All our myspace is trying to do is to bring peace to this world. Diversity is what makes this world what it is. There is no need to hate what you live in. Learn to live with it, rather than against it. Peace is the only thing that can make life possible. War only ends lives, and starts new ones. But why not start new ones, without the entire part where you end other lives? It just seems so logical. We aren't saying don't support your countries armed forces. Most definately do because they are the people who protect you. They only need to protect you because sadly, war is a part of our lives and we can not change that. But what we can change, is the amount of war there is. We need to all act together, as one, and make this world a better place. Peace is just a start. Next is the environment.
Peace is also not only between countries and erasing war of the face of the earth. Peace is in our everyday lives. There is hatred for people who have a different religion, different ideas and thoughts, people who are gay, or simply people who just arent like everyone else. But I have a newsflash for everyone. Not a single person on this earth is like someone else on this earth, everyone is different. We need to learn that not agreeing with someone else is okay, because that is life, but telling that person that we disagree with them, and trying to change what they think or discriminate against them because they think differently is wrong. Surprisingly to many, many people, it is 100% possible to live with someone who thinks the opposite of what you think, all you have to do is acept what they think, and learn to respect it. Neither your's, nor their ideas are necessarily wrong.
"DO WHAT IS KIND ,NOT WHAT IS RIGHT,WRONG,GOOD OR BAD.......with love and respect i say don't give the people a glass of water and a fish...tell them where the water is and how to feed themselves...1 love 1aim 1destiny 1world tribe"
- Preach Freedom -- One World Tribe