during a song. Punishing people for their mistakes. Cereal. Nice smells.
The fact that my list of things I don't like is longer than my list of things I like. Spiders (cunts), people who think their shit's more important, arrogance, incompetence, hypocrites, people who can't grasp a basic understanding of respect, being burnt (that's not a metaphor, I mean like on an iron or something), call centres...people that use the word 'meh'. IT'S NOT CUTE, IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING, being annoyed, frustration, sports, women who use the excuse 'but I'm a GIRL!' for ANYTHING. You're a fucking disgrace. I can NOT STAND indie disco. Or New Wave indie, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. It's music designed for people who don't like music, to help them understand exactly how they should dress and what their hair should look like. Die, every single last one of you. I hate self-righteous bicyclists who hold up all the traffic behind them cuz they think they're saving the world by riding a bike, neatly forgetting the fact that by keeping cars on the road longer, they're causing MORE pollution and effectively negating any potential benefits they would create from riding their rusty shitmobile. Q.E.D MOTHERFUCKER. People who spell 'definitely' with an 'a'. Pointless abbreviations, i.e. 'l8ter'. I shouldn't have to explain why this is stupid. Punishing people for their mistakes. Typing erros.
Bought a book on I Ching. Haven't started it yet.