Eatin and watching t.v., what a perfect combination. Iam not big so I can do that with no problem. Reading different kind of novels. Reading is soothing. Going to the gym a couple days out of the week or workout at home, not involving weights. watching movies eating medium rare hotwings, lol. Taking my son out the to see the world or the Memphis.
Stevie Wonder, George BushR-Kelly-so I can ask him what he charging 4 his daycare services.Kobe Bryant-so I can ask him was it good.Ah yeah! My dad.Whitney&Bobby-just 4 the heck of it.COMEDY TN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:15 P.M.Featuring the best stand up comedians and
Sundays- The Sports Bar and Grill
Mondays- The P&H
Check my blog for more info.
Myspace Comments
Blues, Jazz, classical, and I'LL GIVE COUNTRY A LISTEN OR 2
all Al Pacino movies, Dust till dawn 1-3,
Thieves Paradise, 700 Sundays-any novel by:Eric Jerome Dickey, R. Donahue Peebles- The Pebbles Principals, Philip Hesketh-The Infleunce of Persuasion, Russell Simmoms-12 Laws to Access the Power in You- So Inspirational- Currently reading Eckhart Tolle- The Power Of Now.Yall didn't know a black man read that much huh? No I'm not in jail.
GOD, MOM, DAD, SON and Thundercat...