the Rebellion profile picture

the Rebellion


About Me

The more the Empire tightened its grip on the people of the galaxy, the harder the Alliance to Restore the Republic fought. Born shortly after Palpatine's transformation of the Old Republic into the New Order, the Alliance started as little more than a rag-tag group of freedom fighters woefully under-equipped to challenge an enemy as mighty as the Galactic Empire. The continued injustices of the Empire, however, brought many into the Rebellion's fold. As it grew, so to did its arsenal. To combat the Imperial starfleet, the Alliance's hotshot pilots made do with battle-worn yet effective craft like X-wing and Y-wing starfighters.The Rebel Alliance scored a major victory over the Empire by using stolen technical plans to formulate an attack strategy capable of destroying the Empire's most fearsome weapon: the Death Star. During the next three years, the core group of Alliance commanders fled from base to base, constantly eluding the Empire's forces.The Alliance eventually established a central base on the ice planet of Hoth. Imperial probes soon discovered the outpost, code-named Echo Base. The discovery precipitated the Battle of Hoth, wherein the High Command group was nearly destroyed. After the evacuation of the base, the Rebel leaders, including the Alliance's architect Mon Mothma, stayed with the ever-mobile and always-growing Alliance Fleet.The joining of the Mon Calamari people into the Alliance bolstered the Rebellion's ranks, and brought badly needed capital ships into the fleet. Finally, about a year after the defeat at Hoth, the Rebellion was poised to make an all-out strike against the Empire.hoth= -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend! NEW PLANET FOR THE REBELLION!!! ILAM ICEWORLD= -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

My Interests

the Rebel Alliance needs more allies in order to accomplish this task.My one old friend has created an Imperial Empire myspace page. He then sent me a message to my personal page telling me he is going to take over the myspace by inviting everyone to be on his friend list. Ive decided to challenge him. We have Set up some rules to go by, and it plays like a scavenger hunt. He has created a series of planets (he created myspace planets resembling the planets he rules, and doesnt rule.) The objective of the Rebellion is to find those planets via the myspace search and browser, and spy on the Empire. Heres the deal, each planet has a certain clue as to where the next planet is. Once we find ALL the planets, its will lead us to (by the clues) to the empires secret myspace URL. The Empire also has to find OUR planets. So its like a scavenger hunt. The more people helping us, the more of an advantage we get, and vise versa. So you in or out?may the force be with you. always.Got questions? ASK AWAY! :)

I'd like to meet:

This is the Rebel Leader speaking...I will ask for volunteers for our mission, to save the galaxy from the Empire. Please help our cause. i will give you a full briefing once we have enough volunteers. AND WE NEED HELP NOW!!! the empire will seek to crush us very soon! we need help now!


Star Wars music


I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Blog

Ryloth, an imperial planet, has been found! please read...

*if the Rebels locate the planet, you will have to have 6 people sign this, and copy a paste it to the rebellions home page.* please sign 1. Princess Leia 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.   *ok, this is the Rebel...
Posted by the Rebellion on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 06:53:00 PST


PLANET FOUND!!! PLEASE READ!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*~*!*~!*~*!* i think weve found the empire controlled planet ryloth! the empire has made a mistake in their domination of planets. the rebellion wan...
Posted by the Rebellion on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 03:27:00 PST

Attention All Allies...

This is the Rebellion. Im sure all of you are eager, as the Rebellion is, to defeat our foes. Bothan spies are helping us gain intell on the empires planets. Soon we will have the upper hand and defea...
Posted by the Rebellion on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 03:43:00 PST