I often feel like a frozen rose, waiting for sweet warmth to thraw me slowly alive again. I LIVE IN VIRGINIA YET HOUSE IS 2 MILES FROM CAROLINA! THANK YOU JAMES TAYLOR FOR GIVING US DECADES OF LOVELY BEAUTIFUL TUNES TO ENJOY MUSIC. Often your songs sooth my tired Soul with good thoughts about our World. Hit below view images for a snowy neat PG rated slide & thanks Photobucket & MySpace.
She is me but younger, I am her yet older, cherrisue69 & a safe site, high tech protection with knowledge of such things.~~
a href="http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc274/debbiesueboaz
lage198.jpg" target="_blank"
@@INFORMATION@@"As president, Hillary will:
Lower taxes for middle class families by: extending the middle class tax cuts including child tax credit and marriage penalty relief, offering new tax cuts for healthcare, college and retirement, and expanding the EITC and the child care tax credit.
Harness the power of innovation to create high wage jobs of the 21st Century. Investments in alternative energy can create new jobs for the 21st century; expanded access to broadband will bring opportunities to underserved and disadvantaged communities; the manufacturing base can be re-energized through creative partnerships; and increased government support for research will stimulate the development of new technologies and life-saving medicines. Hillary will restore integrity to science policy, reversing Bush administration policies that are holding our nation back.
Empower our workers and ensure that all Americans contribute their fair share. Hillary will ensure that unions, which have played an important role in forming and sustaining the middle class, are strong. She will also ensure that trade policies work for average Americans. Trade policy must raise our standard of living, and they must have strong protections for workers and the environment.
Restore the basic bargain. Hillary will restore the basic bargain that if Americans work hard and take responsibility, government will do its part to make sure they have the tools to get ahead.
Return to fiscal responsibility. After six and a half year of President Bush's fiscal irresponsibility, Hillary wants America to regain control of its destiny. She will move back toward a balanced budget and surpluses. Hillary believes that we should develop a set of budget rules similar to those we had in the 90s which required us to fund new expenditures with new revenues or cuts in other areas. "
Dogs, cooking, writing, traveling & finding new adventures before time passes me by & I am rocking on my front porch. I like meeting new people & going to new places, also. I don't want you to be here 4 me constantly but to be happy & alertly fun not dull. Baby let me be your special Dollfaced one to shine 4 u. I am not jealous of other women so freedom is also yours. I am good of heart & humble. So hit view all blog entries to see extras. Also now n profile & over to right is me in gold shoes, skirt & white top with light appearing almost as angel wings! And below face in animated (dancer) is mine made on February 2007. Sincerely with Love, Debbie Sue your Natalie Cherri. Also I am really 5'5 1/2" tall & ruled by Planet of Mercury same as famous Ms. Marilyn Monroe my Movie Star Idol, in my River of tears. Also alot of us middle class folks are using too much plastic. I messed up one of my four at Christmas, b/c had the flu, fell in love, and just getting it fixed. Plus love comes and goes like an ocean's wave & I am used to life with lovely ups & downs.
Digital photography by Son of AKC Chow - QUEEN TIFFANY & BEAUTY OF EARTH, LEAVES & GREEN GRASS.
~~~~I have been up and down in weight also eyes change from dark to just blue or green b/c Hazel eyes WVA 2007~~~~
~~~"We all fudge a bit,have some fudge." by cherrisue69~~~
A personal Birthday to any of my friends, who I somehow missed b/c life keeps me very busy.
AGE IS JUST A # BABY AND I LOOK ALSO FEEL AGE OF 43 SO GO FIGURE. My saying is I had rather be 53 & look 43, than be 43 looking 53 & bought my Camaro out of Show Room brand spanking New! Proud to be one of the few honest enough to tell my real age. Feeling much better, today.
Interesting fast thinking people with good senses of humor. "Men are Trouble and my middle name is Men" & by me. I am looking for peace & happiness which to me is worth more than gold. I love the band "U-2" & I especially like Pop/Rap or Rob Thomas who is also in Matchbox Twenty. So I would love to someday meet Bono or Rob Thomas. Open to meet real people with a sense of humor. No grumpy boring men or women will stay long in my happy, gentle life. Intelligence is more important to me than beauty. Also beauty remember comes more from within than the reverse. I also plan to be more positive with no negative energy.
Ready for the Good LifeReady for sheer happiness.I feel it deep in my bones!I feel reason within me.Believing in my own soul,Be it alone or shared.It will bring me peace,Cause I will survive!Spreading angel wings,I will survive!!
@@quotes by cherrisue69@@freshly new Quotes copyright per B.com, Me so hope you enjoy Body: "If you can't laugh at yourself, don't laugh at me"
"I've had many days in the Sun & will never be jealous of yours"
"He said I was babbling & I said he could not remember to be nice"
"US girls are harder to conquer, Men love to Conquer a Stallion"
"A man is much more than the size of his prick"
"We all need basics to live & all are full of crap"
"Was taught if we murder ourselves, God will turn us away to be doomed to Hell"
"I wish for Passion so intense my blood will boil"
"Try to be good, yet do throw away guilt, anxiety, fear, sadness for Passion"
"Just as it takes 10 stresses to knock me down, compliments bring me to my Ability"
"I laugh & say I can't die today 4 I have too many new shoes waiting to walk"
"You pretend you don't see or hear me, but bet you do"
"Men are trouble & my middle name is Men"
"My Ass is not as was, but I love it regardless 4 have to sit down"
"I see World turning madly insane, making me feel sensable & very Wise"
"Mankind loves sex, not just for reproducing as in other beasts"
"Hoping I can be your fan once a day, is that okay"
"I don't need another knotch on my belt, it's full; I am not after your man, he chases Me"
"Smart and witty, other days dumb also silly"
"These wicked days do trust nobody, except Mother Wisdom"
" I have been around enough, to know when your screwing my head"
"You can show your children the path, but can't walk down it for them"
"Devil has always been at my heels, but I do stay one step ahead of him"
"I feel like have the weight of whole World on my shoulders, but I am very strong in mind"
"This Chick tries to be the sexiest of all in HenHouse"
"Admitting flaws makes them fixable"
"Love can't be forced, it is of what dreams are made of fairy dust & lust"
"Winning Battles even if in ones mind, brings peace"
"I know what to say when & when to say What"
"Nowhere could I run from you b/c you are with me in my Heart"
"I am a daisey growing up in an asphalt Road"
" I am a rose never a thorn and smell so sweet"
"A shame some cause us to trust few"
"All colors are precious to me just so you are human"
"When I figure me out, maybe you will get a chance to try"
Action is what our World needs to go forward, not the friggin reverse"
"This Country will not fall, not on my faithful WATCH"
"Your page may be purple but mine is more full of light, dark, cutely neat & Passion"
"Let me enter into your Arms to feel the beating of your heart for pure bliss"
"Baby, Baby and yes you can be that Man, for I have no baby anylonger"
"Am I coming or going, plan to do both"
"Just be sure to be informed U know not as much as U think U do"
"Magically Bi in many WAYs"
"Suicide is stupid live to make them remember you even longer"
My copy rights b/c fresh quotes are above per me by ME ! ME
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KVK @ MySpace
@@@@@Love to Love You Baby@@@@@
The Unknown Complicated LifeWhy fear what we do not understand.Often dreading something totally unknown.Must be universal across this land.We try to hide our feelings, by closing hearts.Never realizing the harm this will do to us.There are ways to perfect this secret art.We all lie, cheat, connive and scheme.Never realizing what damage we plot.Everyone is guilty of being selfish.Life is harder much more than wished.It can be happy only by a miracle.So live each day, love and believe.Following your on belief and mind.Advice meant to help relieve,Problems of this rough day and time.Life complicated life, try not to escape,But with a little hope, kindness,Love with give and with take.We may learn from our mistakes.Our problems to cope, then to face.With care our world can be,A much better place!
Written in 1979 after suicide attempt & 1st documented Poem by your cherrisue69
I love these poems so when younger would get a bottle of wine and cry while reading almost everyone..Debbie Sue in (Who will rule my Heart, for I have never surrendered 100% to any Mortal Man)make me smile & I will adore you always.
~~Enjoy & visit this safe page, we have high tech virus protection! Beware of wolves in Sheeps' Clothing.~~
~~~~Enjoy & view my 7 videos~~~~free was just for fun.~~~~~
In the big CELEBRITY box snapshot was 1/22/07! Personally JAMES BLUNT IS MY PRESENT FAVORITE SINGER & AN ANGELS VOICE. Goodness my only Son is 21 so I like all my older music & his new music so I like it all, pretty much. I cut on music when I wake-up & sometimes sleep with it on all night in my room. I love the band "U-2" & I especially like Pop music. I also buy lots of Rob Thomas in his new stuff. Now I give you a quote by me: "I wish for passion so intense my blood will boil" and desire it. I AM IN A STATE OF PURE , "DRIVEN ECSTASY" b/c of music by Jason is amazingly hot. "Impress by not impressing, be real" and by cherrisue69 ♥ see 7 videos free 4 U!
Me taken January 2006 when hair burnette.♥cherrisue69♥Please view my 7 videos & one called Cherri Wet hair Flirting.
Micky & Kim in 9 1/2 weeks is my all time favorite. I loved the way he would blindfold her and etc. Next would be Jessica Lange & Tommy Lee Jones in the sleeper about a Bi-Polar woman (Jessica) in movie "Blue Sky". About hard-working, mild-tempered Army scientist & his beautifully spirited & emotionally vulnerable wife. While he's conducting tests in Nevada, she succumbs to the advances of his superior officer! But her infidelity is not the only dilemma the Marshalls have to face. When a deadly military cover-up puts her husband in jeopardy. Its up to Carly (Jessica Lange) to muster the courage & strength to save the man she loves! This is a sleeper made in 1994 but is available on DVD. Powers Booth is also a major actor as the Superior Officer in this great film from beginning to end. Rex Reed said "Original & Stimulating so gave it four stars". The actress Jessica went into Mental Hospitals and studied with real Bi-Polar women to learn of this unique illness so she is an excellent actress. Great movie and Also rent or buy "Mister Jones" also about Bi-Polars with Richard Gere.
Mostly all the series on HBO & new movies, but also all the reruns of Law and Order due to the fact I just noticed the show about 1 year ago. Otherwise I love the music videos on BET, VH1 & the Country Channel to watch their count downs each day.
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In general I like factual books such as subjects about health, animals, cooking & etc. I buy so many books I get bored with & only read about half of them. But I do have a huge collection in my house. According to many horoscope books, Virgo we earthy folks are in the largest reading group of all 12 signs. Virgo is also related to harvest, being fertile, bringing fruitfulness & called the Virgin. I am very shy on first dates & this is not an act.
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People in general who are independant & brave. Not our leaders but the brave men who actually fight our wars. Being a Mother I think war should be our last choice & we acted in my opinon by President Bush much to quickly on this one. Yet I can see many mess-ups here & he is just avoiding dealing with them. What I am trying to say is he could have fought terriorists on the internet in porn sites, drugs, at our borders, & at our Airports rather than nose-diving in their Countries. I do not blame him but just personally do not approve of much he has did for us during his two terms, so far. At this point it seems he doen't care if the public approves of him but just that his Dad or Wife are impressed by him. I know a president can't do but so much, yet seems what he has did hurt us intensely. Also I proudly tell you I had the insight to vote against him in both previous presidential elections. I did vote for Mr. Bill Clinton in his 1st election, yet did not vote at all for or against during his second election. I did love Former President Bill Clinton's speeches, they showed intelligence.
~~~below my Dad's Army Picture~~~
I have several pierced pieces with dice on them...12 gauge...stuff for belly piercing & etc.
@@@ With Age we learn to laugh, live & yes even love much better without restraints or chains. Loving with total freedom and no inhabitions.
My Sweet Soulmate Mr. Gravity"
Hon, you are playing in my music box.
You're playing in my bedroom boom box.You're playing in my loving heart & soul.
You're playing in my twirling as my best goal.You're playing in my dreams of us swinging & acting silly.
You're playing in the back, front and all over giving me a willy.Your love could help ease my sadness with young dreams.
This fairy tale is true also exactly as it glitters and seems.I hold you up, then you hold me up so we stay sane.
I love you regardlessly each past pit is now a Lane.A Lane to happiness, untouched forgiveness and hot passion.
In this new love i feel utter love with hot lustful passion.Age is only a number, if we last 2 months, or 1 year.
I feel somehow we both need it and in this I am clear.Ben you make me feel like someone stands in my corner.
Ben you are showing me love and I wish to be not a loner.Some relationships do come and go, yet we need to try it.
What do we both have to lose so I tell you not one bit.Save me and i will save you while you bring me laughter and out of the dark.
Save me and this Angel will love you, be only yours forever in her sweet heart.Written in 3 minutes at 12:42 on Wednesday 4/30/08-they flow so fast these words!
by your Debbie Sue@copy writes.b.com sweet & kind
I have the means to free myself of the guys here bringing me to almost feeling dead. Dead in mind, dead in soul so I fly. I use angels' wings or a jet to fly to you when you request it under your Strong Wings. So you be strong so I can be strong and we both win. I plan to at last give a man 100% of my wisdom & love. by: cherrisue69