appreciating things, especially the rain on a cold day muggy day with a cup of earl grey tea in hand and maybe a zoot in the other whilst the lounge is smelling beautifully of freshly washed clothes on the radiators, other than that, ive got a mac, for a while ive been using it to create allsorts of stuff. a lot of it has been editing. any music i have that needs buffing up or cutting down to trying to make short films. this seems to doing well with me considering i studied all of this at college. unfortunatly, i didnt want to be employed in this field so i got a job in summat else and with my earnings i put it towards media development at home. other than that, like anybody my age, i love music, its pretty ecelectic as long as its not diztruxshon or nowt.
someone decent
powered by
nowt, im boring like that.
this year ive done well, i read the "how to fill in your driving license application form", well worth the read. update.30/4/07 my payslips
Bill Clark aka Dad