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At the age of 12 Chuck-"G" started Djing for the first time on a pair of 1200's.It was then in the spring of 1990 Chuck-"G" bought a SP1200 for $120.00.It took him 8 months to figure it out without a manual,but after that he was on fire! This man ha been around Palm Beach County for a minute along with Palm Beach County , ATL rapper Triggaman (So So Def Bass Compilation "Shakedown" Gold selling Album)Chuck at the time of the early 90's began producing for local artists around town.Now in that time if you had your music out or had an SP1200 or MPC60 etc,you was the MAN!!Chuck-G started putting in mad time on the SP1200 making beats for Triggaman along with Migraine(E.Moss)These 3 were doing shows from Palm Beach to Miami,Chuck's cousin Gene from Miami was the manager setting up shows photo shoots etc.You know how the story goes things started to fade out,and later on Triggaman signed with Cut It Up Def/Pandisc Records with his 1st Single "Work That Coochie" This beat was produced entirely by Chuck-"G" but instead the credits went to Kidd Money (Splack Pack) Note:Up and coming Artists and Producers handle YO BUSINESS and this thing won't happen (BMI,ASCAP,etc) Just to name somemore production credits Chuck-"G" didn't get Splack Pack's Uhh!! Ohh!! near Gold selling album "Sock It 2 Me" (sequenced by KM Productions) "Scrub Da Ground" (Note:The ingredients to "Scrub Da Ground" This song has been played all over the world for the past 13 years and even played on MTV's Jack Ass This song was produced entirely by Chuck-"G" at his Parents house in Lake Worth, Fl made on a SP1200 the snares he used was sampled the space aged sound in the song was sampled from the old Miami Bass Group the M-Forcers with Fresh Celeste He sampled the congas from an old Beats and Break Record he borrowed from Raylo of Dem Damn Dawgs ("Peanut Butter Jelly Time")Chuck-"G" then added open and closed Hi-Hats and sprinkled a little more congas to it and added that 808 Bass Line!!! Chuck is to have quoted when the song plays in the club or radio, That's Me!! That's all ME!!! I Brought That Beat into Existence!!!! That's My Sandwich I made that the way i wanted it and Head and Q-Dogg did a great job of doing the Lyrics!!!!and Triggaman did a great job of riding out on it in the backgroud!!!! All Chuck wanted at that time was his credits for producing the beats. I didn't want the money at the time all i wanted was my name for the production credits.The same was for all the other songs.... Also on Splack Pack 4 Life album he produced Wutz Really Happenin..Currntly up 2 date Chuck-"G" is back in the studio working with E-Dub and Fatal Sun at RedRum Studio's in West Palm Beach,Fl Chuck is also a helping hand with up in coming artist Bobby Conyac and also Triggaman who is on the comeback in the ATL,Chuck,Raylo and Triggaman used to be a group back in the early 90's and Chuck-"G" and Raylo are still the best of friends.......Special Shout Outs and inspiration for my music career to the people that inspired me Kooley-"C" Dj K.J. Danny-"D" Dj Whiz K-Bass MC Chap Steve Tempo Jealous-"J" aka Jim Jonsin BrainDamage Jonski Aaron-"G" Jock-"D" Scorpio Bob and the whole Cut It Up Def crew Beware Records "Beware" Chuck Hemann of Magnectic Air Studio's now Palm Beach Studio's and Jimmy Starr of Hideway Studio's Club Ensima , The FunHouse Club Henessey Maxi's Club Soda Yall know what i'm talking about! And my close Dawgs Triggaman,Big Nune(NuneTime)HeadKnocker Productions(Sidney)Lawton Mapp,Al Tucker,D-Masters,Dj K.O.,Fat Shannon,Raylo,Sean Clements,PeeWee,My cous ShoBoat,Cous Zo,Gene at Motorsports,Cous Marc Neal,Eddie Deveax,Pop,Peanut,Migraine,Big"C" Carlton ,Tate,Head ,Q-Dog Maurice Watkins,Kevin Woody,Kervin Paul,Alfred Perez,Sidney Lanfair,Luther Barber,Lake Worth High,C-Funk the Source,Tony Cruz,Tony-"G",LawonSoul in Las Angeles The legendary Peekaboo's,Okeechobee Blvd,Military Trail,Lake Worth Rd......Everyone i Forgot!!!! P.S. Jill McLendon where are you? Look out for my Bass Booty Album next year bringing back that good ole BOOTY SHAKIN!!!!!!! Peace Out!Get this video and more at