I'd like to meet:
People in Heaven someday! Not Yet...Still have things to do.Oh yeah! I also want to meet funny Becky! I love silly!..
8 Year Old Shredder
Harold and Maude, always. After that is, Oh Brother Where Are't Thou? And Aimelie! If its quirky or offbeat and funny I usually love it.
I like Men in Trees, but its cancelled! poo!
First Days of School!
Please Stop and Smell the Flowers
Hey friends! You can read my children's book and tell me what you think. Better yet, read it to your children and see if they like it! If its good enough, I may get it published. Voting is later, for now just honest feedback! Thanks my friends.
iBecky the funny, brave giirl!Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Jason Bourne. Oh wait! They're not real. Oh Well.