Gareth O'Shea, Notebookproductions
With such amazing feedback from all over the music community, it's not easy staying modest. I do what I can to stay grounded, but, sometimes, particularly in public, I just can't stop myself shouting from the top of my lungs, "NICE ONE". The reason? Well, I think I'm pretty great.Maybe sometime, you'll think that too. But alas, how are ye musicians to know of my greatness, if ye ne'er make my acquiantance.I have the solution! Come to my studio at once, and we shall embark on a musical quest, the likes of which, by days expiration, we find in our palms a CD, nay, an EP with which we shall fight the demons - "Pussy cat dolls" and "Girls aloud" - and vanquish them and their kind to lands akin to hell!Don't be intimidated! Ring me if you play instruments or sing etc. Record with me, you know you want to. And if you don't know you want to, please do anyway.