*...The Crystal Contraband...* profile picture

*...The Crystal Contraband...*

...We must become the change we want to see...”

About Me

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AOL ..Twistedfalon1

MSN Messenger: cfalon2844@hotmail.com

Yahoo M essenger: Twistedfalon1

My name is Fallon …for those who know me as my other name and wonder where this one came from… I’ll let you know a little something…

*FaLLon* means “Fallen One.” This is one of my two middle names. This name comes from my grandfather, and this was his battle name given to him after he has passed away… He was the red wing arch-angel ...He was a hero …and will always be to me...

- MuS!c is my passion.

-Poetry is my second language and I love to converse in verse {thank you sis for this beautiful choice in words}… so if you’d like to get to know me… rhyme, inspire, and amaze me…

- Fake people are absolutely one of the most useless creations G*d could have ever breathed life into...so if you are one... get the f*ck off my page. I'm really not a hostile person, I just don't like to waste time...

Well let's just say that I’m one of the few lucky ones who was able to escape all of this social, machine programming, bullsh*t. Basically, I don’t like to follow crowds, overdone crappy media, labels, body image, or fake people. These things are an absolute best way to waste my time. And since I honestly don’t have a lot of it to spare…I won’t. I like those who are sweet, genuine, and very independent in their own constructive way. I love learning about people, places, and things and I already know I will never stop doing so….
Devoting my love, understanding, and care to friends and family is, and always will be a full time job for me. (But certainly one of my favorites) ;) Although I can’t truly spend every giving hour I would like with them. I definitely can assure you that, just because I may not, it will NEVER mean that I have stopped loving you all!!!
Overall, I'm pretty much a laid-back, spontaneous scat kat that loves to chill… Meeting fun, odd, & mysterious new people are always a cup of tea..Yum!.. Because those who dare to defy standards, are usually the most understanding & open-minded.
But if you are looking to add friends just because you have a sad, sick, numbers game going on... then I'm most definitely the wrong gal to add. I really appreciate casual conversations and true friendships so if you are never going to msg me or vice versa..plz don't waste your time on that little button that says "add to friends" mkay? :D
..Anyways, I’m just a small town girl with dreams probably bigger than the sky itself could ever hold. I'm just the type of person that can't be held down. What can I say... I’m persistent. ;)
**My random column of words...elements..and me..**
These words pretty much consist of things I may have been thinking or feeling on or for a certain occasion...but this is mostly a everyday attitude for me...Are you scared yet? ;)
Love, Love, Love taking pictures.. Picture memories create the best illusions of re-living "good times"...
I'm a vegetarian and love all living creatures with passion...I don't care if you eat meat...that is a personal choice... But if you just get kicks out of hurting animals...burn. in. hell...biotch.. :)
Planned road trips are my favorite cup of coffee because when some events are in my control...things happen relatively smooth...But I've discovered the ones that were nowhere near what you had in mind are the ones to laugh out loud about! ;p
Oh, by the way my favorite kind of coffee is a vanilla latte...pretty simple.. So if anyone wants to buy... I'll be more than happy to drink it! ;D
My vacation spot is under a palm tree in the middle of nowhere watching the waves crash under the moon...Most definitely with one I truly love...so we can sing along with the nocturnal rhythms around us...and of course with my guitar too...
I've always been a sucker and have a weakness for a soul with guitar fluent hands, artisticly inked arms, and a classic drink on the side...whew...glad I got that off my chest..
*My favorite feelingS*
Sand between my toes
My friends/sisters/brothers arms around me
My family's unconditional love
Sitting snugly wrapped with my favorite blanket near the fireplace with steaming coco in hand. And my best friend next to me.
Sticking my hands in a bowl of oodles of noodles!
Ocean breeze caressing my face.
The 80 mile-per-hour winds I feel when I'm riding a sportsbike!
The ache I feel after a four hour workout!
And umm...I'll think of more later... :P
**This is me and my thoughts.**
But I suggest you read this with caution... I love to ::--infect truth--::, ^teach^ collected wisdom, and *inspire* change...If you have a problem with any of these beautiful things...quit reading this and get off my page... :( Falon
...The type of tears I love to shed...
Misadventures in Oakland, Venice...hell, who knows?!

My Interests

My Poet...Otep.

My "...whatevers..."

Making Art…not War…
Infecting Truth…

Live to Love— And Love to Live…
Capturing life digitally...
Creating Memories…
Which Create Stories…
Which Makes

Music (is my Weapon)
Tattoos (for my human Flesh Canvas)
Infinitely interesting -Individuals-
Buried Beauty…
Hidden Hearts…
(Hit ‘em Strong, Hit ‘em Fast) Sports of all sorts…
Inhaling invigorating vodka with (my soul sister) Dasha.

And waking up w/ God’s endless love…


This is just a little something I put together one late, restless night...

Pretty much, this chaotic mess was created in the end…

It consists of random thoughts and feelings from that night so enjoy!

I Am…

-the fight that builds up
-the one who flicks your switch
-the reason why--
-or maybe not...
-a metal heart
-in the back of your head
-a kid who sees black and white
-bringing on the heartbreak
-the love you hate to collide
-to either pour some sugar on your lips--
-or salt in your wounds...
-violet bruise
-the real eyes who see truth
- the quiet room you run to hide in
-candy daze
-a sunchild--
-asphalt rain dancer...
-any sound that comforts
-the one who has something to say
-a basement band song
-the one to express the freedom you can think of...
-a bullet in your head
-a judge who can’t decide
-the way that found you
-light and magic
-the one to make you realize what you destroy when you touch
-the missing piece
-the last domino standing
-going on strong 24/7
-peacemaker in a time of war
-the one to ask you to dance with me in a field of paper flowers
-the one who creates candy coated lullabies
-a ghost in the radio
-liquid courage
-the law that has changed
-the pictures of a car wreck scene
-different shades of grey
-the love in the barrel of a gun
-a cheated heart
-a cold light
-the bright smoke you see in the morning
-the black tongue you lie to
-the realist who knows better--
-or nothing at all...
-a sorta black fairytale
-a cloud
-wishing for another girl’s paradise
-the tear in your hand you don’t want to wipe away
-a little earthquake to be felt
-a spark in your flame
-the silence between us when there is so much to say
-a happy phantom
-a pincushion but alas this time w/ a thorn in my side
-a joke that isn’t funny anymore
-a type of romance you don’t want to let go
-falling apart
-a soul kitchen
-battle ready--
-an Unknown Soldier...
-in between dreams
-a candle in the wind
-fire in a storm
-an island girl
-a girl w/ country memories
-written in the stars
-further nearer

-to you now that you know what and who I am…. -but I am also the book you can’t finish reading…
I am an epic. –demic—

that can’t be cured..
::--InFect TruTh--::


...So you want me to put LIFE into words...Honestly, I don't think there is enough ink or paper in the world...

Who, in the rainbow, can draw the line where the violet tint ends & the orange tint begins? Distinctively, we see exactly. Does the first blending enter into the other? Same question for the separation with sanity & insanity... Who can really draw the line these days?

Life does not consist mainly, or even largely of facts & happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that are forever blowing through ones mind --Mark Twain--

Only the mind has sight & hearing... everything else is Deaf & Blind...

"..I do not believe I am dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not..."


Trapped in a box,
Nowhere to go,
Isolated smiles,
Fake illusions to show,
Fired judgements,
Piercing glares,
Those who dare,
-to pick up a brush,
& paint with a different color,
was it something inspired,
by my own wonder?
To live & exceed all marked limits & lines,
Im on my way- do you see the signs?

I love my new homegurl Amy and her designs...just brillant... ;P And my lovely sis on the left modeling for her...

I'd like to meet:

This person...more often. My love...My "Best Other Half" ...Daria.

The Faithful…
The Genuine…
The beautiful minds buried in this thing called “…Life…”

God, if there is one, or just the person responsible in general for giving me a mind, body, and soul... Perhaps to thank or question why such an action was taken to create someone such myself. I think it would be very nice to meet that person, because if I did, all of my questions that have infected me for so long can finally be answered…

As for other individuals of the more mortal realm, I’d have to say I would absolutely be honored to meet Otep Shamaya. Her every word is poetry alive. She speaks the truth I like to infect… The best, creative intellect...
Jack Johnson would be my next soul to encounter. I believe he has so much more to say beyond his artistically born lyrics... inspiring and true.
Princess Diana would have been a beautiful soul to meet when she was alive. I’ve never seen such a kind and giving person such as herself since her death.
Dali Lama would be a following honor also. I more than appreciate first hand wisdom at its best…
Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn have to be on an equal level with me. To me they represent the beauty in every woman, with their own touch of class…

The most beautiful people in life are....friends. ;)

...He is the reason why I started to believe wise words and beautiful music could change the world as we know it...

Just beautiful...

Sublime...nothing else to be said...

This band inspires in music the way I try to inspire others in life...

"..Treat your friends as you do your pictures...and place them in the brightest lights to be cherished.." ;)

a href="


Keeps me moving..

Lacey Mosley of Flyleaf... My spiritual inspiration to believe...

...This Heaven's a lie...

Without passion.. there would be no music...


I love HIM...

My idol...


Comedy gives the medicine of laughter...
Slapstick is every joke of my life...
Horror is nothing close to the real world...
And drama makes the world turn wretched colors...

My lovely sister's artistic eye...


Don't watch a lot of it..but reruns of FRIENDS is a nice laugh...
I also enjoy criminal justice shows like C.S.I. and Law and Order, and House...
Comedy (strikes laughter) is everything to me.
Will And Grace, Dharma and Greg, Just like you, and Ellen.

...Mindless Self Indulgence...


I try to read more often whenever I can. I honestly wish I had more time to...

But this is one of my favorite reads...

I know of a world consisting,
Of nothing but truth,
Where the river flows clear and Inspires spontaneous youth,
Children dance and play,
Cheek to cheek smiles seize the day,
Inspire beauty, visions of grace
Dreaming laughing, a captivating place,
Where goals are captured & dreams come true,
A place of faith...does this exist in you?

So what colors do you inspire in the world today?...

"...I keep Secrets"

...twisted angel...


My mother and Grandmother...and all of the inspirational people I have in my life today...

"Who am I behind this Design?"

...How I truly feel...

...Beyond vision...

How to make a Crystal
1 part intelligence
5 parts ambition
1 part empathy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

My Blog

Starting Over

"Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind." "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love....
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:34:00 PST


Oct 26 2007 4:41 PM Climbed up on the rainbow,Just to see if I'd fall off,I'm a frosted lemon coward, And I don't know how...No----haven't learned how to hold you --Without shaking--Thoughts soaring,M...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:54:00 PST

My -life- Change...

Laying underneath the stars,On a warm silent night.Your arms are wrapped around me,And everything feels right.You kiss me sweet and softly,I feel your warm gentle touch,You help me feel protectedUnder...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 06:21:00 PST

"The Paths"

               He rose again from his shadow to contemplate the decision before him. The sun was descending into the west and he felt it expl...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:26:00 PST

My reflection...

Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:41:00 PST


"...Writing fades...but memories are permenant..."I wrote your name on a piece of paper, but by accident I threw it away... I wrote your name on my hand, but it eventually washed away... I wrote your ...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 06:02:00 PST

I hate car accidents!!! (remade version)

                                    Hey baby can you bleed like m...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 11:21:00 PST

Rude awakenings...and thought-filled truths...

    I really can't understand this morbid human behavior we are born into and horridly become... For some, I must appraise for adopting the better characteristics of shaping a being...l...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 01:11:00 PST

Disrespect...handcuffs...and one long night 2 think about the many ways to get screwed over....

I can usually handle one or two bad things to hit me at once. But this past week has been absolutely one after another. Perhaps its a test for my sanity, or my endurance in general, but I am truly at ...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:52:00 PST

More emoe-try

Fake infection ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  I never said I was perfect, But surreal dreams and visions encountered me as that, I never wanted to hurt...
Posted by *...The Crystal Contraband...* on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 11:16:00 PST