I'm cute, 5"0 in height, sweet, friendly and loyal to the WERMS!
My Interests
i luv to swim, surf the net, watch tv, textin...i love to have more frends..i love to travel places...i love to hang out with the W.E.R.M.S..i luv to rollerblade..i love dogs! i love everybody!
I'd like to meet:
sean williams, ashton kutcher, oliver james, wentworth miller, simon cowell, ali larter, kelly clarkson, fergie, and you!
i love the music the Black Eyed Peas play! i mean..they totally rock! they like have these multi-cultural hip hop group, and has reggae music and stuff! I also dig for Avril songs!
i go for movies which stars Ashton Kutcher or Sean William Scott! These guys are super cool! I love their movie, Dude, Where's my car...i dig for movies like The Bulletproof Monk, Evolution..i also like Harry Potter flicks, Shrek, Troy, Day After Tomorrow..they rock!and Click
i watch that's so raven, brothers garcia, even stevens, rugrats, MTV punk'd, cribs, room raiders, Victim, SCQ, Amazing Race, Survivor and Fear Factor,Beauty and the Geek, Parental Control, ANTM, Heroes, House..im lyk d reality tv digger..hehehe
hey, Harry Potter books rock my world!
CLaire from HEROES! haha. heroes..hmmm..that wud be God and my Parents! pwde na rin si Rizal,,hehehe
My Blog
invyt me naman oh!
[email protected] Posted by _jEzYkAh_ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST