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About Me

Maybe one day I'll unclutter my site and remove some of the images so it won't take 5 years for the page to load. I doubt it though.
I don't believe in coincidence. I don't believe in fate. I believe that things like coincidence, deja vu, etc are just life reminding you subtley of the vast interconnectedness of things. Similarly, I only believe in fate insofaras you create the next predestined occurance based on present action. Why are they similar? Well someone else's coincidence might influence them to choose a path that intersects your own with varying possabilities of intensity. Hmmm... lets put it like this... say the wind shifted a bit when the first life on earth was being innitiated in ye olde primordial soup and because of that we are all lizard-people instead of monkey-people. I guess you can think of it as the butterfly flapping its wings causing a hurricane type thing... but different.
An example: Now mind you, I haven't conciously heard or seen anything about sesame street in years. So one day I'm driving along at work and I wonder to myself what would happen if I wandered around in a car, stopping to ask random pedestrians if they could "tell me how to get (short pause) how to get to Sesame Street" and video record it. About an hour later on the morning show I listen to sometimes, a guy sang the Sesame Street song. "Sunny day chasing the clouds away, take me away to where the air is clear. CAn you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street." When these type of things happen I just can't help but take a moment to sit and appreciate life.
One could argue (and to a degree I'd agree) that once you focus your thoughts on a certain thing your ability to pick it out of the chaos increases many times fold. Meaning that say you hear an obscure word in a passing conversation. You think to yourself..., "how random." Now for the next week or so that particular word surfaces in many different forms like in conversation, on television, on the radio, called over the intercom at a store, etc. I remember when I was taking latin I'd see latin phrases everywhere... and when I got my tattoo I saw eyes of Ra alot more frequently.
You gotta wonder... is it coincidence?
I also gotta wonder... would this blurb have made a more suitable blog? Meh... the front page needed to be more spicy. Mmm Spice.
There're like a bajillion things I could have written here. Dunno why this ended up here. I suppose any tibit is better than none.
One of my favoritest sammiches be peanutbutter, jelly, balogna, and cheese. 'Tis a magical union of flavors that most never get a chance to taste. Do yourself a favor; try it.

My Interests

If you're wondering what is up with all the lame personality quizzez strewn throughout my site, don't. I don't even know why there are so many. I suppose each of them are tiny trophies of having successfully bent the quiz to my will and made it say what I wanted it to say about me. Even though most of these quizzes have only half a dozen questions tops, and anyone can easily see what conclusion the answers one chooses will lead to... still. Horray for letting meaningless horse shit to the talking for me! :oD
I imagine this section will only get larger over time but lets give it a whack.
Metaphysicality, Black Rock City, people, Stacy, Music (art in general), poetry, Space, World of Warcraft,D&D trying to figure stuff out that we are incapable of discovering an answer for, reading (mostly fantasy), Sandman, animals, ... you know what I'm gonna cut this short and just say that I'm interrested in everything that exists to varying degrees. There. Done.

Twig wtfpwnz you nubs!! !! ! ! !! !!1 1 11 !! 1 1 !! 11:11

Take the quiz:
What Nostalgic Super Nintendo Game are you?

Chrono Trigger
You are Chrono Trigger! One of the best games ever made, you have great story, balance and characters. You are deep but quite playful sometimes, and never forget to have fun with your friends. SavePlus will help you in your quest to get everyone's rainbow gear and all those secret endings, so good luck!
Take the quiz:
What Will Ferrell Character are You

Ron Burgundy
You're Ron Burgundy! You love to party and show off your good looks to those around you. You're a little bit full of yourself and can't quite accept the changing times.

I'd like to meet:


It might help to say that I honestly believe, no matter who you are, that when I look at you I am in the presence of the divine. We are all a face of whatever "god" is. Hmm... its funny that I chose the word "face." I read somewhere that a large part of how our brains evolved has to do with face recognition due to the fact that we are intensely social creatures. So maybe what this really is, is I feel this way because such a large portion of my mind's evolution has placed such importance on human interraction and spirituality is a human's attempt to seek importance. Well, I guess the reason I want to meet this "god" thing is so that maybe I'll get some fuckin answers! At least with so many ideas to boggle over its hard to stay bored for too long. :o)
You scored as Brass Dragon. Brass dragons live in deserts, plains and in temperate regions. Brass dragons are talkative beasts, they like to gather information. The scales of brass dragons are brown when young as the dragon matures the scales become brassy. Brass dragons exhibit large head plates, which extend to protect there back of the head and upper neck. Brass dragon's eyes resemble that of molten metal.

Red Dragon


Brass Dragon


Green Dragon


Black Dragon


Blue Dragon


White Dragon

What color dragon would you be?
created with QuizFarm.com
Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover
You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires.
And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek.
You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships.
It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. What Is Your Seduction Style?

The ULTIMATE personality test
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You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing, you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


Constructing a list like this is like thinking about doing the dishes when the kitchen is overflowing with filthy plates of doom! Too damn many, and where to begin? Ok, once again I will be attempting to give a whack to this...
and yeah, I can rock some tunes az ya'llz be knowin'. ::air guitar:: wyld stalyonz? Here's some reasons why I couldn't help but make music:

Smashing Pumpkins

The Decemberists


The Beatles

The Cure


Bright Eyes

Rilo Kiley


Our Lady Peace

Stone Temple Pilots


Pink Floyd


Swithcblade Symphony

The Shins





The Smiths


Depeche Mode

New Order




Apoptygma Berzerk


The Doors


Ani DiFranco

Belle & Sebastian

Ben Folds






pretty much everything they play on 90.5, 80s lite rock, new wave, classical, trance, metal, goth/industrial (like VAC,VnVn, Front242,etc). Some punk (thanks to charlie) eh... most genres except new country and most rap.... and even within the genres I listed we all know some of it sucks ass, so of course only the good stuff! :oP I'll add more when I think of em.


This one's gonna be hard.
The Nightmare before Christmas, (no particular order after this point) Vieuphoria, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, pretty much all Tim Burton films, most Earnest movies, Napoleon Dynamite, The Hobbit, Almost Famous, the Doors, Star wars(if it is a series assume I mean all of em), Indiana Jones, Star Trek (starting with the next generation crew of course), Waking life, Cecil B demented, DArk City, Anchor Man, Monty Python, Big Fish, the Matrix, Coffee and Cigarettes, Braincandy, Garden State, Life Aquatic, Sideways, Human Nature, I <3 Huckabees, Down with Love, Old School, Anything Else (and most other Woody Allen stuff), Trainspotting, Party Monster, Willy Wonka/Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Labrynth, Eternal Sunshine of the Spottless Mind, Donny DArko, the Royal Tenenbaums, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Harold & Maude, Empire Records, Dazed & confused, Clerks (Kevin Smith films), Lord of the Rings, A Mighty wind, Elf, The Mechinist, Contact, Stigmata, Mirror Mask, V for Vendetta, Snakes on a Plane, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, The Prestige, Me and you and everyone we know ... and tons more but my brain is out of water and can't storm no mo.
In short; ... ... ... anything that causes you to theoretically, emotionally, or otherwise-ly, experience many moments related directly or indirectly to your experiences during the picture past when the film technically ended. Altho I hafta admit some of that stuff is pure entertainment with barely any thingking. That's ok sometimes too.


This'll be a little easier than movies I think.
Rocko's MOdern Life, Invader Zim, the Science/ Discovery channel (espeicially if its something on space... doesn't matter if I've seen it 5 times already), music video stations sometimes, The Power of myth with Joseph campbell and Bill Moyers, Red Dwarf, Star Trek the Next Generation, Reno 911, Simpsons, Family Guy, Daily Show, Colbet Report, Strangers with Candy, Chappelle's Show, Ren & Stimpy, The Young Ones, Dexter's Laboratory, Power Puff Girls, Kids in the Hall, SNL, The Office (old one),Upright Citizen's Brigade, Space Ghost, Aqua Teen hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Tom Green Show, Buffy the Vampire slayer (a long time ago... gotta admit it tho.... o the shame), Sesame Street (way back in the day), along those lines we also have the, Muppets, Fraggle Rock, Smurfs, Mr Wizard, Gargoyles, He Man ... hmm is that relevant? Ok lemme get back on track... nvm! I'm spent.


i be kan reed gud and i lik 2 c pikturez

You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.
You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Which Endless are you?
Dream, the third of The Endless, you are in charge of the Dreaming, all imagination and creativity, everyone knows your beautiful realm, but none truly understand it. You are dark and brooding, creative, and spend a lot of time by yourself, just thinking. You are almost as serious as Destiny, but not quite. Everyone is enchanted by you, but you keep them all at a distance, even when you shouldn't.
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How evil are you?
I took this quiz again a day or 2 later. >;oD

How evil are you?


According to Mirriam Webster:
Main Entry: hero Pronunciation: 'hir-(")O, 'hE-(")rO Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural heroes Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hErOs 1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage 2 a : the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement 3 plural usually heros : SUBMARINE 2 4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion : IDOL

Based on the textbook definition I'm gonna hafta go with ME.

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My Blog

Learn random shit about me!!! YAY

Before I start this... let it be known that I spent at least an hour and a half completing this but my shit was lost due to an error. I "ctrl a" "ctrl c" alot... but that could not defeat myspace's ub...
Posted by (\/)ËcI-|”a on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 10:04:00 PST

Is life but a dream?

I was watching Cosmos a while back and even though Carl Sagan seems to only think as far as science goes, he said something really damn cool. I don't remember the exact words but it was something like...
Posted by (\/)ËcI-|”a on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:46:00 PST