Esca profile picture


I shall not cower from anything including my death for then I shall be free! Cylon 35c4

About Me

English was not my first language but I have come a long way.
Dark is tomorrow but the light of today is a star upon it. Today is a guide for tomorrow. I worry not of tomorrow for that day may never come if it strays. Today is bright full of adventure, opportunity, and hope. This day I take and conquer with all my strength, will and being, adding another mark in history, so that if tomorrow comes it will know that I was yesterday.
We are the gods and goddesses of once was, we will be the creators.
The Sumerian's had it right I think and I would rather wait for the Annunaki to return than Jesus if I had to chose!
So say we all.... Let Science Perivale!
I love this guy I could have not said it much better myself please watch and enjoy because I approve of this message 110%

Click Here To read my poems and writings.
My mother was a great Sith Empress and my father was a Jedi Knight they both died a while ago after I collected the bounty for slaying them both.....
I can never be beaten because I do not cower from anything including my death and that sets me free to conquer anything. In turn I will always win for I won with myself.
I always win even when I lose. No one really loses if they closely look at the lesson learn. It’s always up to how you consider that win and what that win is to you. My will is strong and only those of the weak willed will think of losses. My state of mind is that of my will for they would not coexist in the same being unless paradoxes. I think I can there for I will.
Outclassed I will never be for I have created a class of my own. Our classes are alike in many ways, just different outer shells of the flesh. I have risen for when you have wing the skies are truly open to you. There is nothing higher than that. I ride on the wings of Esca’s will. Assurance in ones self is kin but works as a double edged sword, moderation and consideration is the key.
Think small with knowing that it will grow to be big. As I plant my small seed of the will it grows to big deeds. Thinking small does not make me fall behind but, it’s an assurance for when I am big it will also be strong and not hollow. I will always be big and strong through out the ages of time. More time the bigger and stronger I become till greatness can not be surpassed no more. That’s when God steps in.
Life’s battles go to those who chose to fight them. I will not watch such battle fields and cower under a rock. I will fight them all. If I am smaller than I know I am faster, if I am bigger than I know I am stronger. I use my current states in given battles accordantly and wisely for they are all gifts to your advantage and not weaknesses. I do not only think I can, I know I can.
I think I can walk along the side of someone great, beautiful and wise as people. There for I will. With this said will you walk with me?
My Quote
"Mankind is not made to function in the way todays society is headed. We are all each unique and different with many flaws, and todays society is looking for perfection, and standardization onto clones which in turn creates depression because that is beyond us."
Negativity is the dark blindness its self, and only you decided whether or not you step into that darkness for we have always been the light. Patience is a virtue and can only come with wisdom and time itself. Only time will tell, and it always comes together in the end that is what I have to say to you. Remember that everything has always been there and that you just need to remember." There is no teacher that can teach anything new, but they can help us remember what we always new."
It's ME...
About me and life: If you live your life proving things about your self to the world you will live a life of constant war with your self and others. What would you gain in proving to someone, a stranger anything? I rather spend my short life that I have here on proving things to myself and that I can. Believe me others will notice if their eyes are looking my way and listening those are the ones that matter.
Why are we here, what is our point of even being here, why am I here etc.? Well the answer to such a question lies within each person. I can only answer and account for my own. Why am I here? Well to be honest with you I am still trying to find the answers to that question. I have theories as to why but not a definite answer. What I do know is that I am here on this planet to be me, to live a life that is full, rich, and righteous, to my perceptions of things and of the creators. The rest really does not matter when it comes to the world and even this Myspace that is a mere reflection, slice of who I am. I can only hope that in the end I lived a life that was well lived and remembered for the next to come after me. For what lies ahead after that I do not know but I hope the experiences of when I was alive will help me in the next existence to come.
Summing me UP!!!
This would sum it all up: Pro-Gamer, Computer Geek, amature Ufologist, toped off with a sense of Style, Cosplayer, Anime Lover total J-rocker, and an Artist to top it all off. Not to mention the 80's. My education and up brining has come from a hard up brining, video games, computers, and a lovely company called Square ENIX. Final Fantasy is the rules I live by. That is all if you want more send me an email.

"Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game Yo!" as my good friend at work says. I think this is so funny.
"With that said to those that have commented and judged not knowing."
The hell with you if you judge me for my creative appearance, and different approach to the every day plainness of this world. It is sad that in this world you are judged by our outer shell of a person. This would not be bad if people had a good perception of their judging. I feel sorry for all the people that live their lives this way and all that they are missing out. Open your minds and accept everything this world has to offer with people. In not doing so will lead to starvation of your soul and everything that you are or can be.
Yes I'm talking to you. Here is some food for thought.
Escas Instructions For Life
or you can always read/watch Gulliver's Travels, one of my favorites
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, dont lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs:
Respect for self
Respect for others and
Responsibility for all your actions
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Dont let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realize youve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open arms to change, but dont let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good honorable life. Then when you get older and think back youll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Dont bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. Its a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace youve never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
20. Love Esca and keep him close for he is special and a true friend.
Now write these rules ten times each so that you will remember them.
Dreams I dream and away I dream the cold hard reality of a cruel world for in my dreams I dream the heavens and a utopia of forever. Let me dream for I only can exsits in such a realm. He who passes me by and does not walk with me will forever parish to the nothing.
PAIN dissipates depending on your will to make it dissipate. You feed your self and no one else. Your person is like a temple and you get to chose what comes in and goes out, feed it pain, hate, greed, sorrow, sadness and that is what you will unleash onto the world. People in this world are only INFLUENCES and that is all, only mere PERSUASIONS to their own will to you. Only you decide to follow there ways. MEMORIES and EXPERIANCE is what makes you who you where, are now and will be, for this is you. It is hard to believe that everyday is filled with HATE, and DISGUST because of what you have done, for there is no such a SIN that can be done for this to be a PUNISHMENT. When there is something called FORGIVENESS and you can always can forgive yourself if others can do as well. Learn but do not dwell in what sins you have committed. Your major sin is of you JUDGING and CONDEMING yourself for you are not GOD and only he is said to do this once it is your time. The only DENIAL is you to your self and of happiness. REMORSE is the outcome of the so called environment you seem to have created. We all SUCCUMB to DEATH and it is something we all have to face, but that is only temporary for you acquire new LIFE right after. However you do not get to chose when to do this. INSINCERITY is the loss in believe in ones self and that is the worst thing that you can let your soul do, and leads to SLAVERY for you will be among the easily controlled. This is where your SILENCE comes from. Overcome this ENEMY of your self that you have created and you will find your DREAMS and inner PEACE again. I promise. Time is powerful and it’s like a double edge sword use it wisely. Dreams can never be dissolved but put away temporarily for they always surface from time to time. FATE is created by you and DESTINY is a recollection like history books. If you have thrown everything away wait for the stuff that does come full circle back to you for these are the things you want to keep close. We all have to throw or lose things through out our lives to know there TRUE VALUE, same with people. Waiting is PATIENCE and that is a strong VULTURE to have. HYPNOTISM is one being controlled and IMPRISONED set your self free for the only prison that you are in is the one that you have created for your self, because of FALSE TRUTHS that you chose to BELIEVE. If I offer you my hand in help while you’re on the edge of the cliff, don’t keep throwing me away. Think about why I seem to keep coming back to be something in your EXISTANCE. What value do I have to you, how long will it take for you to realize the value. The dark clouds where summoned by you through influences. With that same token you can make them go away and see clear skies.
I hope that my thoughts can help..
Many ask so here it is, I do smoke "Bottom Leaf!"

My Interests

All the graphics, banners, posters, pics, layout, etc on this site are done by me unless stated. I am NOT going to answer your questions if they are already answered in my profile. You should have taken the time to read it. For general interests I like: 80's, Crop Circles, Aliens, UFO's, Sumerian's, "I am a member of MUFON", Computers, Video Games, Japanese Anime, Sci Fi, Asian Culture, Asian Girls, did I say Japan, Martial arts, Visual Kei, Cyber Industrial fashion, BDSM, Bondage, Goddess Of Wings/Lady in Red, Latex of corse, 7 my bike, Space Exploration, Neo-Victorian things, and maybe you


My Computer

Click Here To Vote!


For those that do not know I am 100%PR. So to represent my haratage I have made this little logo.

Visit Athenes and Show some Support. CLICK HERE

If no time is shown on this for any games it means I am on the consoles.

Yes I Play WOW:
Server: Blood Furnace
Character Name: Esca


Yahoo IM: Escaflownely
AOL IM: Escaflownely
MSN: [email protected]
ICQ: 127158700
GooleTalk: Escaflownely
Xfire: 35c4
Xbox Live: Esca35c4
Wii ID: 5926 9796 1947 5364 MY SITE

I'd like to meet:

The mere fact that women exist in the world delivers me a state of pure bliss!

If you're a woman start here and click on this link.

This video is a perfect interpritation of me in a relationship and what it would be like LOL "Serious".
I love this video and this is how it would play out! I would be the Geek 100%


If I do find someone and luck is on my side" I want to find an 80's type of love and friends. You know like in all those awesome 80's movies and music specialy love songs. The concept, bonds, growing up, etc, etc. If you grew up in the 80's and or understand them you will know what I mean and am talking about. Its not the same now and days I miss that kind of thinking.

I want to be that cute cosplay couple people look at and are like wow. I want to be that cute gamer couple and own n00bs. I want to be that interracial couple with a lot of culture between them. I want love like the rest of us. I want a relation ship, not a date. I want this to happen to me.

On another note: I have an ASIAN ADDICTION but not the type that your thinking of, more like culture and stuff, but yes those cute little porclen faces are hard to get away from and I want one just for myself as well! More over lets move to the next thing how about a HOT Cylon from Battle Star Galaxtica, after that well a HOT RICH GAMER CHICK to take care of me and and our hobby so we never have to work and just play all day and make hot passionate love by our computers or game consols in between breaks, or I can settle for an Asian Visual Kei, Gothic Chick with a Robotic 80's Synthesized Voice....Angel Wings is a plus.."^_^", WHAT ABOUT SOME HOT GAMER GIRLS DID I MENTION THAT. I know all this sounds crazy but we all have fantasies no matter how messed up they are. This is my fantasy.

I'd also like to meet "Utada Hikaru"

Hayao Miyazaki The Legend in Japanese Anime and stroy telling.

I am also looking for a friend.....
I already met Jeremy in RL. Not because he is famous in the gamer world, Not because he PWNs, or I am all up on his balls, but because he is real. Thanks man. Check out his site on the banner below.

Everyone else on my Top 24 you know I want to meet you, your like my Goonies.

My World Visitor Map!
Make my map grow. I want to reach every corner of the world since I cant do it physicaly in my life time.



Japanese Pop (Jpop), Japanese Rock (JRock), Korean Pop (Kpop), Korean Rock (Krock), Korean R&B, Korean Rap, Chinese Pop, Chinese Love Songs, Chinese Classical, Chinese Rock, Asian, Old R&B/Hip Pop like in the 90's, etc...., Enya, Enigma, Celtic, Pagan, Industrial, Electro, Metal, Video Game Music, 80's, Rock, New Age, Techno, Chill, Frank Sinatra, Dean, Modern Classical, Classical, Salsa, Reggeton. Also please let me know of any bands with influenceslike these.,

Yet another amazing net_radio station

My ART AND ANIME WORK Also some of Pure Pwnage
Please look under the Art section under my pictures for more and

Thiss special sign was made buy teh_SEXY_Emmjay!!!!




"Zeitgeist - The Movie" (this is some Truth in it)then theres

Anything with Kelly Lebrock (Best 80's female actress I wish to meet some day), Andrew McCarthy (Best 80's male actor I wish to meet someday)in it and All the good 80's Films if you know the 80's you know the ones I am talking about I am not making a list. Then theres, anything that is Sci Fi, Fantasy, UFO's, Aliens, Crop Circles, Japanese live action and anime, Japanese Drama, Korean Dramas, Korean and Chinese live action, Asian films in general, etc...
Star Trek all of them, Star Wars, Babalon 5, Dune anything on the Sci Fi Channle

This is one of the big reasons why I started gaming.To bad I do not have the original.


"Zeitgeist - The Movie" (There is some truth there)Bill Maher is cool too, then theres

I do not watch television, well I should say television here in general, I like foreign films specially Asian films...Lots of Sci-Fi, Anime, like: Star Trek, BattleStar Galactica, Farscape, Babalon 5, All the Stargates, Heros, Dristen Files, basicaly anything on the Sci Fi Channle, and other channels like: Discovery, TLC, History Channel, Science Channel, Univison



Manga, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Computer, Science, RPG Games, Aliens, UFO's Crop Circles, The Sumerian Tablets


My Mom and Dad are my Hero!

Then I am a closet Superman Fan (the 80's Christopher Reeve) not many people know this about me.

AND for all of you that consider me your Hero, a friend or your just a fan.
Now you can take Esca anywere on your site.

Feel free to add it to your site print it out, make sticker, and take him with you everywere you go.

My Blog

I say NO to Religion! Tribute to George Carlin

Many of you know that I do not like religion. I used to once until I saw the light and that was not one of an angel, or the end of the tunnel. It was the one in my brain that told me to wake the FUCK ...
Posted by Esca on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:32:00 PST

Esca and Neo-Victorian

Many of you know that I am a big "Cosplayer". For many years now I have been balancing this with, my gaming addiction and what I call "Everyday RL 9 to 5" life that funds all this that many of you do ...
Posted by Esca on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:22:00 PST

Waring Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul, What is LOVE!

What can be said about a woman, a human being of the opposite gender/role that is suppose to complete me in the origin of natural physical sexual sense of nature and order of things? Why have I been ...
Posted by Esca on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:27:00 PST

My 30s & Whys I dos and dont (Acen 2008)

UPDATE: 05/19/08 I WENT I CAME BACK I CONQUERED___________________________________________________ ___ UPDATE: 05/13/08 THANKS ADAM ______________________________________________________ Well there ...
Posted by Esca on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:00:00 PST

Hate to say it BUT Myspace is Sucking!

My URL link has always been but now there is a "Pick your MySpace URL! Click Here" when I log in my home page and it leads to no where. Does anyone have an idea what this is? No I...
Posted by Esca on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:02:00 PST

Gamer Popularity??? and Escas Concerns????

Just a few days ago I put up a bulletin about this GotCast looking for a gamer male person to be on this show. I naturally applied. Its been great so far till I get this email message below that made ...
Posted by Esca on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 01:56:00 PST

Looking for RL Guildies to Raid Lonelyness!

Ok, I have not bloged for a while. So here it goes. Everything has been going great and all that jazz, materialistic, career but not so much emotional. Summer is on its way and 7 (my bike) is going to...
Posted by Esca on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:35:00 PST

[email protected]

This blog is for all my "true gamer" friends on Myspace. I recently discovered a new site that is geared towards allot of my personally interests and that is gaming. There are a lot of people like wit...
Posted by Esca on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:04:00 PST

Fracking HO ho HO! From Esca!

This blog might be a little fueled buy recent current events that have happend in my RL life recently because of a blinded individual/individuals to what I find to be truths. If not agreed upon they a...
Posted by Esca on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:24:00 PST

Internet Bullies Before the Holiday Blog

It's been almost a month since my last blog and I am slacking. I could not think of anything to write and have something special in mind for the holiday once it gets here. It's not going to be pretty ...
Posted by Esca on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 07:10:00 PST