Dream Catcher profile picture

Dream Catcher

Each One Teach One to Reach One!...

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Acoustic Guitar

I am a natve of the Washington, D.C. metrpolitan area. Poetry has of late become a passion filled fruit stand, full of purpose on the streets, corridors, mountains, and valleys of my life, as I reach up and out sharing raw and awe inspiring poetry with the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of listeners and readers on and off the street where I live.Actually, there are many passion fruits in the centerpiece of my table... Perhaps poetry is just the meal of the day with the rest being appetizers...I am a poet, author, pool player, djembe drummer, hand dancer, basketball coach, and wanna be guitarist...." The fruits of our hearts and minds harbor an oasis of taste.... Though the hands of time don't help us scale the walls of grains of sand we waste"....This is truly what my recently published book of poetry is about; echoes reminding us to recognize and utilize the passion fruits in our very own centerpieces to the point where they become fruitful purposes in and of our lives___ A feat that truly has to be accomplished MASTERfully!My poems will take you on a journey through the natural to get to the spiritual... hand dancing, spinning, and turning to get earshot of the still small voice that is heard beyond the dust.
How to make a Ty
7 parts love
5 parts understanding
2 parts passion
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail straw and a dash of wisdom
..type=submit value="How do you make a 'you'?"
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

My Interests

Poetry / Guitar / Teaching / Coaching / Djembe Drumming / Singing / Pool / Motorcycles************CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO VIEW THE WE ARE GREATER THAN i POETRY SLAM AT MY WAY CAFE IN LAUREL,MD. http://andyjohnimages.com/slideshows/Laurelpoetryslam

I'd like to meet:

I am here to network and collaborate with artists as well as make friends...IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR SOME OF MY POETRY, SEE MY TOP FRIENDS BELOW AND CLICK ON TCT....//////// PLEASE FEEL FREE to explore all of my friends! ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ******************************************************** http://andyjohnimages.com/slideshows/Laurelpoetryslam ************************“Step Back Up”The past we learn about.The present unfolds before our eyes.The future is yet to be seen.If we bind ourselves to the past,How can we experience the present,Or the future?We can’t afford to get stuck in rewind. Just like a VCR, we all have functions And purposes.What good is a VCR that only functions When rewinding?What good are we if we limit our functions And purposes?The past has brought us to today. And should teach us about tomorrow.So,Let us learn from the past, Live for today and, Long for tomorrow.© Beyond The Dust


Banner created by April Sims*********************************** CANDY ACID REIGN *********************


CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO VIEW THE WE ARE GREATER THAN i POETRY SLAM AT MY WAY CAFE IN LAUREL,MD.http://andyjohnimages.com/slideshows/Laurelpoetrys lam


Echoes from Beyond the Dust by Tyrone Clayton Taylor COMING SOON to a bookstore near you... ******** ******** ******** Family, SOFI's LOAD is a MUST READ...If you have not read it yet, order it today! You will not be able to put it down. Sofi's Load click below to order Sofi's Load or go to www.faniasimon.com************************* *************************


"Inspired"I like your style...I appreciate your smile...With your eyes relaying the emotion...Can't help but get a notion...As I start to thinkof the thoughts that would linkus...Standing erect on true devotion...With our bodies tight and our spirits right...Nippled to a bottle of succulent love...The kind of love that's harbored within but comes from above...Got me lustin and yearnin...At the same time twistin and turnin...Flippin the script from bottom to top...Caught up in a whirlwind that just won't seem to stop...But then, I really don't want it to...At least not yet...But dang, we ain't even met...Except for being in the space that separates...Adhering to the bond that makes us create...Known but unknown...With fate making this date...Can you relate?...Can we relate?...Actually, we just did...Naked and standing on nothing hid...Cerebral cortexes and vortexes meeting at the mid...Got me flowin and not knowin what my next line gonna be...You ask me what's my name...I say "Tee"... and I ask you for yours...And you say "POETRY"...I love it!!! But then I always have and always will...Cause we`re comin at the same time in the same place... together but apart... tasting and sharing special parts of the heart...filling voids and satisfying more than just lust... As we come from betwixt and between... and get beyond the dust...Peace, and trust we have... as the ectoplasm of this pie is more than just crust...at the table set for royalty... The door is ajar, so don`t need a key... But if we did I`m reminded of this thing... as circles go around I`m comforted to be on the same ring... as we continue to do the dam thing...peacefully overflowing, Beyond...~copyright Echoes from Beyond 2005~************************************ "The Vapors"SOMETIMES we`re doing just what we`re supposed to be doing. That is to say that we are in agreement with the will of the Father. Then, some selfish, manipulative person tries to feed us some beans about why we shouldn’t do what we are doing... And when we listen to that lonely, selfish, person, we do nothing but pass gas from the beans that they fed us... Meanwhile the will of the Father has not been fulfilled... Oftentimes, people have ulterior motives... Remember that not everyone that wants to help you out of a jam… has "your" best interests at heart... For, if in your journey you have no plan You’ll be walking side by side In someone else’s journey Being guided by their hand Purpose dissipating like vapors Of an aerosol spray In the midst of the air But, out of the can Purposeless yet seeming to be purposeful Till your purpose you begin to understand© Echoes from Beyond 2004When you are not doing anything, people find stuff for you to do...

My Blog

"Trail Light"

 "Trail Light".. As I gaze upon the reflections of the mirrors in my mind Can't help but take notice of the part Of me that's left behind The sight of seasons unfolding to some would suggest That...
Posted by Ty... on Sun, 20 May 2007 12:17:00 PST

Giving Gloria May

"Giving Gloria May"Looking back as far as I can seeTaking inventory retrospectivelyVisions of a struggling mother can be viewed from this windowpane And struggle she did butdid not complainYes, memori...
Posted by Ty... on Sat, 05 May 2007 12:45:00 PST

Remebering Big Mama!...

"Remembering Big Mama"   Each of us is unique in what we were sent here to do. And, we are further influenced by people who were predestined to be a part of our past, present, and future. I am l...
Posted by Ty... on Tue, 01 May 2007 08:38:00 PST

Hand Dance

We need to affectionately dance with, and become friends with our purposes in life...Though, sometimes finding our purpose in life can be like finding a good hand dance partner, we still must learn to...
Posted by Ty... on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 06:39:00 PST

Poles and Holes

Poles and Holes What is a pole to a hole? What is the physical to the spiritual? What is earth to heaven? What is the body to the soul? Will a hole outlast a pole? Will the spiritual outlive th...
Posted by Ty... on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:34:00 PST

Candle Lighting Time

Folk, this is my first attempt in a series of works that I plan on posting...Please enjoy... Comment if you will...Ty...Faucet Love Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Ty... on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 06:40:00 PST

I just got tagged!

I just got tagged by my dear friend Nancia! Thanks for the love!..:) Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about your...
Posted by Ty... on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST

The Greatest Cipher Ever- 17 Jan. 2007

The following is an account of the Greatest Cipher Ever, written by The Poetry Man. http://andyjohnimages.com/slideshows/Laurelpoetryslam ______________________________________  The Greatest Poet...
Posted by Ty... on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 02:36:00 PST

A Rock in the Sand

A Rock in the Sand Ok, yes Dr. King was a very gifted man. He could transform himself into a human rights pitcher and make his words flow like the waters of righteousness, as he poured himself into a...
Posted by Ty... on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:07:00 PST

One Love, One God, One Way

"One Love, One God, One Way"&   Will we pay to play& Will we pay to pray& Will we wander hopelessly& When we have lost our way&   Vanity& Presents it's self& To dominate& And denominate& &nb...
Posted by Ty... on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 04:06:00 PST