::Not::The::Same:: profile picture


On a scale of 1 to AWESOME.. I'm SUPER-GREAT

About Me

ok, Fuck... I honestly dont know what to say. I'm into music, almost religiously. If there was a religion which music was GOD, then I would try to be a Priestess, or something. Um,
I am just a terrible human being. I'm fat, and it really doesnt bother me, unless other people make it bother them. I am not a huge fan of hot topic, only cuz everytime I go in there, its only elitist, skinny goth chicks that make rude comments about me. So I gave up. I Hate when people blame society for their own personal problems in life. I blame the media and religion, and the government for Society's problems. then it goes on from there. Its retarded. Whatever.
I'm usually pretty fun to be around, and shit. I make somewhat innappropriate jokes, that make even the most freakish of my friends feel awkward. lol. I talk about killing babies, and eating them. or peeling the flesh from your throat, or slicing the gullets of people, or exploading through their thorax, even tho people dont have thorax, or gullets, that I'm aware of...
Um... I'm really fucked in the head. I do honestly want to die at some points, and other points I am so in love with life, and living, that my happiness becomes almost annoying, but usually, its infectious.
I am loving. and Quite passive agressive. I'm usually the first to apologize. even if I didnt start a fight. I will let you know when something I dont like is happening... but I try to do my best with not starting drama, cuz its total bullshit....
I am also really into movies. And fucking around on the computer.
I dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and am pretty tired of people in general. I think people in general just arent worth while.
i'm not very good at this kinda shit... if ya wanna know.. ask me. and i dont just add anyone who wants to add me, send me a message, and maybe i'll add ya.. Maybe...
. . . . . . .

My Interests

Murder By Numbers!!
"I once stabbed a man in the eye, for he was trying to bite me with it, I found later that he had only blinked"
"I love bunnies (if by "bunnies" you mean "SATAN")."
"What do you call a fat man walking a tightrope? A gypsy"
"What do you get when you throw an aborted fetus on a land mine? An erection"
"Hogans leg drop vs. Macho Mans elbow drop"
"Narcisistic Pedpohile"
"Chainsaw Circumcision"
"Biscuits and Grave Robbing"
"Marco Polo Guitar Solo"
"Stake Knife Labotomy"
"Fat Titty Hooligan"
"Al Roker Booty Poker/Salami Stroker/Chiken Choker "
"Ed Gein, Sex Machine"
"Uncle Fester, Child Molester"
"Touch my Peepee, I go Sleepy"
"Grave Robbin for Sloppy Joes"
"Shake & Break"
"Hamburger Helper Mustache"
"Horse Bris"
"Scantily Clad Lumberjackmen"
"Dead Puppy Rapist"
"Cunt Fetus"
"Gonorrhea Mama Mia"
"Jesus RAPES"
......................older ones....................

"I guess i found his weakness.... Bullets"
"Yes... I'm an alligator!"
"Banana Romance"
"I ate a lot of fiber glass insolation today. It wasnt cotton candy like the guy said. My stomache is itchy"
"Wait... that guy has a mustache?"
"Hamburgler stole my job... and my fucking car!"
"Tell your vagina to quit laughing at me. My effort isnt that hysterical!"
"Tell your teeth to quit sweating on my vagina"
"Grow a mullett and listen to Maiden"
"Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!"
"I woke up on the floor of some Japanese family's rec room, and they would NOT stop screaming!"
"You have a massive erection"
"Shut up you mammoth sun of a bitch!" One evening, Jesus decided to go to the local pub for some out and out boozing... Shot after shot, beer after beer goes down as the hours fly by. Closing time rolls around, and Jesus is drunk off his Godly ass. Stepping outside, the bar owner locks him out. Realizing he had to urinate quite badly, he walks over to the nearest dark area he could make out with his blurred vision. A young man walks up, and asks "Jesus, why are you pissing on my truck."

"Maybe, cuz i feel like it, pal" Jesus replied bitterly.

"Are you drunk, Jesus? Arent you the son of God?" The young man, terribly shocked by the Savoirs brash and outlandish behavior, queried

"Well arent you a son of a bitch?" Retorted the Drunk and Bitter Jesus, vomiting in the young mans truck bed.


I'd like to meet:

"i once stabbed a man in the eye, for he was trying to bite me with it, i found later that he had only blinked"
"i love bunnies (if by "bunnies" you mean "SATAN")."
"What do you call a fat man walking a tightrope? a gypsy"
"what do you get when you throw an aborted fetus on a land mine? an erection"
"hogans leg drop vs. macho mans elbow drop"
"narcisistic pedpohile"
"chainsaw circumcision"
"biscuits and grave robbing"
"marco polo guitar solo"
"stake knife labotomy"
"fat titty hooligan"
"al roker booty poker/salami stroker/chiken choker "
"ed gein sex machine"
"uncle fester, child molester"
"touch my peepee, i go sleepy"
"grave robbin for sloppy joes"
"shake & brake"
"hamburger helper mustache"
"horse bris"
"scantily clad lumberjackmen"
"dead puppy rapist"
"cunt fetus"
"gonorrhea mama mia"
"Jesus RAPES"
........................older ones....................

"I guess i found his weakness.... Bullets"
"Yes... I'm an alligator!"
"Banana Romance"
"I ate a lot of fiber glass insolation today. It wasnt cotton candy like the guy said. My stomache is itchy"
"Wait... that guy has a mustache?"
"Hamburgler stole my job... and my fucking car!"
"Nigger titties"
"Tell your vagina to quit laughing at me. My effort isnt that hysterical!"
"Tell your teeth to quit sweating on my vagina"
"Grow a mullett and listen to Maiden"
"Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!"
"I woke up on the floor of some Japanese family's rec room, and they would NOT stop screaming!"
"You have a massive erection"
"Shut up you mammoth sun of a bitch!" One evening, Jesus decided to go to the local pub for some out and out boozing... Shot after shot, beer after beer goes down as the hours fly by. Closing time rolls around, and Jesus is drunk off his Godly ass. Stepping outside, the bar owner locks him out. Realizing he had to urinate quite badly, he walks over to the nearest dark area he could make out with his blurred vision. A young man walks up, and asks "Jesus, why are you pissing on my truck."

"Maybe, cuz i feel like it, pal" Jesus replied bitterly.

"Are you drunk, Jesus? Arent you the son of God?" The young man, terribly shocked by the Savoirs brash and outlandish behavior, queried

"Well arent you a son of a bitch?" Retorted the Drunk and Bitter Jesus, vomiting in the young mans truck bed.




Moon Vikings.... BITCH!

My Blog

Spiderman 3...

Ok, i havent seen spiderman 3, but i hear its been getting some icky bad reviews...  thats not gonna make me not want to see it... i think it'll either have to wait till it comes out on DVD ...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Sat, 05 May 2007 04:09:00 PST


Coldplay - Shiver so I look in your direction but you pay me no attention, do you? I know you don't listen to me 'cos you say you see straight through me, don't you? but on and on from the moment I w...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:05:00 PST

[NEWEST] A little update, and some bullshit..

Ok, people... i'm done with the GED testing, but i wont find out my results until May 7th... But i'm pretty confident that i passed. So, yeah...  I'm a little heartbroken... For those of you who ...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST

boredom, and loneliness...

Hey people... i'm bored, whats new? lol... anyone wanna do anything next weekend?? i'm not sure what we wanna do... nor if we'll (jessie and i) be able to actually do anything, for we are broke as a j...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 03:35:00 PST

Boredom, early morning..Winter in April wtf?

alright shit fuckers... heh, i'm not much for waking up... at all. lol. naw, i wake up at about 9 everyday, but when you go to bed quite late, it doesnt work out like you hope... well, i'm a weirdo......
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:38:00 PST

Concussion, easter, old people, and junk...

aahhhhh!! ok, ppl... my sis and i took the kids to the roller skating rink for the easter egg scramble, and while we were there, i tried a futile attempt at skating... see... being that i'm big, i've ...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:36:00 PST

[NEW] oh me gaw.. hair dye and obsessions.

alright bitches... i bought black hair dye... if yall dont like it, whoopity doo.. lol... j/k... ....obsessions??? yeah, theres a certain dude whom i am all about... and i'm usually never nervous to t...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:20:00 PST

gerr snarl growl... and GED junk...

hey ppl... as if anyone reads this... i'm just keepin t'ings posted and junk... i guess i'm doing ok with the GED thingy... ya know... i really dig the class tho... cha know??? despite the fact that i...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:39:00 PST

since i havent blogged here for a while

i guess i might as well keep all you myspace goons up to date on whats happening in me life.... mwahahahahahahahaha...ok, howdy do there... um... i cut my hair... i look like the love child of Liza Mi...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:51:00 PST

oh! omg! YAY!! i forgot!!!

ok, last night... i saw the best thing... ok, its the trailor to the third installment to just about the greatest movie i've ever seen... SAW mother fucking 3!!!! oh my god!!! that would make my year!...
Posted by ::Not::The::Same:: on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:11:00 PST