mustaches, vincent gallo, toshiro mifune, air-guitar, vardalisme, transgenderism, dishwashing, telemarketing, floedeboller, red lipstick, peeptoes , cameltoes, ankle boots, fisherman's friends, ginger beards, kissing, swearing at motorists, cocktales, practising the south-Dakota accent
the true Miss Albuquerque, Ethnikos Star, Kyrios Polys, Ian Svenonius, Yamatsuka Eye
sauerkraut rock, mock'n'roll, spooning rap, spank rock, the 555s, Byzies Byzantos
Pandemia by Gregor Vardalski, Stefanos Petrovic' filmography
VTV, VBS, Vouli Tileorasi
Ezra Heines, Nikiforos Apostolides
Batman, David Niven , Keith Richards, Peg Bundy, Bill Murray, Fielding Mellish