Songwriting and recording. Ye shuttynge of ye bent stycke...or traditional archery as it is also known. Cooking. Fine red wine.
Aliens. Deities. Mythical creatures. Sponge Bob......who is utterly real.
All of it.There are only two types GOOD and BAD and even some that is bad is good because it's so bad.Currently liking Antichamber who I am producing at the minute.(They are Good-good....honest!)Check out VBU click the button now!
Anything with rayguns,swords,or spooky goings on. "I've got a DVD out,shall we watch it?"my wife says to me on a regular basis........"Does it have rayguns I reply!" Actually,now that I think about it this is an improvement....I used to say..."is it Barbarella?" learns!
All of the stuff they regularly take off for the football,the rugby,the cricket,the tennis,the olympics,the showjumpin,sheepdog trials,ladies curling,bowls etc.......nuff said!
I have several and have read them all.....honest.They all have RAYGUNS and BIG SPACESHIPS and MYSTICAL SWORDS and DIRTY VAMPIRES.I see a pattern forming here.
Really strong black coffee from a really strong black coffee machine,served in tiny little cups.Lavazza Qualita Rossa preferably!These wee fellas have saved my life more times than Superman.....disappointing kryptonian twat!
Also the finest thing after a night at the pub is traditional chipshop Curry and Chips. All hail to the mighty Maysan long may it continue to bring simple joy to the world.
...and then there is this. It is from Denmark and is probably the most insane thing I have ever drunk...
COCAINE IN A BOTTLE....AAAaaarghh!Then there is this......Take one of these
and one of these
now mix them all together and enjoy the delicacy which I invented and named "THE SWEATY FAT LAD" oh it is good in a dirty way.