Cantautore salentino. Nasce nel 1981. Autodidatta. Sin da piccolo dimostra una forte predisposizione nei confronti dell’arte. A cinque anni scrive la prima poesia. A nove inizia a suonare la chitarra. Nel 1992, all’età di undici anni, compone la sua prima canzone. In seguito frequenta importanti seminari e masters, nei quali spesso incontra importanti artisti di fama mondiale. Da questi incontri e da una passione smisurata nei confronti della “dea musica†nasce l'album THOUGHTS IN THE WIND (PENSIERI AL VENTO N.d.T.) una raccolta autobiografica di undici brani inediti, per chitarra, armonica e voce. Subito arrivano importanti conferme dalla critica musicale nazionale. Numerose ed entusiastiche recensioni creano interesse intorno al personaggio. Importanti risultati in contest musicali (primo classificato all’europeo MUSIC TRAIN CONTEST) ed i vari sold out alle presentazioni ufficiali dell’album fanno il resto. Molte radio in Italia e qualcuna anche all’estero (Inghilterra,Belgio,Olanda,Francia) decidono di “uscire fuori dagli schemi†e dare voce ad un cantautore emergente. Nasce un prodotto che innesca consensi a catena. Su internet si crea un piccolo “fenomeno di comunicazioneâ€. Il sito musicale MYSPACE infatti segna, in poco tempo, oltre 50.000 plays ed anche numerose web radio iniziano ad inserire nel loro palinsesto l’album THOUGHTS IN THE WIND. Dagli U.S.A. arriva la notizia che vede il cantautore salentino inserito nella FOLK MUSIC PAGE come rappresentante della categoria Blogs and Podcasts. Iniziano i primi live sia da solista sia con band al seguito.
Il pubblico apprezza. La critica sostiene. La favola continua…
Alba Cosentino – Gufetto
“Semplicità , essenza, poesia, magia: questo è il contenuto dell'album Thoughts in the wind. Luciano Revi, oltre che a possedere una indiscussa tecnica come strumentista, è un moderno cantautore dalla narrazione scorrevole e dalla musicalità innata...â€.
Guido Rolando – Rockshock
“Luciano Revi approfitta della musica per scavare nei meandri dell'uomo fino a metterne in discussione la stessa ragione di esistere. L'autentica forza di questa opera prima è che potrebbe viaggiare, con discreti risultati, anche separandone i binari comunicativi: testo e arrangiamenti musicali.â€.
Susanna Gattuso – AloneMusic
Voce, chitarra acustica e armonica; ecco gli ingredienti essenziali per un momento etereo, magico, da ascoltare in assoluta tranquillità . Canzoni che alternano dolcezza, country, folk e semplicità .
Luciano Revi was born on Thursday the eight of January 1981.
In March 1986 at the age of five L.R. wrote his first poem, in which he expressed with great simplicity the love and esteem he had for his mother. This boy -the youngest of three children- proved to be sensitive, creative and artistic from early age dedicating most of his free time to art. His love for music, writing, drawing and sculpture however did not stop him from spending time outdoors with his friends. He grew up a cheerful, pacific boy who felt an increasing attraction for the arts- particularly for music. Listening to music became chief activity and only through listening to music could he feed his desire for freedom. This passion grew until in January 1990 after having attempted to make his own guitar (and not having succeeded!) at the age of nine with the help of his father he finally bought a second hand guitar.
In April 1992 at the age of eleven he composed his first song- putting together a simple melody and a poem he had written for a school project. From that moment writing songs and playing the guitar became his chief interest in life despite occasional distractions common to all teenagers. Like many self-taught people he improved his knowledge and skills as a song-writer/musician by listening to music and reading as much as possible.
In October 1994 at the age of thirteen he put together his first group with some like minded friends. He was lead singer and played classical guitar putting into practice the things he had learned. However the group broke up after a short period because of the incompatibility of its members. Over the next few years he took part in several musical projects- some were positive experiences- some less so. However they all taught him important lessons- above all humility and respect for all types of music.
He played in all sorts of groups from duos to trios, he sang solo playing along on the guitar or harmonica. He played anything from the harmonica to the electric guitar and he played all sorts of music- from rock to pop to jazz and folk, from country to grunge. The only aspect which never changed was his respect for the goddess "music" -unique and omnipresent- for L.R..
He continued in his love of various musical styles until one rainy day in 1996 while playing truant from school (an institution hated by L.R. for its restricting views of culture) he discovered American folk music of the 60s. While browsing in a record shop he came across his first folk compact disk and fell in love.
From that day onwards L.R. became increasingly discerning in his choice of music preferring folk to all others styles of music. He appreciated the simplicity of American folk and the way the songs reflected all aspects of life.
This passion spread to his choice of literature which was/is his second great love. In October 1998 he started to write songs which conveyed his growing maturity and his musical identity began to develop. Although not prejudiced musically L.R. created a world of his own in which no one could enter without his approval. A world made of simplicity, sensitivity and respect where his thoughts and music are born. His passion for music became so strong that L.R. decided to dedicate himself professionally to it. In October 2001 at the age of twenty he began teaching guitar. This decision proved highly positive for L.R. in that he was "forced" to attend various courses to improve his musical skills which had to be excellent for his role as teacher. At these courses he met world famous musicians from whom he tried to "absorb" as much as possible in order to transmit the knowledge to his many students. The result of all his as that L.R.'s musical ability reached very high levels and in 2006 he crated his own album
"THOUGHTS IN THE WIND". This was a collection of eleven autobiographical tracks played on guitar, harmonica and lyrics. This collection could be seen as the first step towards entry into L.R.'s "own private world".
LS R MUSIC Management
Uff. Stampa
[email protected]
(0039) 338 5245090