Nirvana, Long naps, NYT, Figuring Out Where In The World To Go Next (And When), Leggy Chicks, Bitching 'bout Bush, Photography, Big Ass Cats, Yadda Yadda Yadda. What else... Let's see, shows, great cheap red wine, and anything new in the world.
Are you easy? Is your sister? Maybe your roommate?
Geez......just kidd'n, just kidd'n.
OK - here we go: Interesting (and interested) without being too poised or self-conscious, funny, smart as all get-out, relatively well-adjusted, - shut-ins ok - just none of that self-absorption, or habit of doing things that call for saying "I'm sorry" a lot, ok?
Basically, anyone with a strong sense of self, high-integrity, hilarious, smart, beautiful and who isn't a republican.
Parker Posey.
Let's see: A main course of Nirvana, then add some Built To Spill, throw in a little Modest Mouse and Nick Cave, sprinkle in some Lowrider for spice, glaze with a bit of Elliott Smilth and Nick Drake, and have some Death Cab on the side with a Nina Simone apertif.
Apocalypse Now, Caddyshack, All About Eve, Godfather, Midnight Run, Rushmore, Brazil, Good Will Hunting, Lost In Translation...
Too many. Lots. All sorts. Ask me. Suggest something. Oh - Grahm Greene - awesome.. Oh, if you have not read Master and Commander (yeah, the movie was made partly of this book), do yourself a favor and read it. This series of books has easily the best two characters of any books that I have ever read. I'm telling you - go read it. If I had to pick one more? Hmm. Something by Emberto Eco. Foucault's Pendulum probably.
John Leguizamo, John Stewart, Nina Simone, Tiger Woods, Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin.