Jim profile picture


Be Just and Fear Not...

About Me

Some of my favorite hobbies are pimping out computers, racing cars, paintball, gaming, and martial arts. I love to read books, but all the better while outside exploring nature. The internet was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yes, I'm a complete dork and geek, but I'm still cool. I am a very easy going kind of guy. I enjoy watching movies, laughing at comedies, chilling with friends, and swapping stories. I'm am slow to warm up to new people, but once you are my friend I am loyal, honest, and giving. By the same token, while at work I am very diligent. Part of my motto is work smarter and harder. Making work fun is part of what I do. Unless the situation is dire and lives are on the line, I see no reason to run an enterprise like a dictatorship. I believe balance is the key to any successful venture.

I am very intellectual when I want to be, my IQ fluctuates between 138-142... I also enjoy being physically active and keeping my body toned, sculpted, and conditioned for inevitable challenges whether it be for mental or corporal manisfestations. Why do I do this? First of all, it is because there is direct evidence that your mental health is somewhat related to your physical well-being. I believe the body and the soul are intertwined until death, and that life itself is one big learning lesson, granted of course we have the free will to make choices that will help us tailor our personal experience... (The following is a non-traditional comparison, heh) But think of yourself as an experienced katana swordsmith.. You must forge the blade from rare steel and alloys, until it is hammered, tempered, heated, cooled, over and over again. Finally, the steel has become a razor sharp blade, honed into perfection... I believe life is the same way and serves a relative purpose. Although the actual purpose of life still eludes us all and is something we will probably never fully ascertain during our lifetime. (Unless you have found inner-peace through religion). Therefore, taking care of the vessel known as our body is only part of the temporary challenge we face. Caring for others, love, romance, beauty, and pleasure are the rewards given along the way. To deduce us to the same factor as animals is illogical given the complex mind we are very well self-aware of. Nevertheless, we do share the same basic needs of any living creature on the planet. Hence, why it is imperative to keep yourself in good operating condition during your journey. As instinctual and basic needs combined with a lack of resources to share among us is compounded by the very thing that makes us human... Our Brain... That leads us to the problems that plague us, in which Animals inheritely do not have feelings of. Such as jealousy, hate, and greed... (Score one for intelligent design with that remark!) *lol*

I enjoy learning about many things, but in particular I like to study philosophy, art, and parapsychology. Of course, anything technicial comes to me rather naturally so subjects like computer science always interest me as well.


I'm a proud geek! A crusader of innovation!

Who do you know wants to build a website? Send them my way!

My Interests

My Car, 2005 Saturn ION quad coupe! It's awesome!

Krav Maga opens the path to a better, more confident, and safer life. Look into it today and try it out at a local training facility! If it improved my life, then it can do it to you too!

Krav Maga Fighting Defense Techniques...

Cool Cars, Street Racing, Geothermal Power, Killer Gaming, Studious Science, Fascinating History, Serious Gay Rights, Funny Philosophy, Basic Biology, Astounding Astronomy, Geeky Computers, Fast Cars, Elite Krav Maga, Streneous Muy Thai, Fantastic Kung Fu, Disciplinary Karate, Shiny Katana, Marvelous Martial Arts, Proper English, Bavarian German, Spanglish Spanish, Choppy Chinese, Raw Japanese, Tangy Thai, Lovable Laotian, Serious Sushi, Painful Paintball, Crustacean Cooking, Fried Rice, Complex Strategy, Awesome Archery, Frankly Firearms, Cosmic Cosplay, Alluring Photography, All types of Art, Creepy Drawing, Playful Painting, Vicious Video Games, Peace through mastering Warfare, Marvelous Music, Maniacal Mixing, Trancy Raves, Inspiring Tantra, Thinking Games, Techno Technocracy, Capitalistic Democracy, Progressive Thinking, Pagan Propaganda, Remarkable Debating, Homely Home Remodeling, Destination Traveling, Hightech India, Delightful Amusement Parks, Hardcore Racing, Interesting Zoos, Highly evolved Oceanic Life, Socializing Sociology, Super Stock Market, Gambling Stocks, Better have Insurance, Pleasant Massage Therapy, The perfect pancake, Electrical Robotics, Biological Cybernetics, Small Nanotechnology, Genetical Bio-Engineering, Ponderous Programming, Wicked Warlock, Currency Economics, Corn fed BioFuels, Muscular Body Sculpting, Power of Passion, Backpacking Hiking, Happy Horseback Riding, Clever Fun on Roller Coasters, Historic Ren Faires, Trendy Tradeshows, Instrumental Orchestra, Moody Musicals, Masters of the Arts, Intriguing Capitalism, Endless Honor, Death conquering Faith, Green Gardening, Growing juicy tomatoes, Spicy Spices, Tasty Herbs, Making incredible Chicken Dumpling Soup, Chocolate & Coffee Connoisseur that I am, Sexy Salsa Dancing, Pure Vodka, Heart pounding Aerobics

Sehr Gut Emmy!


Solo Voice, Gothic, Melodical Metal, Alternative, Country, Trance, Romantic, Acid Genres, Hendrix, Electronica, Chorus, Speed, Metal, Hard Rock, Pop, Techno, Fusion, Classical, Hip Hop, Tu Pac, Ethereal, Indie, Dance, Death Metal, Thrash, Piano, Punk, Jazz, Cultural


I have an inexplicable weird macabre fascination with all Zombie Movies... :-P This includes, Dawn of the Dead (Awesome that the remake takes place in Milwaukee btw!) *lol*, Return of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead, and pretty much anything done by Romero.

Finding Nemo, Swing Kids, Black Dahlia, The Matrix, Forrest Gump, Out for Justice, Shrek, Transformers, Excalibur, Signs, The Village, Thank You for Smoking, Aragon, Anime, X-Files, Contact, Robot Chicken, Kill Bills, The Notebook, ROME: The Series, The Patriot, Glory, The Matrix, Underworld, The Professional, LOST: The Series, 24, LA Confidential, Night Rider, Airwolf, Gone with the Wind, Troy, Gladiator, The Protector "Tom Yum Goong", The Princess Bride, Batman, Iron Man, Xena, Hercules, Time Bandits, Labyinth, Youtube, X, Fearless, Lost, Firefly, Serenity, Hart's War, Puff the Magic Dragon, Short Circuit, A Beautiful Mind, Glory, The Patriot, The Iron Giant, Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Contact, ID4, X-Files, Southpark, The Simpsons, Sin City, Sex and the City, Friday, Battlestar Galactica, Along came Polly, Shrek, Virus, Lord of the Rings, The Fast and the Furious, Downfall, The Dead Poet Society, The Fountainhead, Starship Troopers


My Blog

Why Obama can fix the economy and McCain cant...

I've watched all the debates, read both sides of the story... I made up my mind, and I feel confident that Barack Obama is going to be able to help this country much better than McCain could ever do.W...
Posted by Jim on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 11:21:00 PST

My pictures of the Obama Fundraiser, Milwaukee 2008

Posted by Jim on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 12:21:00 PST

US winning Iraq War - Reports Show

Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lostBy ROBERT BURNS and ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writers Sat Jul 26, 7:08 PMBAGHDAD - The United States is now winning the war that two years ago ...
Posted by Jim on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:42:00 PST

The double helix and molecular biology, finally Proof of God?

Video excerpt from "Unlocking the Mystery of Life." Video excerpt from "Unlocking the Mystery of Life."...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:37:00 PST

The Great Depression of 2008-2015?

Oil Crisis = The New Great Depression When will high oil prices ( an oil crisis ) trigger a depression in most industrialised Eurasian, North American, and Oceanian countrie...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 10:24:00 PST


First of all, I want to say that I do not endorse fighting as a means to an end. I do not think the strong should prey upon the weak. Nor, do I think it is okay to go around punching people, unless of...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 10:41:00 PST

11 Rules to follow for a good Life

The five most essential words for a healthy, vital relationship are, "I apologize" and "you are right." Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. Never pass up an opportunity to pee. I...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:23:00 PST

Why is freedom of speech so important?

While Communism and Fascist governments can sometimes be good, such as in the case of a replacing a corrupt government, or one where it is controlled by foreign powers... These types of governments th...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:17:00 PST

JRock Wedding Pics, not many, but good ones!

This is for you Jason and Amanda!...
Posted by Jim on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 12:26:00 PST

Hollywood is setting up shop in Milwaukee!

By Chris Lato Click here to listen to Newsradio 620 WTMJ's Chris Lato report on the attempt to make Milwaukee the movie-making capital of the Midwest. Wisconsin...
Posted by Jim on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 09:08:00 PST