Lea Silhol profile picture

Lea Silhol

Writing machine, or so they say...

About Me

LS has been: lad in ranches, bass player, songwriter, entomologist, student in Arts, Cinema, Mythology & Literature, senior editor in SF publishing field for 9 years, and quoted "Queen of French Fantasy" by Press headlines. Indeed she wrote, and writes still, between borders and out of expectations... High and Urban Fantasy, grinning Horror, scholarly essays, and trash Mainstream. Out of line, and in tune. She doesn't know what she's doing there, by the way. Talking to Dracula, and his crew, probably... Sfw?
THEMAS? worlds sinking - communication's shunts - fairies - angels - urban misfits - greek gods in new careers - the beautiful and the damned - art - seekers - truth -/
(what my books are about)
It's about alterity, it's about obsession. It's about insecurity, it's about delusion.
It's about darkness, it's about blinding light. It's about losing ground, it's about gaining sight.
It's about ecstasy, it's about contol. It's about the spinning and the fall.
It's about being one, it's about the world. It's about, through the part, the whole.
It's about taking sides, it's about taking arms. Burning the flags, do some harm.
Identity in all it's ways. And the violent music of decay.
It's about skin. It's about sin. The mixture of colors, the bravery, the blame, the energy, the flame.
It's about holes, spirals, the descent. It's about the higher ground. About the freedom, the crimes. It's about stepping out of line.
It's about winter, about the screams inside. About addiction, and the lost and found.
About the sine waves, about the means for an end. About the Angels, Shamen and Fiends.
About water, all the drowning pulses.
Waves and depths, the cravings, the urge.
Nerves like steel, overloading cores
About breaking. Frailty. Glass and steel.
About the noise.
Being apart and overwhelmed.
Sampling the world scratches on a exposed skin.
It's about passion and hate.
The edges of the desert, the city beehive.
Architecture and chaos.
It's about burning.

It's about loving the alien.
Homeground: The Unseelie Page
Tribeground: this..."Fan Club" thing
Music: PFR, Done by Mirrors
Design: Mad Youri, Dorian Machecourt, Amandine Labarre, Sebastien Hayez
Writing/edition (my editors/publishers): Nitchevo Studio, André-François Ruaud, Natacha Giordano, Interstitial Arts Foundation & some more...
Photography: Mad Youri (official snatcher)
*about 'my' Myspace F(r)iends:*
People, i don't collect hazzzzardous meetings or/and try to smash some score for the Guiness Book of Records. I only add to this section people i'm involved with @ work, inspirational other artists, or readers of my books.
If you don't belong to one (or more) of these traps, don't ask me to add you, please, cause i won't see the point of it.

So... what does it means? ('cause it seems no one reads or understand) :
If you're credited on my page (& extensions) as of my fav' artists/
or/and If i'm credited as such on yours /
or/and we happily work(ed) together already /
... send me an add request, you will be muchhhh welcomed.
If not, don't.
If you want me to discover your art, pm me. If you think by reading my profile you could like mine, read me first, and come back if you did like it.
I'm not here to promote your work / link friendships on any other basis than art / make your friendlist fater. Yep?

You want it in French?
Alors la même en français :
Si vous êtes cités sur ma page (ou extensions extérieures) comme l'un de mes artistes préférés./
et/ou Si je suis citée sur la vôtre comme telle. /
et/ou Si nous avons déjà eu une heureuse occasion de bosser ensemble /...
Vos invitations d'ajouts seront les bienvenues.
Sinon... non.
Si vous voulez m'inviter à découvrir votre art, contactez-moi en privé.
Si a la lecture de mon profil vous pensez que vous pourriez apprécier le mien, aller lire un de mes bouquins, et revenez si vous avez aimé.
Je ne suis pas ici pour faire la promo de votre tavail / pour lier des amitiés sur d'autres bases / grossir votre liste d'amis. Ok ?

by the way... where are u from, beautiful people?
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 (thanxxx T.)

My Interests

Literature /
Music /
Architecture /
Collect old illustrated editions of Arabian Nights & Rubaiyat /
Glass and metal /
Photography /
Myths / religions /
misfits mystiks /
Native-indigenous Cultures/
Blending colors/
Fight /
Doing mistakes /
crashing (again & again) in same & different cars...//

I'd like to meet:

God on a boxing ring
// i think you owe me a great big apology. (NIN- terrible lie) //

Dave, Andie, Pascal... somewhere, in Summertime.
// can i meet you there? god knows the place. And i'll touch your hand, kiss your face... (Sylvian - Damage) //


I always write with music as a support...
Much thanxxxxes owed to :
NIN, Bauhaus, David Sylvian & Japan, Kate Bush, Dave Bowie, Perry Blake, She Wants Revenge
Joy Division and all their children
Punk / Cold Wave things...
All the list of my musical addictions is :
heeere..." //

Painters / illustrators/ designers
Preraphaelites + symbolistes + Arts&Crafts mov. + ...
Dorian Machecourt + PFR + A. Labarre + F. Berthon + L. Berkvist + Kent Williams + Ashley Wood + Chris Shy + Jay Anacleto + Susan Jones + Favresse +++
Saville + Vaugh + 4AD stud + The Factory ! + Chicago archi. mov. / L.H. Sullivan / F.L. Wright...//


Cult movies :
Rumble Fish (Coppola) + Night of the Hunter (Laughton) + S.F.W (Levy) + Gattaca (Niccol) + The Haunting, West Side Story (Wise) + Alien (I, II, IV) + Terminator (I, II) + Car Crash //

Cult Directors/
John Huston + Andrew Niccol + Baz Luhrmann + M. Night Shyamalan + Martin Scorsese + Clint Eastwood + Tim Burton + Ridley Scott + Franco Zeffirelli + Luchino Visconti + Joss Whedon + ... //

Cult actors:
Ava Gardner + Greta Garbo + Jude Law + James Dean + Jodie Foster + Ewan McGregor + Marlon Brando + Vivien Leigh + Mark Dacascos + Peter MacNicol + Sigourney Weaver + Matthew McConaughey + Sean Bean + Montgomery Clift + Stephen Dorff + James Coburn + Anthony LaPaglia + Sean Penn + ...//

TRiviA (themas)
Haunted Houses + Serial killers + Shakespeare adaptations //


current addictions: Battlestar Galactica. Prison Break. Kaamelott //


SF & Mainstream 'with keen edge'
In love with :
William Shakespeare + Tennessee Williams + Jean Anouilh + William Butler Yeats + Corneille + Giraudoux...//

Emily Dickinson + Yeats (again) + Paul Eluard + Dylan Thomas + Jules Supervielle + Walt Whitman + Saint-John Perse + Allen Ginsberg & the Beat + Walter de la Mare + Ian Curtis...// +
Philosophy (Jung, Nietzsche, Cioran...)//
Thinkers/medlers/ breakers of boundaries: Louis H. Sullivan + R. Girard + R. Calasso //
... and fiction of course:
XIXe classicals + Decadents + Ayn Rand + E.A. Poe + Joseph Kessel + John Steinbeck + Hélène Cixous + Daphné du Maurier + Hermann Hesse + J.R.R. Tolkien + Tanith Lee + A.S. Byatt + Angela Carter + Tony Hillerman + Ellroy + "Lost Generation" American writers + Evelyn Waugh + Virginia Woolf + Mark Z. Danielewski + Oscar Wilde + David Sosnowski + Gary A. Braunbeck + ...
Last blasts : "Only Revolutions" (Danielewski), "Manhattan" (Cixous) & some essays by Dantec //
-- my short stories collections --
"Fovéa, leçons de gravité dans un Palais des Glaces"
(Le Calepin Jaune, 2008)
"Musiques de la Frontière" (l'Oxymore, 2004)
"La Tisseuse, contes de fées, contes de failles" (l'Oxymore, 2004)
"Conversations avec la Mort" (l'Oxymore, 2003)
"Contes de la Tisseuse - 5 Saisons et 1 Element" (Nestiveqnen, 2000)
-- my novels --
"Avant l'Hiver - architectonique des Clartés" (les Moutons électriques éditeur, 2008)
"La Sève et le Givre" (l'Oxymore, 2002, France Loisirs 2004, Seuil editions 2006)
"La Glace et la Nuit opus I/ Nigredo" (les Moutons Electriques, éditeur, april 2007)
next? /: "La Glace et la Nuit opus II/ Albedo" (les Moutons Electriques, éditeur, 2009)
Been proud publisher & friend of (among others) : Tanith Lee, Lélio, Estelle Valls de Gomis, Armand Cabasson, Robert Weinberg, Elisabeth Ebory, Lionel Davoust, André-François Ruaud, Storm Constantine, Jess Kaan, Neil Gaiman, Brian Hodge, Charles de Lint, Gary A. Braunbeck, Melanie Fazi...
& illustrators: PFR, Dorian Machecourt, Charles Vess, Christopher Shy, Amar Djouad, Amandine Labarre...


Louis H. Sullivan. Factory Records. Frank L. Wright. Ripley. Sarah Connor. Howard Roark. Beate Klarsfeld. Terri Windling.

Gods... with 4 to 6 st(r)ings...
Simon Gallup
John Taylor
Paul Simonon
Mick Karn
Live with a loud heart.
A heart sounding like a Bass.

And to cry with steel-strings nerves...
Always rely on
Daniel Ash...

My Blog

It’s coming for me through the trees (le vertige -- dans la bibiothèque...)

"It’s in the trees!It’s coming!" ... ::jump:: ... :: June :: 20 :: 008 ::: do readers dream of Electric sheeps? : /this post’s title - obvious tribute to :Kate BushHere I go!It&rsqu...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:07:00 PST

the horror did me good - the magic was on my side (General PaniK in the Fo/zone)

::mode:: reconsider:cancel/revise options : stop: // valid::mood:: Spartan:baring teeth/laughing at the shape of universe : stop // valid::act:: pack & leave & breathe 3 days / no / DELETE TRUE ::act ...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:46:00 PST

Come on, I’m talking to you, come on (the Fo/véa shout-box)

C'est le mommment... dzzziiip...Oh well... voici le moment où l'expérience virale Fovéa tombe entre vos avides mimines...Ce moment, où les lecteurs (fidèles et affamés) reçoivent le nouveau junk que v...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 03:53:00 PST

/sticker/ LS Music (this is the beginning... of the E/N/D)

Hey.FR on top / EN belowww.*Brièvement au milieu de l'over-BO-O-k.Cela se sait plus ou moins depuis un temps : j'ai odieusement repris mes activités musicales. Yep.Plus d'infos là-dessus sur le myspac...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 01:05:00 PST

Winter Wonderdzimbam (ou... moi, quand j’entends chanter... Noël)

Ne serait-il pas temps de faire mes... ahem... devoars... devoyrs... devoirs ?Après tous ces derniers blogs philosophico-activisto-musicaux (pléonasme)...je sais que des news sur Fovéa sont attendues....
Posted by Lea Silhol on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:33:00 PST

waiting for tomorrow (Fovea tic-tac, the suite)

Okayyyy...Bon. Eu peu de temps ces dernières semaines pour m'occuper de ce lieu. Les périodes de "fin de travaux" sont traditionnellement des planètes lourdes. Voire... rétrogrades. But / mais / bref....
Posted by Lea Silhol on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:40:00 PST

waiting to unfold (vrac, Fo/ & babble blah blah)

Gooooood moooorning Myssspace,Injection de matière chimique from the Lab'.Vrac news & what it feeels like, from the inside...Tournoiement rapide.Déjà, de base... well, je suppose que je suis genre "to...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 07:38:00 PST

This is the Day... (la fusée Fovéa glisse vers la rampe de lancement)

LS'sFOVEAC'est le moment où le pas bronche.La chute, le whirl, le vertigo.A trop voir, à ne pas assez (sa)voir.Ils tombent.Les Anges, les Ouvreurs, les assassins.Les vivants et les morts. Les saints e...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 02:00:00 PST

Brilliant trees (Nigredo et les semeurs d’Ecosse)

Hey / salut / salam / shalom / hello etc...Plutôt que de parler d'actualité littéraire (quoique... je sais que beaucoup, ici, l'attendent) nous allons plutôt parler aujourd'hui, comme assez souvent da...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 07:35:00 PST

The ticking and the tocking clock...(Fovéa attack)

Oooo-ka-yElle court, la rumeur, elle court (la maladie d'A... ?)On serait sur le point de dévoiler d'ici 10 jours chrono (Jack Bauer est en panne, ne pas *rêver* de 24 h, humm ?) la tête, voire... les...
Posted by Lea Silhol on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 03:10:00 PST