Rockin Diva profile picture

Rockin Diva

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey man, I'm alive...I'm taking each day and night at at time.
Feeling like a monday, but someday I'll be a Saturday Night.
And Everything Will be Alright.

Until then, I will be Living On A Prayer.
One Part Comanche, One part Jewish....All Attitude.
I'm "Complicated"
Take a look around, this is what I see
Is there anybody else that feels like me, yeah
You sweat, you sweat, you bleed, you bleed
What you get ain't what you see
Up is down and black is white to me
I'm smart enough to know what I don't know
I'm fool enough to stay when I should go
You work, you work, you cry, you cry
You watch your whole life pass you by
Sometimes you've got to close your eyes to see
Is there anybody out there?
Just like everybody out there
Just one somebody out there, Just like me
I'm complicated, I get frustrated
Right or wrong, love or hate it
I'm complicated, you can't sedate it
I heard that song but I won't play it
It's alright, it's OK, you wouldn't want me any other way
Momma, keep on praying ‘cause I ain't changin'
I'm complicated,
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My Interests

One thing that is important to me, is making a difference in this world, nothing is too small.Every little bit helps.
As Ghandi would say be the change that you want to see in the world.
One of the small things I do, is volunteer for the National Mutliple Sclerosis Society-
The Georgia Chapter.
Music is life. Music is my life to be exact. You can just about always see me out there on the weekends rocking out with a local band somewhere. Nothing like the live music experince.
Of course, you will notice...that I am a HUGE Bon Jovi fan!! Last year (2006) I got to live out my dream...seeing the Jersey Boys at Giants.
I love watching the Columbus Cottonmouths (hockey) kick some ass. I try not to miss a home game if possible. Go Snakes!

I'm also a fan of the Atlanta Thrashers and the Atlanta Falcons (even if the Falcons are sucking this year).
I am a fan of the arts, be it paintings, sculpture, photos.As a former art major, the love of the arts is not something you lose. Even if I can't draw and paint like I used to. Monet is my favorite. I love his paintings.
You can also check out some of the poems I have written on my blog. A word of warning...they can be very sad.

I'd like to meet:

~ Don't Chase the Coyote, Walk With The White Wolf~

who would I like to meet: well sure, most of you will guess Jon Bon Jovi.
But also, I would like to meet Johnny Depp, Al Gore, Ghandi, Claude Monet,
Montel Williams, Kevn Kinney (again),
Monty Roberts (the Horse Whisper), Jon Stewart,
Keith Olberman,Quanah Parker, Dr Ben Thrower and my Dad (who was killed way too soon).
I would also like to meet other folks who share the same interests as I do.
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My favorite band of all time *if you haven't figured that out by now* the band that I have been a fan of for nearly 20 years is Bon Jovi.
other bands: Drivin N Cryin',Matchbox 20, No Doubt,Ac/DC, The Beatles, Def Leppard, Greenday.
Solo artists, Rod Stewart, Kevn Kinney, Meat Loaf........ the list is endless
some of my favorite local bands are; Forced Entry, Spent, Pistol Town and 706


just a few of my favorites: The Phantom of The Opera, The Black Stallion, Dances with Wolves, Smoke Signals. POTC POTC 2 And POTC 3, 300, Vampire Hunter D, Blade. okay I like Vampire movies period. All except Interview with a Vampire because Tom Cruise sucks as an actor. (sorry tom cruise fans...but Johnny Depp would have been better as Lestat)


The West Wing (now airing on Bravo),The Daily Show (Jon Stewart rocks), Scrubs (I just love, love, love Dr Cox) and the Family Guy.


whatever strikes my fancy.


Montel Williams (for putting himself out there, with the MS and showing that he's not going to let it beat him.);
Claude Monet (he continued to paint, even as he was losing his eyesight,
Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora (for writing the music that has helped me through some pretty tough times),
My father (just because he was a hero in the truest form.) ,
my best friend Jeanne (for showing me that one can go thru all that she has and still come out with a good outlook on life).

My Blog


Now he hasn't been doing well either. I just spent $100.00 at the vet to find out that there isn't anything really wrong with him. (other than his teeth). There is no sign of a cold, no fever. He's d...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 05:29:00 PST

so, I check one of my email addies that I only check every now and then.....

anyone care to guess just how many emails I had?       anyone?                   Over 700!   I guess I should make it a habit of checki...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 08:43:00 PST

ever felt like no one...

really cared. had a really bad day at work. I was having trouble focusing on my work due to the medicine. It took me forever to finish the work. My legs are burning...the meds had wore off and I didn'...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:33:00 PST

Finally heard from Dr Fanny (my MS neuro in ATL)

Actually one of the nurses. I had to call and leave a message telling them about what Dr Snoody said (no signs of any infections). And the Rx for the painkillers.   There really isn't much they c...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:57:00 PST

"oh no not again.....hurts so bad...I don’t understand..."

*sorry to use a line from a Rod Stewart song* Well like I said, yesterday, I was stuck at work late. But I managed to make it out of there at a decent time, thanks to Kevin and Tammy. I had Jerri...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 03:22:00 PST

okie doke...this sucks..I don’t have time for this right now

I know that for the past month, I have been pushing myself pretty hard both at work (no choice there) and at play. and yes, I have skipped a shot here and there. But I don't know if what is going on...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:34:00 PST

What Music Means To Me

I thought I would let the lyrics of some songs speak for me....   Rock N Roll Dreams Come Through Meat Loaf You can't run away foreverbut there's nothing wrong with getting a good head startYou w...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 06:42:00 PST


Forgive me if you had seen these before. I just thought I would post some of my poems (again?). Hey, what can I say? I'm in a giving mood today. And before anyone says it..yes I know they are sad. I c...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 05:53:00 PST

some poems I found online

Cat Poem They will not go quietly,the cats who've shared our lives.In suptle ways they let us knowtheir spirit still survives.Old habits still make us thinkwe hear a meow at the door.Or step back wh...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 01:54:00 PST

Today is going to suck...but its time.

I'm waiting on my "mom" to pick me up. it's time...I know it's time. last night, he tried to sneak out of the house. and refused to come back inside. this is the cat that hates the outdoors. freaks ou...
Posted by Rockin Diva on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 08:00:00 PST