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AOL ..Twistedfalon1
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My name is Fallon …for those who know me as my other name and wonder where this one came from… I’ll let you know a little something…
*FaLLon* means “Fallen One.” This is one of my two middle names. This name comes from my grandfather, and this was his battle name given to him after he has passed away… He was the red wing arch-angel ...He was a hero …and will always be to me...
- MuS!c is my passion.
-Poetry is my second language and I love to converse in verse {thank you sis for this beautiful choice in words}… so if you’d like to get to know me… rhyme, inspire, and amaze me…
- Fake people are absolutely one of the most useless creations G*d could have ever breathed life if you are one... get the f*ck off my page. I'm really not a hostile person, I just don't like to waste time...
Well let's just say that I’m one of the few lucky ones who was able to escape all of this social, machine programming, bullsh*t. Basically, I don’t like to follow crowds, overdone crappy media, labels, body image, or fake people. These things are an absolute best way to waste my time. And since I honestly don’t have a lot of it to spare…I won’t. I like those who are sweet, genuine, and very independent in their own constructive way. I love learning about people, places, and things and I already know I will never stop doing so….
Devoting my love, understanding, and care to friends and family is, and always will be a full time job for me. (But certainly one of my favorites) ;) Although I can’t truly spend every giving hour I would like with them. I definitely can assure you that, just because I may not, it will NEVER mean that I have stopped loving you all!!!
Overall, I'm pretty much a laid-back, spontaneous scat kat that loves to chill… Meeting fun, odd, & mysterious new people are always a cup of tea..Yum!.. Because those who dare to defy standards, are usually the most understanding & open-minded.
But if you are looking to add friends just because you have a sad, sick, numbers game going on... then I'm most definitely the wrong gal to add. I really appreciate casual conversations and true friendships so if you are never going to msg me or vice versa..plz don't waste your time on that little button that says "add to friends" mkay? :D
..Anyways, I’m just a small town girl with dreams probably bigger than the sky itself could ever hold. I'm just the type of person that can't be held down. What can I say... I’m persistent. ;)
**My random column of words...elements..and me..**
These words pretty much consist of things I may have been thinking or feeling on or for a certain occasion...but this is mostly a everyday attitude for me...Are you scared yet? ;)
Love, Love, Love taking pictures.. Picture memories create the best illusions of re-living "good times"...
I'm a vegetarian and love all living creatures with passion...I don't care if you eat meat...that is a personal choice... But if you just get kicks out of hurting animals...burn. in. hell...biotch.. :)
Planned road trips are my favorite cup of coffee because when some events are in my control...things happen relatively smooth...But I've discovered the ones that were nowhere near what you had in mind are the ones to laugh out loud about! ;p
Oh, by the way my favorite kind of coffee is a vanilla latte...pretty simple.. So if anyone wants to buy... I'll be more than happy to drink it! ;D
My vacation spot is under a palm tree in the middle of nowhere watching the waves crash under the moon...Most definitely with one I truly we can sing along with the nocturnal rhythms around us...and of course with my guitar too...
I've always been a sucker and have a weakness for a soul with guitar fluent hands, artisticly inked arms, and a classic drink on the side...whew...glad I got that off my chest..
*My favorite feelingS*
Sand between my toes
My friends/sisters/brothers arms around me
My family's unconditional love
Sitting snugly wrapped with my favorite blanket near the fireplace with steaming coco in hand. And my best friend next to me.
Sticking my hands in a bowl of oodles of noodles!
Ocean breeze caressing my face.
The 80 mile-per-hour winds I feel when I'm riding a sportsbike!
The ache I feel after a four hour workout!
And umm...I'll think of more later... :P
**This is me and my thoughts.**
But I suggest you read this with caution... I love to ::--infect truth--::, ^teach^ collected wisdom, and *inspire* change...If you have a problem with any of these beautiful things...quit reading this and get off my page... :( Falon
...The type of tears I love to shed...
Misadventures in Oakland, Venice...hell, who knows?!