Whether a fictional planet in the DC Comics universe or a chemical element, known as a noble gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere, Krypton has the ability to expand into your subconscious. Along these sounds, you would be able to walk through a cold hummed darkness to develop systems of echolocation that will take you into distant memories. In this realm, memory becomes a bright greenish-yellow light that glows and reverbs. Once submerged into the nature of “silent dramaâ€, you might hear the images of a forsaken territory, of a territory that is like faint shadows, of a connection with the land that is not familiar any longer. Once thought to be completely inert, Krypton is known to form a few compounds. These compounds are substances formed when two or more elements are chemically joined. In this case these substances are sonic. By suddenly arriving with some metal keys being plucked up and down... there are no fundamental divisions, and a unified set of laws underlie nature. by Sebastian Alvarez
start na planete odbyl sie w roku 2001 i do tej pory krypton co jakis czas realizuje czastkowe plany zmasowanego ataku na ziemskich supermenow. kryptonitem sa spreparowane impulsy elektryczne w postaci fali dzwiekowej tloczone i sumowane w wielkim pudle, zwanym dalej komputerem. sam zamieszkuje tajemnicza planete na ktorej zachodza te wszystkie skomplikowane procesy biologiczne. wiekszosc supermenow nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego, jak blisko nich znajduje sie krypton - mozna powiedziec, ze otacza ich z kazdej strony. plany na przyszlosc: zastapic ksiezyc... kto z was jest supermenem ?
All of the graphics in the bottom slideshow were made by the greatest graphic artist Joshus Hund (www.joshushund.com). You can try to imagine what my music is and see how I imagine it by myself.
some official releases:
(03/06 - eta label) "things that you cant touch"
(08/07 - soundlab) "va - lost lands"
(09/07 - artifical bliss rec.) remixes for "mr.s - hps"
(12/07 - test tube) "silent drama"
www.nowamuzyka.pl by Krzysztof Steplowski
www.independent.pl by Agata Wozniaczka
www.alternativepop.pl by Tomasz Wlazinski