i am not interesting and not interested - i breath under water and suffocate in the air - i don't remember anything about my past lives _
- .--...__---+..
a m-e affair..
sola takuni live in the east suburbs......
censored solas
drum n witchcraft
fotografik piktures
the __________ .
some dance/performance artists appreciated by knot re-lay ---
Les Ballets C. de la B.
20 years of creative power in dance......
About 'experimetal'
Much art which is to a certain extent experimental is above all self-referential....
Alain Platel and his companions at Les Ballets C de la B have never been much concerned with all this navel-gazing. The choice of name itself was already statement enough. When it was founded in 1984 the name was used in full: Les Ballets Contemporains de la Belgique, an unsubtle reference to exactly what that motley crew that held open house in Alain Platel's attic did not want to be: a smart dance company. In fact from the very beginning there was even uncertainty whether one could actually call it a dance group at all. Alain Platel preferred to call it movement theatre and when 'Emma' came out in 1988 he said, 'the performances arise mainly out of non-spoken theatrical improvisation. It can sometimes lead to people dancing.'(Jan Middendorp, 1995)
Alain Platel on Pina Bausch
I remember three things about Pina Bausch:
one: dance is not a question of athletic performance or complex gymnastics at an Olympic level, it is rather a collection of 'indicative signs', replacing or supplementing the purely verbal for which we all too quickly (and easily) reach.
two: the fear and incapacity of people to communicate with each other is the ever-recurring theme in each of her works, and my concern is to transpose this sort of theme into visual terms.
three: the division between audience and stage should be made as minimal as possible. And yet this division is there, because what is shown is shown on the stage. In other words what is shown may deal with reality but it is not reality.
(unpublished text by Alain Platel intended for his colleagues,1982)
[both extracts from C. de la B. website]
Jan Fabre
"Angel of Death"
Meg Stuart
oh my goods...
Xavier Le Roy
..politics politics..
William Forsythe
"Enemy in the Figure"
more politics..
"Showroom Dummies"
even more politics..
Deufert + Plischke / frankfurterkueche
some more of these politics..
Bill Viola
Ko Murobushi
Tatsumi Hijikata
About japanese BUTOH dance ooooo
*knot re-lay's
hosted by VideoDance Festival 07
for more fotos go HERE
self portrait
ZITA dance company
below fotos by elisavet moraki@warda-processed by pedestrian
below foto by snjezana premus
video stills -
one of the research images(elis-warda)
* you can read the most absurd critique on self portrait HERE+++++++++++++++++++++
YELP dance company
the stitch (2002)
oroginal cast
in silence (2003)
Carbon Copy (2004/5)
talspel a dance video(2003)
performer : sania
dir : pedestrian
post: marina gioti
processed video-stills
mobilplay performance
1st+7th March 05 @ small music theatre
some desing images
vienna 2002
Jacques-Louis David The Intervention of the Sabine Women (1794–99)
...and Eve Sussman 1 , http://www.union-gallery.com/content.php?page_id=835"2 , 3
myself growing old