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About Me

Un desiderio si è seduto al mio capezzale tutte le sere.
Ve lo ritrovo ad ogni aurora.
Ha vegliato su di me tutta la notte.
Ho camminato; ho voluto fiaccare il mio desiderio;
Ho potuto soltanto stancare il mio corpo.
[André Gide]

" ..I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe).. "

+ Art + Music + Photography + Oblique Strategies + Literature + People +
+ Tea + Toys + Vanilla + Frippertronics + Grain Fields + Hands + Cigarettes +
+ Hands With Cigarettes + Nail Polish + Giant Hogweeds + Hay Scent +
+ Trains + Incense + Comets, Horses And Tails + Old Books + Wax + Wind +
+ North Stars + Propositions + Chocolate + Boots + Glitter Bands + Fur +
+ Venus In Furs + Keyboards + Vintage Clothes + Spring + Francis Drake +
+ Oak Leaves + Velvet + White Russian + White Flowers + Red Nightmares +
+ UV + Re-makes And Re-models + Moondancing + Desires + Revelations +
+ The Scent Of Closed Rooms + Candles + Carpets + Secret Gardens +
+ Waves And New Waves + Violins + China Girls + The Jazz Age + Cocktails +
+ Myst Island + Smoky Nightclub Situations + Blue Cafés + Ink And Paper +
+ Biscuits Lefèvre-Utile + Silver Rockets + Endymions + Pure Madness +

oh will you never let me be / oh will you never set me free / the ties that bound us/ are still around us / there’s no escape that I can see / and still those little things remain / that bring me happiness or pain / a cigarette that bears a lipsticks traces / an airline ticket to romantic places / and still my heart has wings / these foolish things / remind me of you / a tinkling piano in the next apartment / those stumbling words that told you what my heart meant / a fairgrounds painted swings / these foolish things / remind me of you / you came / you saw / you conquered me / when you did that to me I somehow knew that this had to be / the winds of March that make my heart a dancer / a telephone that rings but who’s to answer / oh how the ghost of you clings / these foolish things / remind me of you / gardenia perfume lingering on a pillow / wild strawberries only 7 francs a kilo / and still my heart has wings / these foolish things / remind me of you / I know / that this / was bound to be / these things have haunted me for you’ve entirely enchanted me / the sigh of midnight trains in empty stations / silk stockings thrown aside and sin-vitations / oh how the ghost of you clings / these foolish things / remind me of you / the smile of Garbo and the scent of roses / the waiters whistling as the last bar closes / the song that Crosby sings/ these foolish things / remind me of you / how strange / how sweet / to find you still/ these things are dear to me that seem to bring you so near to me / the scent of smoking leaves the wail of steamers / two lovers on the street who walk like dreamers / oh how the ghost of you clings / these foolish things / remind me of you / just you...

oBLiQue StRaTeGieS GeNeRaToR_____________________________________

My Poetry Selection
William Blake + Never Seek To Tell Thy Love +Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind does move Silently, invisibly.I told my love, I told my love, I told her all my heart; Tremblin, cold, in ghastly fears, Ah! She doth depart.Soon as she was gone from me, A traveller came by, Silently, invisibly: He took her with a sigh.
William Blake + I Heard An Angel Singing +I heard an Angel singing When the day was springing: "Mercy, Pity, Peace Is the world's release."Thus he sang all day Over the new-mown hay, Till the sun went down, And haycocks looked brown.I heard a Devil curse Over the heath and the furze: "Mercy could be no more If there was nobody poor,And Pity no more could be, If all were as happy as we." At his curse the sun went down, And the heavens gave a frown.Down pour'd the heavy rain Over the new-reap'd grain; And Misery's increase Is Mercy, Pity, Peace.
Percy Bysshe Shelley + The Moon +And, like a dying lady lean and pale, Who totters forth, wrapp'd in a gauzy veil, Out of her chamber, led by the insane And feeble wanderings of her fading brain, The moon arose up in the murky east A white and shapeless mass.Art thou pale for weariness Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless Among the stars that have a different birth, And ever changing, like a joyless eye That finds no object worth its constancy?
John Keats + When I Have Fears +When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, Before high-pild books, in charact'ry, Hold like rich garners the full-ripened grain; When I behold, upon the night's starred face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace, Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance; And when I feel, fair creature of an hour That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love;--then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think, Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.
Oscar Wilde + La Fuite De La Lune +O outer senses there is peace, A dreamy peace on either hand, Deep silence in the shadowy land, Deep silence where the shadows cease.Save for a cry that echoes shrill From some lone bird disconsolate; A corncrake calling to its mate; The answer from the misty hill.And suddenly the moon withdraws Her sickle from the lightening skies, And to her sombre cavern flies, Wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze.
Oscar Wilde + Endymion +The apple trees are hung with gold, And birds are loud in Arcady, The sheep lie bleating in the fold, The wild goat runs across the wold, But yesterday his love he told, I know he will come back to me. O rising moon! O Lady moon! Be you my lover's sentinel, You cannot choose but know him well, For he is shod with purple shoon, You cannot choose but know my love, For he a shepherd's crook doth bear, And he is soft as any dove, And brown and curly is his hair.The turtle now has ceased to call Upon her crimson-footed groom, The grey wolf prowls about the stall, The lily's singing seneschal Sleeps in the lily-bell, and all The violet hills are lost in gloom. O risen moon! O holy moon! Stand on the top of Helice, And if my own true love you see, Ah! if you see the purple shoon, The hazel crook, the lad's brown hair, The goat-skin wrapped about his arm, Tell him that I am waiting where The rushlight glimmers in the Farm.The falling dew is cold and chill, And no bird sings in Arcady, The little fauns have left the hill, Even the tired daffodil Has closed its gilded doors, and still My lover comes not back to me. False moon! False moon! O waning moon! Where is my own true lover gone, Where are the lips vermilion, The shepherd's crook, the purple shoon? Why spread that silver pavilion, Why wear that veil of drifting mist? Ah! thou hast young Endymion Thou hast the lips that should be kissed!
William Blake + In A Myrtle Shade +Why should I be bound to thee, O my lovely Myrtle-tree? Love, free Love, cannot be bound To any tree that grows on ground.O! how sick and weary I Underneath my Myrtle lie; Like to dung upon the ground, Underneath my Myrtle bound.Oft my Myrtle sigh'd invain To behold my heavy chain: Oft my Father saw us sigh, And laugh'd at our simplicity.So I smote him, and his gore Stain'd the root my Myrtle bore. But tha time of youth is fled, And grey hairs are on my head.
Emily Dickinson + For Each Ecstatic Instant +For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy.For each beloved hour Sharp pittances of years - Bitter contested farthings - And Coffers heaped with Tears!

Peace, A Beginning - King Crimson
I am the ocean
Lit by the flame
I am the mountain
Peace is my name
I am the river
Touched by the wind
I am the story
I never end.
I Talk To The Wind - King Crimson
Said the straight man to the late man
Where have you been
I've been here and I've been there
And I've been in between.
I talk to the wind
My words are all carried away
I talk to the wind
The wind does not hear
The wind cannot hear.
I'm on the outside looking inside
What do I see
Much confusion, disillusion
All around me.
You don't possess me
Don't impress me
Just upset my mind
Can't instruct me or conduct me
Just use up my time
I talk to the wind
My words are all carried away
I talk to the wind
The wind does not hear
The wind cannot hear.
Same Old Scene - Roxy Music
Nothings last forever
Of that I'm sure
Now you've made an offer
I'll take some more
Young loving may be
Oh so mean
Will I still survive
The same old scene'
In our lighter moments
Precious few
It's all that heavy weather
We're going through
When I turn the corner
I can't believe
It's still the same old movie
That's haunting me
Young loving may be
Oh so mean
Trying to revive
The same old scene
Young loving may be
So extreme
Maybe we should try
The same old scene
By This River - Brian Eno
Here we are stuck by this river
You and I underneath a sky
Thats ever falling down, down, down
Ever falling down
Through the day as if on an ocean
Waiting here always failing to remember
Why we came, came, came
I wonder why we came
You talk to me as if from a distance
And I reply with impressions chosen
From another time, time, time
From another time.
River Waltz - Cowboy Junkies
I'm going to find me a dying river
and strike a deal with her I'll say.
"I'll fold you in two and I'll carry you away
to a place where your headwaters will flow
clean through to your mouth".
in return I'll request a small sanctuary
by her banks where we will live
with our small family
she will water our garden
and clean the dirt from our skin.
While the word clamours at our door
we will dance and not let them in.
and if one day we wake up to a bed dry as a bone
find our river stolen, find our sanctuary gone
we will stand and take stock and be grateful
for what we've not lost.
we will pack up our bags, pack our small family
head across the valley to where the aspen trees
shiver as they ascend
the green hills rising to blue.
at the edge of the shopping we will turn
and bid fond ädieu".
All that I know to be true
is the touch of your hand on my skin.
one look from you can so easily soothe
all this turmoil within.
as we dance cheek to cheek
with our feet so completely
locked in a time all our own
I stop to speak
but you gently keep me
moving in time to the song
and in a voice that is sloppy with gin
you say, "let the world spin"...
I'm going to find me a dying river
and strike a deal with her I'll say,
Ï'll fold you in two and I'll carry you away
to place where your headwaters will flow
clean through to your mouth".
in return I'll request a small sanctuary
by her banks where we will live
with our small family
she will water our garden
and clean the dirt from our skin.
while the world clamours at our door
we will dance and not let them in.
Moonchild - King Crimson
Call her moonchild
Dancing in the shallows of a river
Lovely moonchild
Dreaming in the shadow
of the willow.
Talking to the trees of the cobweb strange
Sleeping on the steps of a fountain
Waving silver wands to the night-birds song
Waiting for the sun on the mountain.
She's a moonchild
Gathering the flowers in a garden.
Lovely moonchild
Drifting on the echoes of the hours.
Sailing on the wind in a milk white gown
Dropping circle stones on a sun dial
Playing hide and seek with the ghosts of dawn
Waiting for a smile from a sun child.
Sea Song - Robert Wyatt
You look different every time you come
From the foam-crested brine
Your skin shining softly in the moonlight
Partly fish, partly porpoise, partly baby sperm whale
Am I yours? Are you mine to play with?
Joking apart - when you're drunk
you're terrific when you're drunk
I like you mostly late at night you're quite alright
But I can't understand the different you in the morning
When it's time to play at being human
for a while please smile!
You'll be different in the spring, I know
You're a seasonal beast like the starfish
that drift in with the tide
So until your your blood runs
to meet the next full moon
Your madness fits in nicely with my own
Your lunacy fits neatly with my own, my very own
We're not alone
Shell - Peter Hammill
Turn a card, turn a page,
the action sure to start,
second-stage reaction
to illogical thoughts on random lines
in a Borges dream we move toward
the writing of lives.
Leave it out, leave it in,
no edits -
with a shout, with a grin I said
it was a certainty that I'd arrive
in an Escher sketch
we walk around
the drawing of lines.
The character uncertainty
as he contemplates his lot
and tries to move with urgency
though he's rooted to the spot.
On the brink, on the edge,
but lately what I think,
what I said escapes me
in a flash, a tiger burning bright -
does the visionary trance obscure
the burgeoning night?
And she said "What are you doing?"
And he said "What do you think?"
Oh, no,
what on earth are we doing?
The characters procrastinate
on the threshold of the door;
there's something here that fascinates,
though the meaning's still unsure
and the plot so thick.
Is it some kind of history?
Sketch the thumbnail to the quick.
Oh, even though it's full of contradiction,
though it's flawed in the design
this is no fiction,
it's a lifeline.
Here we are, there we went,
full circle, shooting stars,
heaven-sent, turned turtle on the beach
our shells are left behind
life a library, like a memory
of our ghost-written lives.
Nightporter - Japan
Could I ever explain
This feeling of love it just lingers on
The fear in my heart that keeps telling me which way to turn
We'll wander again
Our clothes they are wet
We shy from the rain
Longing to touch all the places we know we can hide
The width of a room that can hold so much pleasure inside
Here am I alone again
A quiet town where life begins
Here am I just wondering
Nightporters go
Nightporters slip away
I'll watch for a sign
And if I should ever again cross your mind
I'll sit in my room and wait until nightlife begins
I'm catching my breath
We'll both brave the weather again
Here am I alone again
A quiet town where life gives in
Here am I just wondering
Nightporters go
Nightporters slip away.
2HB - Roxy Music
Oh I was moved by your screen dream
Celluloid pictures of living
Your death could not kill our love for you
Take two people - romantic
Smoky nightclub situation
Your cigarette traces a ladder
Here's looking at you kid
Celebrate years
Here's looking at you kid
Wipe away tears
Long time, since we're together
Now I hope it's forever
Ideal love flies away now
White jacket, mmmn, black tie wings too
You gave her away to the hero
Words don't express my meaning
Notes could not spell out the score
But finding not keeping's the lesson
Here's looking at you kid
Hard to forget
Here's looking at you kid
At least not yet
Your memory stays
It lingers ever
Will fade away never
Golf Girl - Caravan
Standing on a golf course
Dressed in P.V.C.
I chanced upon a Golf Girl
Selling cups of tea
She asked me did I want one
Asked me with a grin
For three pence you can buy one
Full right to the brim
So of course I had to have one
In fact I ordered three
So I could watch the Golf Girl
Could see she fancied me
And later on the golf course
After drinking tea
It started raining golf balls
And she protected me
Her name was Pat
And we sat under a tree
She kissed me
We go for walks
In fine weather
All together
On the golf course
We talk in morse
Love To Love You - Caravan
I dreamed of all the magic things that be
When we'd ride to a dock on bended knee
But you'd just smile and gently shake your head
And put a hole through me so I was dead
Oh, I'd fall down and I was left alone
With a feeling of you still that was my own
Oh, I would love to, love to love you
Yes, indeed, I do love you, love you
My, my, pigs might fly, that can't be bad
How you have the cheek to smile and tell me I'm mad
A man came through the wall and stood by me
Complete with bag of nuts and fancy free
He said without a tonal fleeting glance
"I'd like to get deep down inside your pants"
How you opened up his head and smiled
And rubbish from your mouth you ticked inside
Oh, I would love to, love to love you
Yes, indeed, I do love you, love you
My, my, pigs might fly, that can't be bad
How you have the cheek to smile and tell me I'm mad
A Song For Europe - Roxy Music
Here as I sit at this empty cafe
Thinking of you
I remember all those moments
Lost in wonder
That we'll never find again
Though the world is my oyster
It's only a shell full of memories
And here by the Seine
Notre-Dame casts a long lonely shadow
Now - only sorrow
No tomorrow
There's no today for us
Nothing is there
For us to share
But yesterday
These cities may change
But there always remains my obsession
Through silken waters my gondola glides
And the bridge - it sighs ...
I remember all those moments
Lost in wonder
That we'll never
Find again
There's no more time for us
Nothing is there
For us to share
But yesterdays
Ecce momenta
Illa mirabilia
Quae captabit
In aeternum
Modo dolores
Sunt in dies
Non est reliquum
Vero tantum
Tous ces moments
Perdus dans l..enchantement
Qui ne reviendront
Pas d'aujourd'hui pour nous
Pour nous il n'y a rien
A partager
Sauf le passe
Victims Of The Dance - Tuxedomoon
Feel like Cassandra
The last dance of the bones
In spite of sudden death
As is at last
She knew in a breath
We'll all be dancing
On our own
With no past
With no regrets
But Cassandra had problems
She denied a god love
and he ruined her gift of prophecy
She could see it all
But no one believed her
No one believed her when she said
We are all victims of the dance
We are all victims of the dance
and seeing the future
seeing the future
Forseeing the future's
Not for us
It's unimaginable
We are all victims of the dance
We are all victims of the dance
We can't see the stoplights
Can't see the stoplights
With no fore or hindsight
We just go blind
We are all victims of the dance
We are all victims of the dance
We met at a dance
Was it my dream or yours?
Who knows
It was so long ago
It hit me friday evening stained with purple mirth
The longer you stay away the crazier i get
Crowded at faceless parties so gutted and sunk
Winking at the warm bodies
Taking deception for granted
Trying to dance
Just an immortal ghost
and us?
What about us
Let's have another drink on the host
Cause we are all victims of the dance
Who fall and recover
Fall and recover
and fail to discover
First things first
With an unquenchable thirst
We drink
Who By Fire - Leonard Cohen
And who by fire, who by water,
who in the sunshine, who in the night time,
who by high ordeal, who by common trial,
who in your merry merry month of may,
who by very slow decay,
and who shall I say is calling?
And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate,
who in these realms of love, who by something blunt,
and who by avalanche, who by powder,
who for his greed, who for his hunger,
and who shall I say is calling?
And who by brave assent, who by accident,
who in solitude, who in this mirror,
who by his lady's command, who by his own hand,
who in mortal chains, who in power,
and who shall I say is calling?
Epitaph - King Crimson
The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams.
Upon the instruments if death
The sunlight brightly gleams.
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams,
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
As silence drowns the screams.
Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.
Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back and laugh.
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.
[Gigino Falconi]


Aprimmo la finestra al cielo notturno. Gli uomini come spettri vaganti: vagavano come
gli spettri: e la città (le vie le chiese le piazze) si componeva in un sogno cadenzato,
come per una melodia invisibile scaturita da quel vagare. Non era dunque il mondo abitato
da dolci spettri e nella notte non era il sogno ridesto nelle potenze sue tutte trionfale?
Qual ponte, muti chiedemmo, qual ponte abbiamo noi gettato sull'infinito, che tutto ci
appare ombra di eternità? A quale sogno levammo la nostalgia della nostra bellezza?
La luna sorgeva nella sua vecchia vestaglia dietro la chiesa bizantina.
[Dino Campana]

1. Prog Archives
2. Ondarock Webzine
3. The Art Renewal Center
4. L'Ottavo Nano
5. Jan Svankmajer
6. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
7. Oblique Strategies
8. In Video Veritas
9. The Mysteries Of Time And Space
10. Andre' Gide
11. Francis Drake

My Interests


+ M u F F a +

Acqua Fragile, Affinity, Agitation Free, Alan Parsons Project, Alan Sorrenti, Amon Duul II, Ange, Anglagard, Annexus Quam, Arcadium, Area, Ash Ra Tempel, Atomic Rooster
Audience, Balletto Di Bronzo, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Barclay James Harvest
Biglietto Per L'Inferno, Brainticket, Burning Red Ivanhoe, Camel, Can, Caravan, Catapilla, Cluster, Comus, Colosseum
Cressida, Curved Air, Czar, Daevid Allen, Delivery, East Of Eden, Egg, Eloy, Embryo, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Family
Fantasy, Focus, Fotheringay, Fruup, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Gong, Gravy Train
Greenslade, Guru Guru, Happy The Man, Hatfield And The North, Hawkwind, Henry Cow
High Tide, Hugh Hopper, Ithaca, Jade Warrior, Kaleidon, Kevin Ayers, King Crimson, Locanda Delle Fate
Magma, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Matching Mole, McDonald & Giles, Mighty Baby, Monument, Morpheus,
Museo Rosenbach, Napoli Centrale, National Health, Nektar, Nice, Nucleus, Orme
Osanna, Pavlov's Dog, Pentangle, Perigeo, Pete Brown & Piblokto!, Peter Hammill, Picchio Dal Pozzo
Pierrot Lunaire, PFM, Quatermass, Quintessence, Raw Material, Renaissance, Rick Wakeman
Robert Wyatt, Soft Machine, Spring, Steve Hackett, Strawbs, String Driven Thing, T2, Tea & Symphony, Titus Groan, Tonton Macoute,
Traffic, Van Der Graaf Generator, Yes

+ A n T i M u f f A +

!!!, A-ha, Alien Project, Alien Sex Fiend, Alphaville, Amazing Blondel, Amduscia, American Analog Set
And One, Andy Pratt, Aphex Twin, Apoptygma Berzerk, Argine, Art Of Noise, Art Zoyd
Ashram, Assemblage 23, Associates, Asylum Party, Athamay, Austin Lace, Autechre, B52's, Bauhaus
Be Bop Deluxe, Beatles, Belfegore, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Blind Guardian, Blood Axis, Bloody Dead And Sexy
Blonde Redhead, Blondie, Blue States, Blutengel, Bob Dylan, Brian Eno, Bryan Ferry
Cabaret Voltaire, Can, Caribou, CCCP, Cerberus Shoal, Chameleons, Chants Of Maldoror, Chemical Brothers, China Crisis, Christian Death
Chrome, Cinema Strange, Claire Obscur, Clan Of Xymox, Clinic, Clock DVA, Cocteau Twins
Combichrist, Covenant, Cowboy Junkies, Cranes, Cruxshadows, Current 93, Daft Punk, Darren Hayes
Das Ich, David Bowie, David Sylvian, Death In June, Deep Purple, Dead Can Dance
Dead Or Alive, Debussy, Deep Forest, Deine Lakaien, Delerium, Depeche Mode
Dernière Volonté, Devo, Diary Of Dreams, Diorama, Dire Straits, Diva Destruction, Donovan
Drexciya, Dulce Liquido, Duran Duran, Eagles, Echo And The Bunnymen, Eels
Einsturzende Neubauten, Electric Light Orchestra, Enigma, Eric Clapton, Eurythmics
Everything But The Girl, Evil's Toy, Fad Gadget, Faith And The Muse, Faust, Fin De Siècle, Fischerspooner, Four Tet, For Against, Frigidaire Tango, Front 242
Frozen Autumn, Gabriel Fauré, Gang Of Four, Garbage, God Module, Gotterdammerung, Grant Lee Buffalo
Helloween, Hocico, Human League, Humble Pie, Icon Of Coil, Iggy Pop, Infadels
In The Nursery, Infected Mushroom, Interpol, Iron Maiden, Jah Wobble, Janis Joplin
Japan, Jean Michel Jarre, Jeff Buckley, Jefferson Airplane, Jethro Tull, John Cale, John Foxx
John Martin, Joy Division, Julian Cope, Junior Boys, Kasabian, Killing Joke, Klaus Schulze, Klimt 1918
Kraftwerk, Krisma, Ladytron, L'Ame Immortelle, LCD Soundsystem, Led Zeppelin
Legendary Pink Dots, Legowelt, Leonard Cohen, Lights Of Euphoria, Litfiba, London After Midnight
Lost Sounds, Lou Reed, Love, Low, Ludovico Einaudi, Madre Del Vizio, Malice Mizer, Man Man, Marc Bolan
Marillion, Mark Knopfler, Mark Lanegan, Mark stewart, Marvin Gaye, Massive Attack
Matt Elliott, Maximilian Hecker, Mephisto Waltz, Mercury Rev, Mesh, Metallica,
Michael Nyman, Miss Kittin, Morrissey, Mott The Hoople, Mud,
Nebula H, Negative Format, Neil Young, Neon, Neu!, Neva, Neuroticfish, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Nick Drake
Nico, Nirvana, Nitzer Ebb, Norma Loy, Novembre, Orange Sector, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, Patrick Wolf
Pere Ubu, Pet Shop Boys, Peter Frampton, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd
Pink Military, Placebo, Porcupine Tree, Portishead, Prana, Prefab Sprout
Prodigy, Project Pitchfork, Psyche, Psychic TV, Pulp, Queen, Radio Dept, Radiohead
Requiem In White, Rip Rig + Panic, Robert Fripp, Roxy Music, Roy Harper, Roy Wood & Wizzard, Royksopp, Sad Lovers And Giants, Sakamoto
Savage Garden, Scott Walker, Sex Gang Children, Siekiera, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Simple Minds
Siouxsie & The Banshees, Sisters Of Mercy, Skinny Puppy, Slade, Slowdive
Smashing Pumpkins, Smiths, Soft Cell, Sol Invictus, Solitary Experiments, Soman
Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Spandau Ballet, Sparks, Spyrogyra, Status Quo, Steely Dan, Stereolab
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel, Supertramp, Suzi Quatro, Swans, Sweet, T.Rex, Talk Talk
Talking Heads, Tangerine Dream, Tears For Fears, Television, Ten Years After, The Associates
The Cure, The Danse Society, The Divine Comedy, The Doors, The Feelies, The Fall
The Future Sound Of London, The Housemartins, The Moody Blues, The Mostly Autumn
The Pop Group, The Sound, The Southern Death Cult, The Stooges, The Style Council, Thin Lizzy, Throbbing Gristle,
Tim Buckley, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Tuxedomoon, Uk Decay, Ultravox, Van Morrison
Vanishing, Velvet Underground, Violent Femmes, Virgin Prunes, Visage, Vitalic, VNV Nation
Wall Of Voodoo, Who Made Who, Wilco, Wire, Within Temptation, Wolf Parade, X-Mal Deutschland, XTC

More Than This...


Velvet Goldmine (Todd Haynes)

L'Argent De Poche (François Truffaut)

Atlantic City (Louis Malle)

Milou A Maggio (Louis Malle)

The Great Gatsby (Jack Clayton)

L'Ascenseur Pour L'Echafaud (Louis Malle)

My Fair Lady (George Cukor)

American Beauty (Sam Mendes)

Lost And Delirious (Léa Pool)

Adele H. (François Truffaut)

Orlando (Sally Potter)

Washington Square (Agnieszka Holland)

The Hours (Stephen Daldry)

Zazie Dans Le Metro (Louis Malle)

The Blues Brothers (John Landis)


That's my only television :)

Non amo la televisione, però, però... :

1. L'Ottavo Nano

2. Fawlty Towers

3. '70-'92 [wub]


André Gide - I Nutrimenti Terrestri

André Gide - I Falsari

Oscar Wilde - Il Quinto Vangelo

Oscar Wilde - Il Ritratto Di Dorian Gray

Sebastiano Vassalli - L'Oro Del Mondo

Elsa Morante - L'Isola Di Arturo

Stendhal - Il Rosso E Il Nero

Virginia Woolf - Orlando

Boris Vian - La Schiuma Dei Giorni

Sebastiano Vassalli - La Notte Della Cometa

Marguerite Duras - L'Amante

Hermann Hesse - Narciso E Boccadoro



x x x x x x x x x x x x

My Blog

Raul Montanari - Moog Island

RAUL MONTANARI Morcheeba - Moog Island[da: Nelle galassie oggi come oggi - Covers]   Non hai capito, non hai mai capito,ora Ti spiego bene cosa voglio. Voglio soltanto cose morbide, e atomirotond...
Posted by Calyx on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:11:00 PST

Jens Lekman - Into Eternity

  If I had to choose a moment in timeto take with me into eternityI would choose this,this moment with you in my armsI know we've lost the final battleI know we are prisoners,...
Posted by Calyx on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 06:06:00 PST

My 2007 Top 10 Albums

* * * 1. Field - From Here We Go Sublime2. !!! - Myth Takes3. Alex Delivery - Star Destroyer4. Mice Parade - Mice Parade5. Odawas - Raven And The White Night6. Panda Bear - Person Pitch7. Modest Mouse...
Posted by Calyx on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:24:00 PST

le cose più belle che esistono stasera...

il contorno degli ulivi nella semioscurità il respiro paziente del mio cane coleman hawkins la terra interamente tesa in ascolto il mio martini con ghiaccio e limone  ...
Posted by Calyx on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:10:00 PST

Untitled I

Posted by Calyx on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:38:00 PST

Faites La Parole, Pas La Guerre.

* Forse, finche' fuori farà freddo, fabbricheremo favole fantastiche, fra folli fuochi fatui festeggeremo frivole frenesie feline, frangeremo firmamenti, flebili finali floreali; fuggiremo fra ferrovi...
Posted by Calyx on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:22:00 PST

Meglio Allevare Caprette!

  Sono morbide, più leali, e meno presuntuose dei docenti della Sapienza.(Roma, Via Carlo Fea n°2, etc. ) E fanno anche il latte! A cosa serve studiareall'università, quando comunque apprendere c...
Posted by Calyx on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST

Inspired by...

... :)
Posted by Calyx on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:55:00 PST

The Land We All Believe In

  ...chi riconosce tutti i gruppi vince una sacher.   ...
Posted by Calyx on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:26:00 PST

Failing Songs...

Non una recensione, ma solo un viaggio di fantasia all'interno dell'ultimo plendido e incredibilmente suggestivo disco di Matt Elliott (Failing Songs).Se non avete mai ascoltato il disco in questione,...
Posted by Calyx on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 11:53:00 PST