About Me
We are five kids who like to make noise that swirls around like a kaleidoscope spewing out angular disco colours and rhythmical patterns. We love to jitter on stage and lose ourselves. we like it best when YOU dance. We are on Vacuous pop who we love, our ep is imminent, purple vinyl anyone? We love to have fun and meet new people, come say hello! We have collective loves for these things : dinosaurs, jurassic park, cats, unicorns, alcohol spray, asthma, football, megadrive, disco dancing, drawing, polaroids and making fools of ourselves at inappropriate moments. we also have an eclectic sense of fashion and haircuts, including odd shoes/socks and a drummer who is addicted to hairspray?weird! more touring soon, news of festivals when we can tell you!;)
EP and 7" coming soon..
'Load.Click.Shoot! knifed the evening in the back by racing out of the start gates, all unexpectedly, in a fit of spazzztic rage, racing their guitars really fast, shouting at each other from three different directions, doing backflips in the form of fast forwarded melodies, and star jumps in broken disco beats. Its pop, but not as we know it. Its new wave like we didnt expect it. Its a bundle of fun rolled into one and thrown onto a pulsating dancefloor. /////////////////////////////POWERPOP! MAGAZINE................................................
"like a disco volcano, projecting highly flammable and devastating molten synth-rock lava..."
"A fearsome beast, this quartet's career is shrieking and yelping along like a possessed banshee with a tumbling rhythm section that screams at every twist and turn and is saddled by some blissfully sharp guitar and keyboard grooves. They are the bastard love child of Test Icicles and The Blood Brothers" ///////////////////////ARTROCKER MAGAZINE....................................................
"Arguably the most exciting group to spring out of devon in recent years, Load.Click.Shoot! deserve your full and immediate attention. The explosive indie-punk, disco-rock cocktail that screams out of the speakers when listening to this band's demo is so addictive and downright thrilling, they should have labels falling over themselves to sign them. Listen, watch and learn, this band will rule the world, or at least your heart!" ///////////////////////THE FLY....................................................
"A tight mix of Q and Not U-style post-hardcore and electro synths, the bands performance was the strongest of the night, and one of the most impressive shows I’ve seen in a long time. Put these guys at the Brudenell on a Saturday night and they’d receive the audience they deserve."
///////////////////////SANDMAN MAGAZINE ....................................
If you wish to get in contact with us or join our mailing list please leave a message, or email load.click.shoot@hotmail.co.uk