HHMMMM let's see, my interests would be....MUSIC and ANYTHING that involves MUSIC;
Listening, Writing, Singing,
Learning, Experimenting etc.
My lovely and darling children...
Art, Philosophy, Socializing, Nature,
and... Did I say MUSIC?
Learning Anything and Everything
I can get my brain wrapped around. I've recently become quite fond of skin art!!!! I HAVE PLANS FOR EVERY INCH OF MY SKIN!!!!! Can anyone say ADDICTION!!
Oh ya...and MUSIC!
I find PEOPLE fascinating....so I'd enjoy meeting just about anyone. I Love Artists...of every art form...Creative people make the world worth living in!!! There are way too many musicians who I'D LOVE to meet, for me to list!!! I admire and respect PEACE LOVING people, and welcome the company of anyone who is gentle, sensitive, compassionate and who cares about the world around them. BUT of course, they totally need to know how too cut loose and have fun!
(Erie Pa )SpotLight Tv with Protect Your Crown
All of it; Classical, Jazz, Blues, Reggae, World Music, Caribbean, Salsa & Latin, Mowtown, R&B, Funk, Classic Rock, Alternative, Ambient/Experimental,Rap/Hip Hip, Punk..and on & on & on...I'M CURRENTLY ADDICTED TO ESTHERO!!! SHE IS THE SHIT!!!!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE STEVIE WONDER!! I live,dream and constantly think music, music ,music. It's my ultimate solitude and the only oasis in the dry desert of life. Dude ....That was heavy.
Although I don't get many opportunities to enjoy them, I LOVE.....Psychological Thrillers, Horror Movies and Comedies...I'm a total ADRENALINE JUNKIE!!!!!
I'm not a huge fan of TV, however I apparently like kissing!
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
What Kind of Kisser Are You?
I generally go for non-fiction science, philosophy & history books. I'm really starting to love geography also. "The Artist's Way; A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity" by Julia Cameron. It is SO insightful, not only to artists' but, to anyone who really wants to learn more about themselves and their own creative energy.
MY First HERO, is my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, THE ULTIMATE ARTIST. I admire any human who is not afraid to push through the walls of adversity to reach there goals and dreams.