I hate writing biographical stuff so I'm going to keep this short. I'm one of the five people who formed MovieLOL, a sort of amateur internet production studio (read: 5 people with too much time on their hands who own a video camera).
We're currently working two projects, one is a popular Youtube series called Athene, and the other is our own I Power video series; aimed at more important matters like self-development.
We also have an I Power social network which can be found here: http://ipower.ning.com
Also, here are some answers to questions people frequently ask me, just cause I felt kind of silly copy/pasting my answers all the time:
Is Dean your real name?
Nope, not really. My real name is Daan, which is Dutch, so I kind of Englishified it a bit (I know that's not really a word) once we started doing English videos on Youtube.
How do you guys at MovieLOL know each other?
Reese is my elder brother, so that speaks for itself. He met Ian in college, who was already close friends with Chiren at the time - who at the time already had a relationship with Tania; so we all kind of met up eventually.
How do you pay the bills?
It took us a while, but we've finally reached a point where we actually make enough money off of what we do to make a living (for now at least) without having to do dayjobs. Not that we're lazy like that, but doing dayjobs would mean that we'd have to quit most (or all) of our current Youtube projects.
How did you come up with the Furious character?
Even I have absolutely no idea. It just kind of happened in improv I guess.
Are you in real life like in your videos?
If you mean the I Power videos then yes. If you're referring to the Athene videos, running around half-naked toting a gun and pretending to be black, I wouldn't say that's necessarily entirely accurate.
Can I have your phone number?
If I see what you guys are doing to my inbox, I'd hate to think about what that would do to my phone. ;)
Can I buy you a beer sometime?
Actually I don't drink. I'm not the kind of guy that's judgmental towards drinkers though, but that's just my choice. And for anyone who lives in my neighborhood and has asked me out, or asked to buy me a drink, you can sometimes catch me at the Vismarkt in Mechelen on Saturday evenings.