Kevin Cleckler profile picture

Kevin Cleckler

Remember Kids, No Matter Where you go... There you are!!! Or It's all about the beef jerky and root

About Me

I am a high school band director. I taught G.W. Long High school for three years, Clay County High School one year, Sand Rock High School for eight years and I have just become the band director at Hayden High School where I teach 1545 kids per week. I have 100 in my marching band and a bandroom that was built 6 years ago. I do miss the kids and parents at Sand Rock. I don't miss the fire department that I used to teach in. I am very saddened to hear that the band program I built at Sand Rock may not exist past this year. I hope that is not the case but we will see. I have just finished my masters in educational administration at the University of Alabama. I have two children. Kathryn and Kayden. I am married to Larissa. We have been married for twelve years. As a rule, I do not interact with current students or high school age former students. It is just too dangerous for me to do so. You are always welcome to leave a message however and let me know how things are and see how things are with me in my new life at Hayden.

My Interests

Guitars, Video games, and music.

I'd like to meet:

Former students, classmates, and other special people.


I love rock and roll. Especially anything that has a guitar solo in it. I miss guitar solos in popular music....


Sci Fi Action suits me the best.


Sci fi. News Junkie.


Print is dead. "Books are what they used to call television."


My former drummajors, Dennis Pritchett, Krissy Whitlock, Albert Dean, Kaye Fettner, Amy Knicely, Jessica Smith, Stephanie Clanton, Chase Sims, Jeremiah Mcminn.