Spicy, Delicious, glamorous, flossy-flossy lol, dangerously eccentric, sublime, bold, electrifying, radical, goofy, weird, creative, loud mouthed, OPINIONATED, controversial, stubborn, intelligent, argumentative, caring... those are just some of the ingredients that make up my beautiful charismatic personality... You'll never find another me... Im so outside the box, in nearly every aspect that it ent funny...
In a nutshell I am anything BUT the norm, and yea i do have my insecurities, however im not planning to conform just 2 fit into society's small minded stereotypes, ideations and played out standards cus dat shit is just super boring 2 me...
Im kool 2 be around ...i LOVEEEEEE to laugh... i mean at some of the weirdest and dumbest things... and love 2 make ppl laugh however i can be a very fucked up and "ignant" individual at times... but basically im just a fun loving, VERY down to earth... and often misunderstood kinda person thats just tryna live life 2 the fullest...i kno haters gonna do their 2 cents of hating... but me?? IMMA KEEP BALLIN!!! lol