Natacha Giordano profile picture

Natacha Giordano

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Some essential clues to portray his self
I am a french woman, born in Corsica, little island of sharp moutains, and scorching violence.
I've always had a real addiction for litterature : a compulsive reader, since I was able to decipher letters ; a publisher for 8 years, and anthologist of some books. Above all, I need to see the roots of literary things, and so write articles about the fields I love. I'm also a literary agent, among other things.
Is it enough to delimit a self ? Don't think so.
So let's tell I am a sort of agnostic, convinced that the final meaning of life is far beyond human's ability to understand it. Convinced that humanity is trapped (and killed, in some metaphorical way) by empiricism. And convinced, consequently, that truth and meaning are the only valuable aims that human beings must try to reach, relentlessly, and hopelessly.
Otherwise, we just exist as mouths to fill, hands to grab and sexs to fuck. Whow. So exciting.
So I take a deep interest in all forms taken by the human search for what can be called illumination : philosophy, religions, occultism, spirituality, symbolism, whatever. For the concrete manifestation of growth (or regress) in sociology, politics, communication, and so on. And, above all, for the ones who carry into the world seeds of growth, quest and transformation, and so for litterature, art, and the creators beyond.
For years, living in a little town, I've only found all of this in books, and spirit of dead people. Internet ? A rumor far away. People around me ? Mainly liars, deceivers, cowards, narrow-minded beings lost in the so important cares of social integration. I was for them the "too-much" girl. Too passionate-fervent-seeker-violent-immoderate-whatever.
At the age of 14 I deeply feeled this state of mind depicted by Patch Adams / Robin Williams :
All of life is a coming home.
Salesmen, secretaries, coal miners, beekeepers, sword swallowers--
all of us.
All the restless hearts of the world...
all trying to find a way home.
It's hard to describe what I felt like then.
Picture yourself walking for days in a driving snow.
You don't even know you're walking in circles--
the heaviness of your legs in the drifts;
your shouts disappearing into the wind.
How small you can feel.
How far away home can be.
The dictionary defines it as both a place of origin...
and a goal or destination.
And the storm?
The storm was all in my mind.
Or, as the poet Dante put it...
"ln the middle of the journey of my life I found myself in a dark wood...
for I had lost the right path."
Eventually I would find the right path...

Then in 1996, I finally found this right path. Crossing the road of Lea Silhol, by accident. It was about time, cause nobody can hold the storms alone forever.
Lea Silhol was the "too-much" woman for the world. Too idealist and cynic, intense and uncorrupted, true as structural steel. She sees the patterns of the world, and all his rhythms, and sounds, and cries, are banging in her head. And, my oh my, she is a writer. Some alchemist-creator of the logos. She shows me the right path, on the way she is.
And then, since ten years, I get through to make something really valuable of my life, and of myself. Believing that finally, it's possible to see the glitter before the final countdown of death, in other human beings. The essential lesson I was hungered after.
I'm now always the same seeker, but the burning skies gave me a sister, and I can carry on this road, with the Alice Bailey's Taurus devise : "The battle have to be continued, without fear."
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Websites :
* : Site du fan-club de l'oeuvre de Léa Silhol
* : Littérature, société et autres désordres (en construction... d'ici 2012 maybe)
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Living ones __________________________________________

Robin Williams (but not only "meet" him. I would like to know him.)
William Sheller (to understand this musical thing)
Steven Forrest, to learn always more things about human constellations
Jude Law, to play scrabble
Joaquin Phoenix, to do *anything* except scrabble

Dead ones ___________________________________________

Carl Gustav Jung, with Lea Silhol, 30 liters of coffee, and twenty days to debate about humanity, soul and such things
Emile Zola, to take his hands, and talk about his life and work
Vladimir Ilitch Oulianov, to understand better

Fictional characters ___________________________________
Under construction

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***** S.O. *****

Lea Silhol

As-Coron Grove

Mad Youri


Nicevo Agency

Les Artistes contre Sarkozy

Editions de l'Oxymore

Vertigo Lounge


Done by Mirrors


Dorian Machecourt

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Musical highlight

Me vs You


Done by Mirrors


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Vertigen's V.I.P.

Lea Silhol


Dorian Machecourt





Elizabeth G.

Dame Thivanva


Anne Blaitel










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Credits :I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Blog

Step 1 : Est-ce que le silence est d'or ?

Lyrics to Le Silence Est D'or :Paroles : G. et J. LEDOUX/ Musiques : blankass Regarde le soir dehors, les trottoirs qui s'ennuient, Le jour est déjà mort, pourtant c'est pas la nuit. L'h...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 02:45:00 GMT

Maquette de Fovéa sur les ondes

♦ ♦ ♦ Fovéa en phase d'approche ♦ ♦ ♦Good day, everybody :)On l'apprend (et mieux encore, on le "voit" !) aujourd'hui sur le dernier blog de Léa Silhol, le livre-c...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:31:00 GMT

Mais non, lart nest pas mort !

Mais non l'art n'est pas mort ! Et la littérature, par association, non plus. Ce qui est déjà, en soi, une bonne nouvelle. Une petite visite aujourd'hui dans le rayon "où qui y a des bouquins" d'une ...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:07:00 GMT

Fragilité / Ductilité : l'état du tissu social français

Je relis Musiques de la Frontière de Léa Silhol. Il faut toujours relire Musiques de la Frontière, surtout de nos jours.Il y a trois ans ou peu s'en faut, pendant que je bossais sur l'article qui deva...
Posted by on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:16:00 GMT

Et pendant ce temps, sur Internet

On voit des choses étranges.En haut de mon Myspace, les bandeaux de pub ont des tronches de Smileys ricanant. Et en plus, ils parlent.Sur le blog de Léa, les bandeaux facétieux se livrent à un autre g...
Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 18:39:00 GMT

Appel à la résistance - Les Artistes contre Sarkozy

Je relais :************Le 6 mai 2007Voilà, le mal tant redouté est fait. Beaucoup sont à présent dans les rues, notamment dans les villes de provinces où la répression policière n'a pas encore été ren...
Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 18:35:00 GMT

Des nouvelles de la liste Vertigen

Un petit message pour tous les inscrits de la ML Vertigen : j'aurais souhaité pouvoir vous dire que pour les 443 ans de Shakespeare, la liste nous avait fait le plaisir d'être à nouveau opérationnelle...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 15:24:00 GMT

Back on the web (petit message pour les Spacefriends of mine)

Hello Everybody !Juste un petit post-it pour dire que je sors d'une quinzaine de jours de "noirceur" intégrale : pas une question de moral, mais un ulcère de la cornée en fait :) Donc, no web, no read...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 01:04:00 GMT

Some musical Paradise

I had a very painful childhood.Oh, I see you, you're already laughing !Ok, so now take Joe Dassin, Michel Sardou, Jean-Jacques Goldman, all the disco's stars you can imagine, religious canticles among...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 15:32:00 GMT