The Aids Show
We are an organization from Minnesota, and our goals are to help educate and spread AIDS awareness and raise money for AIDS research.
Since its founding in the late winter of 2006, the AIDS Show has been putting together shows to raise awareness of AIDS, along with money for AIDS research. It all started when a friend of Sarah Hines named Char died because of AIDS. Sarah along with four friends started the organization, and soon increased to two more friends joined in with them. The seven of these members worked hard and put a show together for that July. The show included artists like Jamestown Story (then And Then I Turned Seven), Faully, Discombobulated, A Sunken Ship Irony, The Fusions, Cedarwell, and The Quarterly. The 2006 show went very well, with the group pulling together around $500 that was donated to the Minnesota AIDS Project.
In 2007 the group became disorganized, and lost four of their seven members. They gained four new members however, who have made a great impact on how the group runs, along with pulling together with the remaining three to put together the show for 2008.
The 2008 show is going down at Station 4 in St. Paul, and will include artists from all over the genre spectrum.
2008 Roster
Young Son
Room 101
Summit Ave.
Kristoff Krane of Abzorbr
More to come as artists are confirmed.
Our Volunteers include (but are not limited to)
Sarah Hines
Andy Martin
Erik Floren
Erik Mueller
Erik Germundsen
Becca Rowe
Shaina Rud
Marit Wangstad
This organization is in honor of Char.
Our love to him and those who loved him.
[email protected]